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Everything posted by Fraktal

  1. Check out the Ibanez SR505. Thinnest neck in the market, perfect for fast playing, VERY light and comfortable (in fact lighter than many guitars), heavily contoured body, optimal balance, very versatile sound with Bartolini pickups and preamp, can do anything from old school wooly sounds to clanky-zingy-earthshattering metal, and if you like wood, it has the looks. I love mine!
  2. I stack my 102 combo above a 151HF cab, and yes, the corners at the front of the combo stack perfectly. Anyway there wouldnt be a problem if they didnt, because most of the time, when reharsing, I tilt the combo to hear myself better (though I need to pull it a little bit) and it has never moved, not even a milimeter. I suppose the carpet covering the 151HF and the rubber feet on the combo are working as they should. You would need to hit the combo hard to make it tilt back when stacked. Most of its weight is at the front.
  3. [quote name='grumble' post='571202' date='Aug 17 2009, 12:25 AM']OTH,the guy presenting should have been have been strangled at birth.[/quote] Indeed, and his image advisor's father should have had a vasectomy and save this world of such a mistake.
  4. Be warned: It might be extremely hard to beat the sound of your Streamer. I have had dozens of basses over the years, some of them as expensive as 4000 euros, custom made, and none of them managed to beat my Rockbass Streamer Std 5 string. I know it sounds crazy such a cheap bass could be that good, but thats just the way it feels to me. Those MEC soapbars are a miracle, not to mention they are prized at 180 euros EACH, worth more than the whole bass. Again, I know that sounds crazy, but check MEC website if you dont believe me I dont play it much live anymore because I have some serious back problems and I cant make it balance right when standing, so now I mostly use my Ibanez SR505 when gigging. This Ibanez is probably the best balanced and most comfortable bass I have ever tried (honorable exception of headless designs) and, even though its sound is very good, I still play my Streamer when recording bass tracks since I can play while sitting and my back isnt an issue then. This, of course, is a totally subjective opinion, you might be looking for a sound that has nothing in common with the Streamer, but for me that particular bass is perfect tone-wise. If you would accept a recommendation, dont sell your Streamer until you have abused intensively of your new bass for a few months. There is always a chance you could regret it.
  5. Fraktal


    [quote name='redstriper' post='561531' date='Aug 5 2009, 11:06 PM']the second clip is with new strings which don't need talc[/quote] Actually I used corn oil since it was much slippery than the talc and lasted longer (stinky as hell, though, but you cant use mineral oils with silicone rubber). Did they improve the strings somehow? I never heard of Ashbory strings that didnt need some kind of lubricant.
  6. There are several trash metal groups in reharsal rooms beside mine, trash is not between my genre preferences, but Im enough open minded to recognize something well done. There is a particular band with very good themes, sound and arrangements. Even though I dont enjoy the genre too much, its always a pleasure to listen to them simply because they are that good. Their bass player has one of the most aggresive bass tones I have ever heard, suiting its style perfectly. It has loads of high mids to cut through the mix and give that "clank" sound, typical of that genre. He uses a Peavey combo equipped with a single 15" Black Widow speaker. I honestly think everything is in a 15". As davidmpires wisely said all you need is EQ and cab placement (not necessarily in that order).
  7. Fraktal


    I had an Ashbory and loved its tone, but in the end I had to sell it because I couldnt get used to the extremely short scale. Just a few inches more would have been perfect because intonation is a big concern when playing the tiny bass. Are those wood models commercial? Would be nice to order a custom "XL scale" in case those arent already, cos I see those string knots dont have much string left, at least the Rickenfaker.
