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Everything posted by -Virtue-

  1. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1386188859' post='2297024'] Wow....learn sonething every day i didnt know steinberger's were still being made....didnt they get bought out by gibson or someone? Sweet looking bass....how you getting on with headless element? I had to put fret blocks on my jack or i kept getting wrong notes! [/quote] not sure they got bought out, but its sure a sweet axe! And as for it having no head, its alright! not really noticed any difference interms of finding my way around, although im used to playing a restrung righty so its gonna take me a long while to get used to it, if I had a complaint it would be theres nowhere to put your bridge hand, but tbh, you can rest it on top and I usually alternate between finger and pick anyway so its not much of a big deal.
  2. and here it is: [color=#333333]sounds awesome too,[/color][color=#333333] had a good sesh at my Band practice tonight, i might have to get it professionally set up though, theres a bit of fret buzz on the 5th string, but it still sounds great, takes some getting used too! but I love it, its so unique, and Thomann did a great job at delivering it from Germany in 3 DAYS!!! free postage!!! [/color]
  3. and under a wall of distortion
  4. thanks people! I get the idea now and Geddy Lee did get a good tone (if very trebly) out of one....They are indeed very pretty (especially in flameburst.....*drools*), I dont think i'd ever own one though....
  5. I see, i didnt realise you can copyright a shape! how come theyre arnt lawsuits galore for p-bass style guitars and the likes then?
  6. i'm sorry, i er, dont get it...surely theyre just another brand like Fender, Gibson etc?
  7. Being a bit of a noob when it comes to basses (im more knowledgeable on 6 strings) whats the deal with them? the whole copyright thing? not being allowed to sell them on here etc? whats the controversy?
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1383997459' post='2271652'] Never, because a Fender never looks or sounds out of place. [/quote] except maybe in a death or black metal band
  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1384249456' post='2274354'] I really don't see why you should subject yourself to torture by upside-down instrument when there are lots of good, relatively cheap lefty models around. Ibanez and Warwick (Rockbass) spring to mind. [/quote] all the models I posted are left handed...the only lefty ibanez is the GSR205L and no place ive looked deliver to the uk [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1384254585' post='2274415'] I have the shine (note your link was the 4 string version, which has a basswood body (I think) and JJ pickups. The 5 stringer has a (at least) 3 piece Ash body with JM style pickups. Was playing mine last night for the first time for ages (just couldn't get on with a 5 stringer a few months ago). Really quite enjoyed playing it last night, although it really really needs a setup as the action is all over the place coming direct from the importer (just down the road from me in Poole). If you have a limited budget, its not a bad option but the neck is quite widish - if you are a J type person then the Ibanez is probably hard to beat (not tried one other than holding it). Someone mentioned the Cort B5. I have the B4 and again, although I was struggling with the wider neck a few months ago, got it back out last week and absolutely fell in love with it again. Great sound and very very well built (essentially the same as an Ibanez SR600/605, just different electronics (same pickups) and wider neck). However unless you can get one secondhand or B Grade (Thomann.de?) then the cheapest price I have seen is about £450 from the American Guitar Centre in Kent (via Ebay) who I got my B4 from. [/quote] There are no lefty ibanez guitars on thomann unfortunately, And doh! yeah i meant to post the 5 string shine, I was looking at the red one. As I said, I wanted something a little alternative looking so a Jazz bass probably wouldnt suit my image, I'm really considering the Steinberger, since it just looks cool and is probably the most radical bass i can find within my pricerange. It really is difficult to find lefty 5 stringers
  10. -Virtue-

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1384241825' post='2274254'] I used to have a plexi guitar in my late teens/early 20's (which would have made it early/mid 70's) - made by Shaftsbury, copied from the Dan Armstrong original. At the time it was the nicest guitar I'd owned by a distance. I do remember it being quite heavy though - looks like a lot of acrylic on that flying V. [/quote] yeah its about as heavy as a bass, ive got a nice thick padded strap though so its not really that bad, damn thing was a nightmare when i got it though! I ordered it off ebay from America and it came broke and looked like it had water damage from sitting in a warehouse, the lower strap button was sheered off due to rust! luckily the chaps who sold it me on ebay refunded $100 dollars! that went straight back into drilling a new straphole and setting the guitar up.
  11. -Virtue-

    Guitar Porn

    heres my guitars, i'm a poor boy so cant afford massively expensive gear, but heres my modified squier strat: clear scratchplate, grounded and shielded (no pickup hum!) clear knobs and pickup holders, hotrail, and all electrics replaced with American Standard Strat ones. currently has Red Devils on but I'm not too keen on them, far too thin: and my Galveston acrylic Flying V:
  12. new member leftie here, I switched to the low end a few years ago (originally I play guitar left handed), at the moment im using restrung basses, a squier p-bass and a Vintage. Its not too bad, but I really want a leftie bass i can call my own! Seriously considering a steinberger....
  13. Ok this may be a hard one but I'm looking for a new 5 string bass, one problem is I'm left handed, so they are hard to come by anyway. My max price is around £300 but i'm looking for something a little left-field (no pun intended), hell anything unusual or off the wall is right up my street, At the mo I'm playing restrung righties. I've done some research and there is a good few options available to me! At the moment its a toss up between these: [URL=http://www.thomann.de/gb/esp_ltd_b_55_black_lefthand.htm]ESP LTD B-55 Black[/URL] [URL=http://www.thomann.de/gb/steinberger_guitars_spirit_xt_25_standardb_stock_2.htm]Steinberger Spirit XT 25[/URL] [URL=http://www.amazon.co.uk/Shine-Left-Hand-Extreme-Guitar/dp/B00A4ER550%3FSubscriptionId%3DAKIAI6PTL7SRMRVNQ7LQ%26tag%3Dguitarman-21%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3DB00A4ER550]Shine SB35L[/URL] As for playing the bass upside down....its surprisingly easy and comfortable. The only reason I want a proper left handed bass is at the moment im lending a bandmates' bass, and have acquired a right handed squier and want my own. I know all the horror stories about changing the nut and stuff but simply filing the holes works, the bridge has been tweaked and it all works fine and dandy, the only issue is the strap limits you to around the 12th fret (because its on the lower arm), but thats no biggie. As for neck diving and balancing etc its actually very comfy and doesn't dive at all, and ive learnt how to play near the neck so the controls dont get in the way at all. BTW, before you ask, ive been playing guitar for 10 years left handed so there is no way or point in trying to teach myself right handed considering im in a band as well, it would be impractical to learn whilst I'm trying to learn songs and gig.
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