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Everything posted by MothBox
Metro 20. I am contemplating some modulation but not really too sure where to start as theres been no specific call for it in the music I'm playing. May add a blend for the Demon as it feels like there is some low end loss, but the overall tone of it is killer, and it may be the way that it punches out the mids and trebles that gives that low end loss feel to me. [attachment=208527:20160103 Pedalboard.jpg]
Check out the Danelectro Cool Cat Tremolo. Its relatively cheap and can do square wave chopping. https://youtu.be/nrqN-zXE884 Works the same on bass, no low end loss. They do a cheaper line of plastic pedals too, not sure if the internals are the same.
I play in a band that limits the sort of dirt I can use, too much just overwhelms the sound and doesn't fit, so I've been hunting for low to medium gain OD pedals, mainly for a tubey style low gain OD for some songs, and then just at that OD-distortion boundary for some places when I use a pick and want to punch through. For low gain I've been using the SGFX Beta, I think it covers the same sort of territory as the Blueberry. It has a lot of bass baked in and I love it! The SSBS Mini gets a similar sound at lower gain and then heads into more of a fuzz at high gains. Recently acquired an Aguilar Agro. To me this stretches from a low gain into a medium OD territory, and so far I really like it. I don't notice any major bottom end roll off, and when I use it I want to punch through in the mix anyway. Started using a SGFX Imperial at the lowest gain setting too - theres some videos on their website of it.
[quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1434477914' post='2800025'] Very nice, that. It's not as early as you claim (certainly not 1969 - Fender copies only started appearing around 1971), from the accurate construction & detail I'd say '73 at the very earliest. MIJ copies (including Fujigen) prior to that will tend to have small tuners, head-end truss rod covers, multi-part necks & veneered butcher-block body construction. Yours looks like the [url="http://psyco.jp/greco/c02_06.html"]PB-420S in the '74 catalogue[/url]. The "Gneco" logo dates it to '74 or earlier, but if there are codes on either the pickups or pots, you might be able to date it more accurately.[/quote] Thanks for the info. The shop I bought it from in Japan had it all taken apart for cleaning and found no serial to date it. Nothing left on the bottom of the original pots either to date, just a faint sign of it being made in Japan. The neck plate states it was made by Matsumoku. They had it dated as '69 to '72. The catalogue you posted looks just like it, and there is evidence of it formally having a bridge cover, whether that was an original or a later addition to the bass I don't know, it wasnt there when I bought it. Based on that I'd go with your suggestion of '73/'74.
I picked up this Greco P, dated between 1969-1972, a few months back and absolutely love it. The signal is really hot. Very heavy though. [attachment=194370:Greco P 2015.03.20 (1).JPG] [attachment=194371:Greco P 2015.03.20 (3).JPG] There are some japanese bass demos on this youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-aUxi7kJjQ&index=9&list=WL
My board is getting smaller and smaller as time goes on. Feels like the is the opposite to what is meant to happen! Now I'm looking at getting the DOD Bifet as a way of giving some deep boost through choruses now and then. [attachment=184003:2015.01.20 Pedal Board.JPG] [attachment=184004:2015.02.11 Pedal Board.jpg]
[quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1421400530' post='2660696'] Does that mean you're not really using it as a comp ? Got to say, I'd like to hear about how it performs as a comp. [/quote] I dial it in with compression but also with a bit of boost above unity. I find there is a much more noticeable squish with the Hikari than with the Opto, although I really have no experience with compressors to tell you what its actually doing. If it is a Demeter clone there is a review on Ovni labs.
[quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1421341222' post='2660154'] cool board I use the MXR chorus too - never seen anyone use the cutoffs like you though (cutting chorus to highs and just modulating the lows!!) [/quote] I had it the opposite way originally but felt that the highs were too pronoucned and lost some clarity whereas the unmodulated bottom end didn't really come through as I wanted. This will likely change through time as I play with my amp a bit more. Its a little hifi at the moment and I think thats where some of these settings are comming from. [quote name='ordep' timestamp='1421349426' post='2660292'] nice to see a fellow hikari user. :-) [/quote] Its a decent little pedal and the key thing for me was the space. I think I will keep it as the sole compressor and get rid of the opto if I put anything else on there.
