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Everything posted by leemarseillebass

  1. On August 15th 2015 Mr Big's singer said I'm 'Billy Sheehan reincarnate - and he isn't even dead yet.' 45 and too old, but still flattered to death.
  2. I'm still cheesed off I live too far away to chuck myself into the pot, this band sound genuinely brilliant.
  3. Just thought I'd chip in about the Attitude bass here. I have the Mk2 and I finally got round to raising the woofer pickup about 4mm with dense foam - best thing I ever did. I used to turn that output up a little more if I used both channels separately but it's not the same as what I'm getting off it now. I'd say hand on heart it's now the ballsiest bass by far
  4. This is mine. I used two wee Ampegs, not a bad tone I reckon: http://youtu.be/7smt6tiSu9I
  5. I'm agreeing with madshadows here. This album took a little longer to grasp, it's not as obvious as the first. Sheehan changed compressors, the way I hear it through Audiolab/Q Acoustics stuff is his bass sounds kinda glassier? There's less in your face growl, it's more of a smoother gnarly tone to me, but I am 45 and a tiny bit deaf. What? It's a broader album that risks appealing to more people, if you can call it a risk. Saw them first time round - bloody epic live band, a real bar band feel that played like they'd just left school and seeing them again in a couple months. Can't wait!
  6. Haha! I have to admit I think she's a bit weird, having said that when I give it some she sort of does a slow moon walk away. I should maybe buy her some white socks and a badly fitting trilby maybe?
  7. Cheers mateys! I've been on a while now but never actually stated anything! Yep, love this site, it's the future haha
  8. Well, probably should have done this a long time ago but better late than never. I'm Lee, originated from the depths of Wigan where I played with Riff Raff which became Northern Riot, a cover band that was huge fun to play in. After that i joined a newly reformed Marseille with the chap off telly playing lead guitar - comical/great/ridiculous in equal parts. Good fun. I've had a few basses - mainly Yams but stuck with my Attitude 2, it's still my favourite instrument by far. I moved to Gateshead, I've since played a gig with Eric Martin, well, 4 songs and it was a bit surreal. Tremendous stuff. In Marseille I used an Ampeg 450 head with the 610...huge and brilliant but pointless in a way, spent more time turning it down. I've had some Hy-Drive units but struggled with the brashness, they were great with regular basses but with my Yamaha it was too shrill so went back to smaller Ampeg combos. I'm all about the mids...I compress both channels separately, I distort the split P channel slightly but keep the 'big', much like Mr Sheehan. The guy's a genius with tone. I've done various bits of random fills, studio stuff - cannot read music and as such I've learned to learn stuff pronto, improvise like a good un... And me and my Mrs have a Lhasa called Lola who sits in front of the amps while I play - what a top, top dog she is Cheers chaps and chapettes, I enjoyed that 12 minute waffle just now x
  9. I'm NE too! I'm a bit inspired to do this introduction thing meself...
  10. For what it's worth everyone should experience this bass. It's phenomenal in every way - it almost forces you to play better, dig deeper, try harder and works your ligaments. Yeah, maybe some do 'struggle with the neck' but as the man himself says - 'it's a strength instrument'.... you're not supposed to be all casual and expect resounding sounds - right? Someone buy this for the bargain price it is! Treat yourself - Xmas is coming and if you're proud of what you do this amazing instrument will zone your spotlight far stronger than anything else - Lee.
  11. Cheers mateys - it was surreal tbh. The whole thing was rushed, he got there late, no real sound check, zero practise - totally amazing all the same. I'm playing some bass lines I love, on the bass that sits well with me, with the singer I totally admire. And I didn't have time to tell him ha - awesome all the same and a unique chance to back a hero
  12. http://youtu.be/t6CkRVtRDTM And an acoustic Undertow!? Has this been done before?
  13. I had a one off chance to play with Eric Martin in Newcastle last Saturday, totally one off acoustic experience which I felt completely gobsmacked.
