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tegs07 last won the day on March 21

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  1. Im not sure digging into the history books to justify invading another country is a preferred narrative. I’ve heard Putin’s long and convoluted history rambles. It’s nearly as tedious as Trump’s endless ´they’re so mean to us’ whining . Old white guys hey. Can’t they just stick to golf.
  2. Yeah and there is a German bloke on my street and a distinctly Japanese looking guy a couple of streets away. Maybe I would be justified in breaking into their sheds as 80 years ago some distant relative might have bombed our chip shop.
  3. cmon it’s a "coordinated effort" to distract from the "successful" actions of Donald Trump. Like firing all the guys responsible for nuclear safety and national security: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/politics/government/not-a-one-off-top-dem-links-war-plans-fiasco-to-elon-musk-s-doge/ar-AA1BDjKe
  4. bone machine - pixies
  5. these boots are made for walkin’ - nancy sinatra
  6. One of the sad things about the US under Trump is there is a good (compared to Europe, Japan or China) demographic balance, there is a high degree of Technical expertise and R&D and there are a glut of investors. He seems to be doing his level best to destroy the health of the population, cause a brain drain and kill the stock market.
  7. Oh I’ve tried living in a van and later on working for WigetTech. All fun but one didn’t allow for decent coffee or wine and the other didn’t allow any time to drink the decent coffee or wine.
  8. All true. My main point though was as we get closer to retirement we become more risk averse (as a generalisation - as we get less time to make up for risky investments and decisions). So the under 50s are more likely to invest in the next potential WigetTech. They are more likely to form the next WigetTech and work for WigetTech, where as us older guys might be more likely to stick with investing in and working for Apple and buying a property in the best area we can afford.
  9. This is absurdly cheap. If you lived close by I would buy it off you with the option of buying it back for the same price later on as you might regret this. I have one already (though with a status graphite neck) but try as much as I like I just don’t get on with Jazz basses.
  10. Yes they contribute to the economy. Pensioners booking cruises contribute to the economy. They don’t DRIVE economic growth in the same way as the younger demographic though. This is why demographics are vital for growth. Too many people in the 50 to 80 demographic and too few in the 20 to 50 demographic is not great for growth. For example China in the last 3 decades and what is likely to happen to China in the next 2 decades.
  11. Again how does this drive growth? Sure if they die with massive amounts of money (which due to longevity is becoming less and less common) relatives and the state get some cash but it’s hardly the basis for a booming economy.
  12. Equity will be released to fund retirement and health provision sure but the point is this doesn’t lead to economic growth. Retirees are not investing in the economy or paying large amounts of tax in the same way as people who are in the early stages of their careers. They are not the demographic that drives the economy forward.
  13. Not sure that you have understood what I am trying to say Tim. The jist of the issue is that demographic change is driving poverty amongst the younger population who are reacting by voting in right wing radicals.
  14. Personally I think it’s got to the point that billionaires would rather side with despots and war criminals than pay taxes. And the electorate are happy to give up personal freedoms and constitutional protections to help them do this.
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