  8. [quote name='Mr.T' post='560932' date='Aug 5 2009, 10:57 AM']Hi, No, I didn't try tilting the cab. I have come to the conclusion that a single 15" just ain't going to do it for me anway.[/quote] I have a better idea that might help you. Instead of tilting the cab, try to elevate it to your ears level using a few empty beer boxes, easy to find at any pub so you dont need to carry them. That will get rid of the floor coupling effect and damp those very low frequencies (40-50Hz) that are bothering you, plus allow you to clearly hear that highmid bump that you used to set on your Trace Elliot. Your old TE gear had speakers that will be considered inneficient by today standards, hence the much better low end response of the Compact. Honestly, all you need to get a killer bass sound should be a 15", and I bet the Compact is an excellent cab. The only thing I might miss in a 15" cab would be a tweeter because I love the "zing" of new strings, but I'm pretty sure adding a small tweeter with a high pass filter to the Compact would be child's play. Time to pester Alex, I guess . Anyway, you are completely right about the need of a better EQ than the built in Markbass. Its not that the Markbass EQ section is crap, just much less versatile than the Trace Elliot. Can you borrow a Boss EQ stomp? Not as good as the TE but could prove very useful for testing purposes. Please try the EQ stompbox and beer boxes under your cab on your next gig and let me know, Im almost sure it will help you a lot and Im honestly interested to see the results.
  9. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='560918' date='Aug 5 2009, 10:46 AM']Master Volume [/quote] I see, it used to be downside in line with the rest of the pots. Now its place has been taken by a line out pot, had to check the official web to figure out.
  10. Im very curious whats that yellow pot on the upper right?
  11. Thats a real beauty! Could you please tell me whats the string spacing and weight? Thank you!
  12. I've got a Markbass CMD102P and it is almost a perfect amp. There are only 2 things that I dont like about it: 1- The piezo tweeter has a crappy sound and 2- You might need an external 15" if you play a 5 string bass. Everything else I can say about this amp is VERY GOOD. Very hard to find a better combo!
  13. Hello Mr. T Based on Alex's frequency response description of the compact speaker, have you tried tilting the cabinet so the speaker is pointing directly to your ear? Because that mid-hump curve you describe on your old TE gear EQ sounds very similar to what Alex said.
  14. The neck of a Ibanez SR 505 is VERY thin, though they are prone to neck problems. After I purchased the first SR 505 in my city, some bassist friends ordered them at the local shop after checking mine and they still havent received them. 2 basses arrived, but both had twisted necks. The shop guys obviously sent them back as faulty to the Ibanez distributor. It could be that I was very lucky to get one with perfect neck, or that they were too unlucky. Either way, its not the first time I hear people complaining about Ibanez quality control and difficulties to find a flawless SR. Its a killer bass for the money, lightweight, comfortable, pretty looking woods, bartolini electronics... but check the neck extensively before purchasing one.
  15. Whenever I think about power amps, QSC brand and their PLX series comes to my mind first. Lightweight, clean, loud, reliable, theres not much else to ask from a power amplifier. I have used several different PLX models for years on very long tours, enduring hits, extreme heat, cold, humidity, tons of dust, faulty AC lines and every other harsh situation you can think of on the road. They never broke. Never. Surely there might be some other great amps out there, but I CBA.
  16. Just like Bill said, it might be very hard to find a suitable replacement. What about wiring the other 6 speakers with a usable impedance? You wont notice much difference in volume, and you only need to leave the broken speakers unplugged. Cheap, fast, easy and tone-matching solution!
  17. Hey Nick, Markbass amps have a built in limiter to prevent square waves/distortion. Supposedly it works comparing the input signal with the output signal, if it is not the same it means distortion is happening and the limiter kicks in. Try playing at a much lower volume and see if the EBS compressor makes a difference then. If it does then the built in amp limiter is preventing your compressor from doing its job at your usual volume. Maybe you need more than 250 watts.
  18. I wasnt too convinced by those doble shoulder straps until I saw this one: [url="http://www.slider-straps.com/"]http://www.slider-straps.com/[/url] I have yet to order one, but it looks ace.
  19. Hello fellow basschatters My Ibanez SR505 came with a set of elixir strings that werent too bad for the first few months, but eventually developed muddiness in the 5th and 4th strings. Has anybody ever tried the alcohol pipe method to clean elixir strings? Did it work at all? Thanks a lot!
  20. If I had the money I would order a 5 string uberhorn just right now. Thats class, style and good taste in a bass.
  21. Passive electronics can handle a low B string as good as active ones, and sometimes even better. A perfect example of this would be, surprisingly, a very cheap bass, the warwick rockbass streamer standard 5 strings, passive MEC soapbar pickups and no pre. Clean, defined and punchy lowB, with an even signal output compared to the E string. No wool there. You should really try one, that bass has always surprised me.
