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Everything posted by BDBass

  1. I'm based east but can meet most places, central, northish?
  2. Yes please! London based if you ever come into town?
  3. Interested in the Diabolik. Are you London based...?
  4. Bought a Pedaltrain Classic Jr off Daryl, in great condition and as described! Easy transaction thanks
  5. BDBass


    Hi Daryl, I'd like to buy this! Are you receiving my DMs?
  6. Interested in the Big Muff!
  7. Hi Ben, long shot... but I am actually selling a hard Fender case for £80 in eBay, and I wonder if you'd like to swap? I'm in East London. I was looking at the other Mono cases, but now that I see this perhaps it was meant to be? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/142678997043?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
  8. Ah thanks, but I'm actually looking for the plain black ones with just the "F" logo on them...
  9. Beautiful bass! I have a very similar one! Sorry if this is off-topic but do you know where I can get replacement volume/tone knobs, just like these? GLWS!
  10. Hey Pestie, is this MIM or MIJ?
  11. Hey, interested in this! Sent a direct message...
  12. Having checked al your awesome suggestions, it seems that this one has the best size platform for my gear and looks sturdy with good wheels. Before I click buy, I just wanted to check that this is what you mean? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dragon-Match-Folding-Trolley-Pneumatic-Wheels-Compact-When-Folded-Fishing-Tackle-/390962027064?_trksid=p2054897.l4275
  13. Hope it's OK to revive this topic... I am looking for one and all the links in this thread no longer work or the products no longer exist! Any up-to-date 2014 advice would be very highly appreciated! I have seen people using slightly elevated ones, so the amp isn't right next to the ground... Any idea where I might find one? Thank you!
  14. I've been doing the same kind of research, because I have an Ampeg 410 cabinet and and a Tech21 head that are far too heavy to carry and sometimes too big for smaller gigs. My criteria has therefore been that it's 100w (which is suitable for smaller gigs, and the genres I'm involved in) and I can carry (light!). The shortlist has been [b]GK[/b], T[b]C Electronics[/b] and [b]Fender Rumble (100)[/b]. While I'm still waiting to hear the latter, it seems to be a winner among most gigging bassists, not only for it's good sound, but probably mostly because of it being lightweight. All of these are under the £300 mark and very decent amps. Again, my criteria is based on the weight and the fact that I have the 410 to fall back on for bigger shows. Having lugged around many amps in my time, my advise would be to think about the weight as well... Hope that helps
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