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Everything posted by Andytre

  1. The mojo mojo is a great pedal, got mine new for £35. my fav is still the joyo ultimate drive. I keep taking it off on favour in other more pricey drives but it always comes back into my signal chain!
  2. no worries, i've found them now so if you want one for a repair in the future send me a message and i'll get one to ya
  3. This happaned to mine after it fell in the back of the van. I opened it up and took the pot out ordered one of the same value and soldered in the new one. I struggled to find one that was notched so the new ones is a standard pot but does the same job. Whole job tool 10 mins with basic soldering iron. If you can wait till next week i bought a pack of 3 but left them at work (where i repaired it) so you can have one for the price of postage if you like.
  4. I've use plastic cards, business cards, walnut veneer and cut down ice cream tub (basically whatever i could grab) all did a fine job. never heard the science of the acoustic resonance of ice cream tub though, maybe its the bets kept secret in shimming!
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1510246445' post='3404993'] Their range isn't huge [/quote] this is true but they had everything i needed for a cheap P bass build! i quite like there Nitro paint as well (sea foam green)
  6. I've used northwest for loads of parts i need quickly very good quality and good customer service
  7. I've got black and silver versions of the 3rd link on a couple of bitsa builds (both precision) and they're well built, do the job and i haven't managed to chip or scratch any paint of the black one. the base plate is a little thicker than you might expect so the saddles are quiet low on mine, but that could be a neck height issue. they take a while to arrive but for under £5 from china you cant really go wrong
  8. There what i used my on my MM for years till i also tried Dunlop super brights, now there my go to for it.
  9. the power bass actually got me into precision basses id always had Yamaha's and a Musicman before, i then used one to try out some filter pedals on a whim in a guitar shop. It felt very well made and sounded like a P bass should. couldn't afford one at the time so ended up with a Squier of eBay but the power bass got me into them and now i only use Precision. I'd say there good basses but your probably best to go out and try and have a play on one!
  10. Picked one up for £20 or so a couple of years ago, keep a behringer bd21 in one gig bag abd the sparrow in another. Prefer the sparrow as its smaller, seems built better and think the controls are a little better for subtle changes.
  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/263052367549 Found these on ebay ordered one my self, could just take the saddles of the bridge
  12. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1498691049' post='3326439'] Your college?! What college is that? Sounds incredible. [/quote] NCN in nottingham. we have a whole room dedicated to synths with everything from ARP odyssey, to moog and loads of Roland gear all going into a midas mixing desk for recording. it was a pretty fun install!
  13. my college has Moog lil Phatty, Moog Voyager, Moog Theremin and the whole set of moogerfoogers and we have no regret in buying any of them they get used daily for hours sometimes and sound fantastic and just keep on going (the voyager is around 15 years old) they truly are some fantastic gear. were eyeing up a minitaur and a sub phatty for next year!
  14. Dont know if its useful to anyone but if you spend £20 on amazon you can add a veriaty 12 pack of jim dunlop picks for 59p as an 'add on item' just had teo packs arrive with my order, im always searching for a good pick and can never settle so this seemed a good bargain to me Its hidden in the offer section on the usual pick packs page https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0055VBYWC/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498311715&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=jim+dunlop+guitar+picks&dpPl=1&dpID=41InL9QInqL&ref=plSrch
  15. Prodipe TT1 Lanen for me £40 and get a very good review from sound on sound comparing it to an Telefunken M80 (£250) and the Senn MD421 (£339) very well built been using mine for at least 4 years
  16. i love my Genz Benz shuttle 12.2, tube and FET channels, which are mixable, its got 2 600watt out puts so you can do 350watt at 8ohm or 600watt at 4ohm from one output or use both to get all the way to 1200watt (although these are Class D watts but they are loud enough for me) also mean you can use 1 cab or 4 depending on how big you van is or how many roadies you can hire! i went through every amp they had at bass direct at the time (mark bass, TC, Aguliar) and the genz was the one for me!
  17. [color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=4]i have the artec SE-2A in my one of my Franken P's and for the £20 it cost i really like it. it has bass and treble boost/cut on a stacked pot so you can use the existing 2 holes in the pickguard. i'm only using a cheap stellah pickup but the tone out of it is really usable. probably not the hottest output but i've never had an issue with volume levels. i think they also do others with mid control and such but for the price its a great way to dip your toe into an active Precision [/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=sans-serif]EDIT the Artec SE-3 has mid control and is £15 on Thomann[/font][/color]
  18. Iv got a Boss tuner and a cheap chinese one. cant really fault the cheapo one its got a nice bright display and does just as good of a job as the Boss at muting the signal and tracking. it probably wont last as long as the boss as there pretty well built, but for the £16 i spent its spot on
  19. i have a cheap and cheerful Peavey microbass i got for less than £20 its only 20watt and tiny in size but i use it at home with under a quarter volume, and have taken it out and about for acoustic gigs. its not the loudest so depending on what your doing it might not be the best but i love the sound of it with a bit of overdrive from a pedal
  20. Iv got an old non fender BBOT bridge its a bit knackered but the hight screws are okay. I can send it you for the price of postage
  21. Cheers! Appreciated
  22. is there a model number or anything? so i can do a quick search to see if it'll fit my golf
  23. Anyone tried these strings on a fretted bass? Iv got a set on ny frettless and love them, anyone know how well they perform on a fretted bass? in this case a Fender precision
  24. Can't go wrong with Neutrik we must have 500+ Neutrik connector cables where i work some have been going for 15 years
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