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Everything posted by Bostonbass

  1. Sold subject to confirmation
  2. Hi all...I've posted here in the past that I was looking for a new p500h head to replace the faulty unit in my Promethean P5110 combo. I've now got the P3110 combo, and so I'm selling the cabinet from the P5110. If you've got a p500h head, this would be ideal for you to make up a highly regarded combo for the smaller to medium gigs, or you might just want to use it as an extension. In any case, the bolt fittings for the head are included, as is the carry-bag. It's in excellent condition, and I've never gigged it due to the amp fault. Collection from me near Boston in Lincolnshire, when you can hear it working. [attachment=174119:Promethean basschat 002.JPG][attachment=174120:Promethean basschat 001.JPG]
  3. Sorry...I missed your PM to me. Have replied now.
  4. I've sent a message to Beta Aivin, and will see how we get on. Thanks everyone for your advice. In the meantime I've connected a GK MB200 to the cabinet and it sounds, dare I say it, better than the Promethean head. So I think I'll definitely be hanging on to the cabinet for now, even if I can't get a fix on the original amp. (The GK MB200 also fits neatly into the Promethean case, which is a bonus.)
  5. Very useful info Musky. I'll pass it on, but as he says it would still be incredibly hard to find the fault and repair even with the schematic, I don't hold out too much hope. Finding a new circuit board...who knows?
  6. Good point, and thanks..I think that if this were an option, he would have pursued it. He is reluctant to work without the schematics though, and Ibanez have not replied to any of his requests. I don't know if it would be economic even if possible. I might be better off holding on to the speaker and hope that something turns up by way of a replacement amp.
  7. Hello all. Just joined BC after much time lurking. Excuse me if this has been covered elsewhere. I have searched. I recently bought a P5110 combo at a reasonable price...too reasonable it seems, as the amp started cutting out after one gig. It will run fine for a couple of hours, and then die for 24 to 36 hours before it will fire up again. It's been to a very capable engineer who has ruled out the obvious problems like overheating, and said: [i]" I think the problem is down to the PWM signal disappearing in the power amp circuit which I think is down to a failing IC. There are lots of surface mount components in that part if the circuit which makes it impossible to find without a schematic (and still incredibly hard with one!). My guess is it would be beyond economic repair to find the fault and ibanez would probably just swap the circuit board."[/i] I know there are plenty of bad news stories on the boards, but wonder if anyone has ever had a successful repair of a Class D amp with a fault like this done, and if so, where. The cabinet is currently being used as an alternative extension to my GK150E combo, so not a [i]total [/i]write-off.
  8. Hi all, Firstly, it’s Boston UK (Lincolnshire), not MA, USA Been playing for 40 years or so, most of the time in folk and roots…think Transatlantic Sessions, but with electric instead of double bass (which to my regret I don’t play, and musically I’m no Danny Thompson). Also quite busy playing for ceilidhs. My main gear is a 1973 standard p-pass, which I’ve owned from new, A 1980 Ibanez Artstar A John Levoi acoustic bass, which he made for me in 1980. GK MB150E combo + 112 MBX cabinet Trace Elliot GP7 SM150 combo Roland Micro Cube RX. And the current fly in the ointment… A Promethean P5110 combo, which I can’t gig due to reliability issues. It keeps cutting out. I’m trying to decide whether to sell it on as “spares or repair” (The cabinet is mint, and comes with the case), or try and find a replacement amp…maybe a GK MB200 which would fit neatly in the case with the cabinet. I see the P5110’s are widely discussed on here, so hopefully I can get some advice from you friendly people.
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