[attachment=181053:2015.01.15 Pedal Board.jpg] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]It goes:[/font][/color][list] [*][b]Carl Martin Opto-Comp[/b] - bought off the back of Bongos review. Wanted something reasonably priced that gets rid of random peaks. [*][b]TC Electronic Polytune Mini 2 [/b]- soon to arrive, because it is small. [*][b]Kalikot Audio Hikari [/b]- heard it was based on a Dementer. Use as a boost to goose the Beta. Currently flicking between the Opto and this to see what works best. [*][b]Pump Lab Fuzz Against The Machine[/b] - bought this after seeing Juans demo. Loads of meaty bottom end. [*][b]SolidGoldFX Beta[/b] - usually have the gain turned down and the tone just before 12 o'clock. It's becoming a really key part of my sound through choruses where I want to boost the bottom end. [*]Smallsound Bigsound Mini - to me this feels like a low gain fuzz than a distortion. Really tight. Usually drop this in over the Beta. [*][b]MXR Analog Chorus[/b] - had the Corona before and loved it, but wasn't using the toneprints so picked up this as a replacement. I find it much easier to play with. [*][b]Chicago Stompworks Moose Pie[/b] - wanted to dip my toe back into the Muff pool because its got a more open distortion in comparison to the FATM and Mini, theres some feedback and it absolutely rips. [/list]
[quote name='booboo' timestamp='1417302561' post='2619061'] I don't normally use compression, but recently bought an mxr pedal and set it up in a pretty subtle and 'standard' way. I didn't really notice the difference, but after the gig I was surrounded by fanny - pretty much had to beat it off with a sh*tty stick to get out alive. I'll try it again next week, and if the results are the same I'll post my settings. [/quote] This absolutely cracked me up! Need to get myself one of those. I currently use an optical compressor set slightly above unity and trigger it as a boost alongside compression, usually because I'm digging in when I want that boost and figure it will help prevent aggressive peaking, not sure it actually works like that though. This also gooses my overdrives and distortions which can be useful. But when playing more mellow tracks with fingers I'm usually compressorless.
I had a Fender P (placid blue?) for a while but never really bonded with it. Had it setup with flatwounds and I loved the tone but I never went to it as my first choice when going out to practice. Recently picked up this PJ and play it predominantly as a P with a little bridge dialed in. I wanted something a little Korean / Jap punk rock. But, I saw this on Youtube a few days ago. Theres something about it, and it could be Renes playing, sounds really good with that pick. [url="http://youtu.be/sGnqucCJHTU?list=UUXvoRZ4JQezyPxWtUZ9QmWg"]http://youtu.be/sGnq...QezyPxWtUZ9QmWg[/url]
I've got one of these and heard its an OCD clone. I A/B'd it with a Joyo UD and its almost similar although I found that the same settings weren't exactly the same, but near enough. The low/high switch on the Glove is the extra to the UD. The UD gets raving reviews and I like it, but as the Glove is smaller it wins the space on my board, I gave the UD to my pet guitarist. A cheap pedal for a great sound.
http://www.hotoneaudio.com/nanolegacy/thunderbass.html Saw these in a local shop recently, tiny, but not convinced they'd really get a decent volume from them.
The main website still reads that they're not currently accepting donations due to overwhelming response. Is there any likelihood this will change in the near future? I've been sending guitar and bass strings over every few months or so and have another few sets to go. Its a shame to bin them if someone can use them.
I'm pro tweed! Very British! I've not seen any with custom materials like tartan, tweed etc. If the quality is as good as it looks in the photos you're onto a winner.
[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1402670335' post='2475842'] It's still in my pile of pedals to finish! . It's a big 'ol job. If I complete it, it sounds how I want, it's going to be up there with the Mantic pricing. High parts count (and so therefore build time), obsolete parts, it's not a cheap undertaking Si [/quote] Is that down to the complexity of the build or price of components? I'm really surprised there aren't more Meatbox clones and BYOC sets. It seems like its popularity has really taken off and original units don't come cheap.
[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1363812719' post='2018167'] I don't think anyone is suggesting that the Meatbox is musical.....it's completely stupid, over the top and imperfect....but therein lies it's beauty and character . The Octamizer is of course smoother, more refined and consistent etc, but does that make it a little less interesting?.....personal preference The expense is mostly down to hype, but as with anything, also scarcity. I'm working on a clone that will hopefully come in under the price of the Mantric copy and the MB itself, the circuit is finished and built, but as with anything, the devil is in the detail. Needs more testing and finding an enclosure is tough. Fingers crossed. Si [/quote] I'm digging up an old thread to ask if you managed to build the Meatbox clone and if so was it a difficult job to do? It seems the only options available are either an original Meatbox on eBay or a Mantic, both of which are quite pricey for me.