  22. Try placing your combo in a solid wall corner, that should help with your lack of lowend. Still, dont expect miracles from a single 12" speaker, specially if you play at loud volumes. VPF at 3 o'clock is way too much IME. That is dampening mid frequencies a lot, precisely the kind of frequencies that combo can reproduce efficiently. My VPF is always at 7 o'clock (thats completely off). Also, getting lost in the mix as you said usually happens when your bass is lacking mid frequencies badly. Thats were you usually find definition in the bass tone.
  23. Drop C with a 105 string? I dont pretend to jinx it, but I would expect a very wooly, undefined tone with such a gauge, despite the inner core. Certainly thicker strings die faster, but at least they have a decent tension and tone until they need to be replaced.
  24. I have used both Dunlops and Schallers for years. In my experience the Schallers are more robust and secure, lasting longer than the Dunlops. Oh yeah, regarding the leads, there is nothing like Neutrik plugs.
  25. Hello fellow Line6 pals, I thought I should share a sound that I discovered 3 months ago and every day that passes I love it even more. I came by this sound while doing a bit of my typically obsessive research that I always fancy with all kind of technological gadgets such as computers, processors, plugins, multiFX... you name it. Since the Line6 Pod Xt Live is such a complex unit, giving you zillions of options, I used my standard approach to multiFX: I turn everything off, then I turn on one thing at a time with flat EQ, neutral tweaks, etc. This way I get a better perception of what a particular element of the signal chain does to my tone without being fooled by another effect/emulation/whatever plus I remove a lot of sh*t from the signal path that I might not really need to use and prevent degradation of my tone. You know, most of the time, less is more, heh. Then I found this particular amp model called doppelganger that had a decent sound out of the box but a much beter tone with my typical "start with everything flat and move on from there" approach. It is funny that the distortion you get from overdriving this amp model is generated out of the low frequencies but perceived mostly in the mid frequencies while leaving the high frequencies pretty much clean, though heavily compressed. There is no typical harshness associated to most overdrive/distortion sounds, neither lowend loss. Unless you use too much gain, the dynamics of your playing will alter the overdrive instead of the overall volume creating very musical, ear-pleasing harmonic overtones in the mid fequency range, to the point where you can easily hear dramatic character changes depending on how hard you pluck, the time you hold a note, etc. It adds a lot of sustain, also, but I guess this was obviously expected. Enough chitchat, knob twisting time: Create a new patch, select the doppelganger amp model, set the amp EQ to "neutral" (all knobs at 12 o'clock), deactivate EVERYTHING else in the signal path, such as speaker, mic/room, AIR, stomps, etc. Then adjust the amp model gain to your taste and finally tweak the "bassy overdriven" character using the bass eq knob in the amp with VERY subtle changes (a 5% addition/substraction could have dramatic effect on it). If you find there is too much zing due to new strings you can easily reduce it with the high eq knob, this sound tends to boost the zing effect a big deal. You may also need to enable the parametric EQ to clean a bit of the lowmid range (150-300hz, YMMV) to get rid of some muddiness in case your rig tends to boost those frequencies. Dont panic, your speaker isnt farting and your amp isnt gonna blow up, its just this sound It is crucial to set the right amount of gain and low knobs, they are EXTREMELY sensitive in this particular model. In my experience, the sweet spot is found when you pluck hard and get a clearly distorted sound, then you pluck softly and get an almost completely clean sound. Yes, this sound is THAT temperamental. I would gladly post here my .l6 effect patch file, but having in mind what I said before about the gain and low knobs, that would be next to useless cos there are also huge output voltage differences between different basses, not to mention plucking techniques, etc. Additionally, there is not much tweaking needed, just "finetweaking", since we are using only an amp model here so I prefer to explain the procedure rather than giving out a file that wont work for you. Im using it with an Ibanez SR 505 and a Markbass 2x10" combo (everything flat) and getting a surprisingly old school sound. Playing with my band I feel guilty for having such a versatile and advanced FX processor while discarding all my old effect patches in favor of this one, LOL. It is really working THAT good for me. Incredibly, it works in all styles we play: Swing, blues, funk and rock. If you didnt drop asleeep already and take the time to try to reproduce this sound with your rig, I would love to listen to your experience. Mine has been 3 Months of tone nirvana and non-stop fun, surely must be worth a shot! I hope you enjoy it. Feedback welcomed!
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