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Everything posted by Andytre

  1. i keep checking the deko site but never seem to get there in time to actually buy one! its probably for the best as i think iv got enough deko projects running without adding more!
  2. Ordered! Cheers for the recommendation! How long did delivery take?
  3. well after all this waiting for it to arrive the order was cancelled and i was refunded! typical! going to have to look for a different seller and try them out. i had my bitsa P all dismantled ready for it to arrive so a bit bummed out! i am expecting to do a bit of work when/if i ever get one delivered in the future but that's part of the fun isn't it!
  4. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1454514390' post='2970405'] I'm strictly a Harley and Fender Precision man. [/quote] Harley Benton?
  5. Down to only 2 dekos o the Mobile site! I wish someone would buy that resonator though, getting sick of seeing it!
  6. Still waiting on it to arrive delivery estimate was from Jan 19th to Feb 19th! On another point I bought a Ming on board preamp from China and that arrived in a week! When it's finally here I'll put up some pics and my thoughts
  7. one maple, one rosewood, one with flats, one active, one short scale, one with 5 strings, one with 50's style single coil pup, one that's fretless and one that's my first ever bass that i keep for sentimental reasons, they all seem justified!
  8. https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_bz_7000_nt_deko.htm?o=3&ref=mal_a_3&search=1452768654 7 string made a quick appearance, but sold out now
  9. saw both the PB-J and the PB-50 go up, refrained from buying as i already own both in deko form
  10. good luck! i'd be interested on your thoughts on the Les Paul [b]IF[/b] you get one! hopefully you will
  11. Gutted I missed the 6 string again! They Always seem to turn up on days I'm too busy to check!
  12. its starting to look like we have some stiff competition!
  13. Ordered one yesterday, hopefully if the necks straight and not ramped and just needs fret work and set up it'll be a bargain! definitely wont be putting it on my main 2 basses but 'hopefully' will be great for little build projects and mucking about! ill report back when it arrives sometime in the next MONTH! i suppose that's what you get ordering form china, for a low price and with free postage!
  14. in true style the guitars all went in about 1 minute! popped in an order for the Beat bass as a mate wants one, lets see if its successful!
  15. all but 2 of the 10 iv had (not all for me i promise!!) have been fine build wise just some electrical problems such as dodgy input jacks or a loose wire. the 2 with the most problems were with the neck (high fret or a small ramp in the neck) everything else was sound, ended up giving one neck to AT as i had a spare lying around and the other i got playable after a good setup. I've had quite a ferw that were fine setup wise straight out the box, especially the PB-50 with apart from the dodgy input jack was perfect!
  16. Anyone had any experience with these? seem a very good price and could be useful for some of my Thomann Deko projects if there good quality. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Quality-Maple-21-Fret-Neck-For-4-String-Jazz-Bass-Clear-Satin-Replacement-/361316499913?hash=item54202441c9:g:4ccAAOSwpDdVdJXB any advice info would be appreciated
  17. i believe that scuff is the D stamp, clearly someone went a bit overboard with it! did this model come with wilkinson pickups? my sunburst one did and they sound pretty good to me!
  18. I'm a fan of the Prodipe TT1 about £40 really solid and great sounding similar to a Sennhieser MD421 (a £250 mic) and a telefunken M80 (again a (£250+ mic) use them live and in the studio for different tasks and prefer them to the industry standard SM58. Paul white from sound on sound is also a fan and he knows a thing or two! heres the review http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/oct10/articles/prodipe-tt1.htm
  19. arrive today and had a little play on it at work, luckily its a music college so no shortage of amps! it seems a fun little bass, weighs nothing looks cool and sounds pretty sweet! ill get to practice next week and give it a real test!
  20. i dont need to buy a tenth deko...... or do i! someone do me a favor and treat themselves for Christmas :
  21. im the same on the jazz! dont need one, dont really like jazzes, but its looks good and costs very little! also annoyed i missed that Strat looks pretty sweet!
  22. [quote name='Supercollide' timestamp='1449064024' post='2920469'] the hollowbody PRS a like sold before I saw it too. Would really love either of those but I need to sell on some other first otherwise I will end up divorced. [/quote] iv got the PRS copy only fault was a slightly raised 7th fret actually a very nice guitar but maybe not worth a divorce!
  23. i know right, we thought we were fast with getting the basses those pesky guitarists have perfected the art!
  24. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1449013063' post='2920168'] Dunno why I got rid to be honest. I know the guy who has it, so it isn't far away [/quote] are you going to buy it back or steal it back haha! i would of liked the 3 pickup version but again hard to find!
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