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  1. Midlife Crisis - Faith No More. Is this a boring bass line? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6tkyUI2wjI Still one of my favourite tunes.
  2. I have tried it, ended up picking the string with the corner of thumb nail. It was interesting. Hooking a thumb over the top of the neck is uncomfortable.
  3. From what I have just seen on youtube, it seems that in this kind of music: 1) bass player uses thumb (fret hand) to press E string (and maybe A string too?) 2) he/she also uses thumb of picking hand I have only played bass for nearly a year, but this is very different from what I am used to and caught my interest. So I wonder: Is there any inherent advantage on pressing E string with the thumb (at least in this kind of music) or is it just a convention? And same question for the other technique, is there any advantage or does it give it a different tone picking with thumb and index fingers? or in other words, why do they do that?
  4. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1387412620' post='2311803'] Understanding the intervals of a scale does not take years of university training. It's very, very basic stuff. A good teacher can explain it to you in 15 minutes. [/quote] I've started studying intervals. They're quite useful actually. Thank you!
  5. Why why why why is he in the kitchen?
  6. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1387373356' post='2311192'] In general -- the principle is the same. If you try to memorize "songs", it'll take years and you'll never quite get it. You have to understand form and basic theory. Do that, and you can play ANY song. And here's the "secret." When playing standards, there is no bassline. It's not a part. It's simply accompanying the chords. You don't to be able to read music but you have to know what notes are in a chord. Then you simply match the rhythm and notes of your choice to each measure. The most basic example , and best to practise, is a 2/5/1 progression. So, in the key of C, that's Dm7, G7 and C maj 7. Pick a tempo (or several tempos) and just mess around playing the notes in those scales. Then you can do the same thing in any key. After a while, you'll start to recognize chord groupings . I know this isn;t the quick/.easy answer to your question but it'll take no longer than learning one song. And then next time you'll be looking to copy the bassline to another and another and another. This way, you have limitless basslines at your fingertips. Good luck. [/quote] That reminds me I was following StudyBass.com lessons but I just ran impatient and started playing songs. So far I can play a few and I learnt a lot while practicing them (finger dexterity, string muting, things like that), so I can't really complain of "the path" I've taken. That said, Yes, I should probably get back to learning basic theory one of these days. And when I know enough theory to understand what you are actually saying (so far I'm clueless about concepts you metion), I will follow your advice. Thanks
  7. Wow guys, the amount of resources are great. I couldn't find anything. @Dad3353 What do the numbers under the stave mean? I've ignored them and it worked fine but am curious Thanks everybody
  8. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1387214246' post='2309484'] Could try following the notes written above the score on the following link - walk up/down the scales as desired. [url="http://www.harmonytalk.com/download/ErrollGarner-Misty.pdf"]http://www.harmonyta...arner-Misty.pdf[/url] [/quote] Thanks Lw, I can't read music sheets, so I don't know what those notes actually mean. But I will try and see if I can figure it out, I'm sure it'll pay off in the long run. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1387266866' post='2309932'] [url="https://www.facebook.com/jamiebrownfieldjazz"]https://www.facebook...ebrownfieldjazz[/url] there is a JB website and soundcloud but Misty is only on the facespace page at the moment [/quote] Hi steve-bbb, are you suggesting I come up with the bass line by ear? Oh I don't know... Excellent performance by the way! Thank you guys!
  9. Second chance
  10. Hello ladies and gentlemen, Someone asked me to play Misty with her. She's playing a clarinet and I have the tablatures for clarinet. How could I come up with a bassline for it? I don't know music theory. But I know that the traditional role of the bass is to play root notes, would that work here? There is a performance [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_tAU3GM9XI"]here [/url]with a double bass in it, ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_tAU3GM9XI ) but there is not clarinet, and the bassline is not very audible anyway. Any suggestions on what should I do, being a newbie and all? Thank you
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1383329761' post='2263312'] Might be worth taking it along to the best bass/guitar tech in your area for a service and clean. He comes highly recommend and won't charge you through the nose for a below par job like R&B Music will. Clue : you won't have to go too far to find him. [/quote] Haha, I was actually there about a month ago asking how much would it be to strap the bass, and definitely will bring it on to get that done. But as for cleaning it and all, I want to give it a try myself first. Ta!
  12. It's [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/esp-ltd-b-50-bass-guitar?pfm=rv"]this one [/url]
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383260158' post='2262434'] Have you considered the cleansing effects of fire..? Edit: And welcome to the forum! [/quote] haha, there'll be time for that in hell. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1383261819' post='2262458'] How much [u]did [/u]you pay for it?? [/quote] Oh, come on, make your guess!
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1383257982' post='2262393'] ...but I'd watch your language, or you'll 'ave the mods after you..! [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383299875' post='2262708'] There is if you know where to look. [/quote] Freudian slip. Yesterday I asked for an americano and I got a capuccino instead. But deep inside, what I really wanted was a capuccino, so maybe I did ask for a capuccino after all.
  15. Thanks. I'd like to "like" your comments, but there is no thumb-up bottom to click here. Thanks guys
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