  14. For what this is worth as I'm over a year late(!), my overseas friend Jon has played Billy's live rig several times, the weight and impact of really deep lows, huge lower mids combined with screaming distortion is his thing, most clips/audio you can find doesn't cope or reproduce the lows well but they are permanently there, and monstrous.
  15. What a completely brilliant sound. I'd bloody love this! In a couple of months if not sooner - I'll pester you for it.
  16. Going off how it sounded through the Mac, 10, 15 and 12? I have two separate tens. Tens are good.
  17. I decided to do a clip more about tonality as opposed to a gazillion notes - How's it sounding? http://youtu.be/7smt6tiSu9I
  18. I'm about to do the same! I have pretty consistent patterns whizzing round my tiny fragile mind and I'm finally starting this now. I've got the Logic Pro X, the Focusrite 2i2'll be here in roughly a week then it all starts. Genuinely excited too
  19. My first bass was a Marlin(!?), the first proper one was a Yamaha BBN4. I used this bass sooo much and managed to get the Attitude 2, had a 714BS too but didn't touch it anywhere near as much - I do believe it's the best 4 stringer made, most versatile, hugely varied sound....I don't reckon the neck's too wide at all, just move your elbow round a little more! Awesome, awesome instrument especially in full two amp mode though single output still pips every other bass I've heard.
  20. Hi mate, I have one of these. Definitely the best pedal comp I've heard in action, partly due to the fact I can't hear it work. I could tell you how I set mine but I like strong compression, it brings out harmonics, I play finger style and don't touch pics, this little unit really shows which part of the string you're pulling from, close to bridge very twangy, close to neck very warm...the top left knob I have set to full on, top right a l m o s t full on, input around 11 o'clock, output just under 1 o'clock but my Attitude bass is very loud so this keeps the signal in check, at least as far as my sound goes anyway, and the Middle switch is on full compression too. Very recently changed from Hartke back to two Ampeg combos so I now need another comp, possibly a basic one for the bass channel - how expensive is this malarkey?? Hope this helps! Cheers, Lee.
  21. Well, I should start the experiences I've had. Numerous different bands, lots of live work accomplished, many realisations as to why I've almost gone full circle and got a 40 watt combo, well, two of them to run with with my bass' twin jacks. I've had the Ampeg 610, SVT450, the Ampeg 210, both versions of the 15" Ampeg combos, I went into Hartke Hy-Drive stuff, namely the 5210 combo into the 115C. It's took this long to fully grasp about backline...I've spent too long having to turn down, stop feed back from mics, having my stuff only as loud as the stage wedges anyway I don't particularly use massive onstage power plus people don't hear your stuff anyway, cue questionable looks from people when I'm telling them I've got two of the new Ampeg BA110v2's. I have to admit I fell for the familiarity a little, the benefit being their new Scrambler function works for one of the channels while the other one is just solid tone. Much of volume is perceived loudness anyway. You think I'm a little mad? You should hear them both. Yep, small but they sound like they're fight with a way bigger heart and it's quite a thing feeling the tangible notes. I've ordered a Zoom Q2hd too so I will be uploading a clip or two that'll hopefully pick up all the audio I'm currently hearing Cheers, Lee.
  22. This looks and sounds an ace band to get into, someone's going to drop on their feet with this Hope you get someone decent chaps. Lee.
  23. I love my Hy-Drives. I'm aware they can sound brash but I'm now a fan of having too much potential and stepping back if need be, not 'so so' and tweaking like mad to be heard. We've 2k monitors and my sound is consistently with it, very potent, very strong.
  24. Ah I should have said - I've had no problems playing live with what I had, the older guitarist who was a bit obsessive with too many pedals stated its what I should do but as I say, I've had no issues to begin with plus I don't need or want anything else! I'll have a look now at the links you nice chaps have sent me though Thank you mateys, Lee.
  25. Morning! I've a Pitchblack, M87 compressor and a Fullbore, they're linked mains wise by an adjoining mains lead initially fed from the tuner. I've had no trouble at all but I am aware I need a mains brick, my question is these relatively cheap ones ie £20-40 I've seen on eBay/Maplin etc - are they worthwhile changing to or is it only worthwhile with a 'proper' one? Cheers
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