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About TLBX

  • Birthday 13/10/1972

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  1. Sorry, just read the last reply...to late the hero.
  2. Hello, I'm probably very late for this, but is it still available?
  3. On it own and with its Spector cousins.
  4. Nice bass. I just recently picked one up here in Ireland. Ain't giged it yet but just might take it out tonite after finding this thread. Fantastic bass. Its a Cb4 from 92. All original Smith parts and case.
  5. Love his vibe! His tone on that album is amazing. 5 string Spector before he moved to MTD basses and Fender 5s now. See him with Harper in Shephards Bush late 98 blew me away. Nice thread.
  6. Yeah been a fan of his stuff since Stain and went back from there. Amazing all the stuff he's played on tunes I knew but never knew it was him. I found the Tackhead stuff hard to listen to at the time but watching them now on the Utube they're really a band to see live doubt they'll ever come to Dublin. Myself and a buddy did get to meet Doug at a music expo here after Andy taped his clinic on an old recordable walkman I still have a copy the cassette around here somewhere. I remember asking him how he does "that double kick drum thing", which is why I posted this in the 1st place as I just could not remember what he said as I was only a young fella and Dougstruck! But he did say something like Hey man its just a thumb and finger pop done real quick. Something like that. Anyhow, nice chatting mate. Brian
  7. Yeah had the same a while back. Id been using my Spector Ns2a since mid 92 and in 08 figured I need a jazz so got one in the states a stunning brand new 75 reissue. I played this bass for 3 years and in the latter few months was really trying to convince myself this was the bass for me. One night I brought the Spector back out and it was like putting on the nicest pair of old slippers everythig worked my tone, technique, vibe, inspiration for the music weird, but, it all realigned again...if that makes sense. At the time of getting the jazz I was looking to "retire" the Spector as it was getting on in years and just plain wanted a new bass, never been a collector. So I was back to the Spector till 2010!, I did use the jazz for a few other gigs but I was still struggling getting the tone and my technique out. Found all this very frustrating, having a top caliber instrument and just not enjoying it. I'm waffling now but I recon most players would say its good to have the various basses at hand for different situations. However I chose to.... Retire the NS2a to a new Spector Wimbish model. The jazz found a new loving owner with a swap deal for a Ken Smith. I recon I'm just not a Fender player but funny thing is ill probably pickup a cheap jazz at some stage now that I have the start of a small collection.
  8. Cheers mate. Fairplay with the description he does a lot of the triplet stuff. I kinda got a handle of the chord slapping stuff and mess around with some effects and try to get his groove ideas. I guess its then a matter if making it musical which he does so easily. Always loved Living Colour from the get go but when he joined up I tried so long to cope his stuff in Stain. Just getting back into Tackhead now we have YouTube. Nice1 talk t ya mate.
  9. Anyone got any idea how Doug Wimbish does his righthand double thumb/finger hammering thing?!
  10. I have a Korean Spector from 88/89 has been my only bass since getting it only retired it recently cause I got me a Euro Doug Wimbish at the start of the year super slim neck profile and classic tone. I've tried the lower end Legend models which are also nice. Id recomend trying one out before parting with top money for the higher end machines...because when you try a Legend you be in GAS for an Ns or Lx soon enough.
  11. Is this bass in Ireland by any chance?
  12. To yell with this I'm off to learn the keyboards. Might start with Echoes.
  13. Your dead right mate. Best to start with the early Sid material to get their sound and ideas. But from a modern bass point of view DSoT and the dvd is great totally agree with you on the big ensemble nonsense. But they must have had a ball you can hear it in Pratt's playing taking so many liberties with the songs. Animals is my personal favorite also. I ended up listening to it in the car today
  14. Always had a keen ear for Floyd. Blame my older sisters for that. The live album Delicate Sound of Thunder for Guy Pratt doing his thing is super stuff, reason I bought a Spector in early 90s. Money bass solo and all, apparently he doesn't like his solo and loads of over playing and effectastic result. It was the late 80s so a product of the times. Live album Pulse is a lot more refined and a fantastic mix and the whole of Dark Side to boot. ...Obscured by Clouds is a great over missed album also.
  15. Hello. I was checking out your super Spector collection If you decide to sell you blue lx let me know. Nice1
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