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Everything posted by tegs07

  1. Agree with the Marmite analogy. I think they are a bit on the ugly side, but I have never played a MusicMan bass that I didn’t like. Build quality has always been excellent and I love the sound of them. The bongo is definitely iconic whether that is in a good way or not is definitely a personal thing. To add my tuppence worth on the basswood debate ... if your not going to see the grain of the wood then the lighter a tone wood can be the better it is for me.
  2. I’ve been lurking for several years so time to show my face (sort of). Started playing again about a year ago and doing a few projects to make lockdown more palatable. Really like the build section. There are some talented folk on here who give some great advice which is appreciated by us bodgers out there! In the south-west and have always loved P and StingRay basses, but thanks to old age and a bit of RSI have started to really appreciate the slender Jazz neck having bought one recently!
  3. I once had a Hermes parcel conveniently left inside a dustbin nestled on top of a fresh heap of used nappies (thankfully in bags). Nice ... I hope it wasn’t a luxury food hamper!
  4. Have used Hermes several times and it’s only when things go wrong you realise how shocking they are. I will never send anything with them again and whenever I see stuff I have bought has been dispatched with them my heart sinks. Will it arrive.. will I be using the delivery photo to trawl the area looking for the right house? Will the instructions “leave in porch” be ignored and parcel left outside, in the rain, in full view of all? All the above have happened more than once...
  5. No worries I will be putting some basses up for sale here shortly... if they sell I will be interested...
  6. Nice Bass! Are you interested in trades or is this cash only?
  7. Hi Really nice work. I did a similar project, natural finish with Tru-Oil using slurry method. This link may be useful for sourcing a bridge https://www.twojah.com/parts-and-accessories/bridges/musicman-sterling-bridge-4-string Indonesian based - I ordered a G&L one for my project. Postage is expensive at around $40 - Didn't know if site looked legit but came through and the guy (Eben) is really helpful. Good luck with the finish ... Oh and when it comes to contouring the body .. Shinto Saw Rasp ... amazing bit of kit.
  8. I doubt that you will be interested but if you like P Bass then I have one of these: http://flatericbassandguitar.blogspot.co.uk/2010/10/hondo-professional.html 70's Japanese and as the review says not what you expect. Poss part ex plus cash? No idea what the value is and hadn't really thought of selling it but I do like your bass.
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