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Everything posted by Lifer

  1. Thank you so much, I can stop crying in the corner now! EDIT: After some searching: [url="http://uk.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?sku=1200402"]http://uk.farnell.com/jsp/search/productde...jsp?sku=1200402[/url] [url="http://uk.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?sku=1200400"]http://uk.farnell.com/jsp/search/productde...jsp?sku=1200400[/url]
  2. :wacko: Okay I'm gonna have to ask someone to tell me exactly what caps I need on the bass pot and the treble pot, because it's getting me even more confused now, ignore the values in the diagram because I drew that! Thankyouplease
  3. tbh I'd probably just stare blankly at them! What would you suggest, just running a 0.047 on both tone pots? This is making me go a bit cross eyed now
  4. [quote name='bremen' post='307715' date='Oct 16 2008, 10:53 AM']Lifer was asking for 0.05 = 50nF. What's the circuit? 50nF isn't a standard value nowadays. 47nF will usually be close enough; if not, get two 100nF and wire them in series.[/quote] I got the .05 from the seymour duncan website, and the 0.047 was recommended in my 'wiring question' thread. So I could just wire [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/Sprague_%27Orange_Drop%27_0.1_Capacitor_.1CAP-OD"]two of these[/url] up in series? And thanks for the freebie offer toasted!
  5. Just ordering parts for my circuit, but can't find .05 caps anywhere. I don't know enough to substitute so can anyone recommend something to use instead or know where I can get one? Thanks again!
  6. Missed out on some bargains there didn't I! I've been using nothing but a Euro LX35 for a couple of years now, anyone else got one? It's the 4 string 35" scale neck, my current tuning is CGCF and it's perfect for that. If i remember I'll post some pictures tonight. One thing I would say for anyone considering a Spector is definitley try one first. I went from a flat topped Peavey Millenium and it took a couple of weeks to get used to the curve (I'm a pick player 85% of the time and rest my wrist on the bass) but now I wouldn't change it for anything!
  7. Thanks Thunderhead! I can order me bits now
  8. [quote name='Thunderhead' post='305525' date='Oct 13 2008, 02:34 PM']Very close! You made just one small mistake, which is that the pickup ground should go to the back of one of the pots, not to the tag on the tone control as you have it. (You probably knew that, but drew it wrong! )[/quote] No I don't know nuffink! So the cap on the treble control goes from the anticlockwise connection (as is) to the pot casing, and the ground goes straight to the pot casing EDIT - UPDATED DIAGRAM FOR CLARITY (my clarity that is!)
  9. Thanks for the replies! Using my amazing paint skills I've knocked up a new diagram I'm hoping that's right?
  10. I've got a Status Musicman pickup from a couple of years ago, it has a grey sleeve which houses a red and bare wire. I want to connect it volume tone tone and have a diagram that helps but needs tweaking to fit my circuit: [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=musicman_passive_2v_1t"]http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wirin...n_passive_2v_1t[/url] Excuse the basic terms but I'll try and describe each connection as best I can, am I right in thinking that: -I can connect the 'front coil volume' as my master volume by connecting the red wire on my pickup to where the black on the diagram is, keeping ground (bare) the same -Make the 'rear coil volume' the tone 1 control by running the 'out' black wire (bottom wire on 'front coil volume') to the middle connector on Pot 2 (where the red connection is on the diagram) -Capacitor on the top connector as in 'master tone'? -Connect to the 'master tone' from the middle connector on pot 2 ignoring the bottom connector? -Then wire the output as the diagram Basically I've replaced 'rear coil volume' with the tone control and just moved the pickup input to the main volume. How do I achieve the bass/tone cut? Is it using different capacitors on the two tone pots? I'm guessing I need to shield everything as well? Can anyone recommend any think to improve the circuit for a fretless? I'm after a deep double bass tone (as much as possible) My fretless neck is on the way and I'm getting a bit excited, sorry for the barrage of questions! Many thanks
  11. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='303806' date='Oct 10 2008, 01:22 PM']Do the scale lengths match? It won't have to be much different for it not to internate.[/quote] I'm quite confident I'm swapping a 34" for a 34" so should be no problem, but can move the bridge to compensate if it is different.
  12. [quote name='rjb' post='303660' date='Oct 10 2008, 10:37 AM']You could get hold of a fancy bridge that allows you to adjust the string spacing to your taste. Hipshot do a nice one:- [url="http://www.guitarpartsresource.com/bridge_hipshota4.htm"]http://www.guitarpartsresource.com/bridge_hipshota4.htm[/url][/quote] Thanks for the replies guys! I've stripped it back but am waiting until the neck's arrived and I've sorted all the issues out before I paint it.
  13. Got a mighty mite fretless P neck on the way to go on my musicman copy. According to the measurements the heel dimensions are the same so should be a snug fit, but does anyone know what the string spacing on a P Bass and Musicman are? Will I have to get a P bass bridge? I'm well prepared for some work; the body's getting a stip down and respray, new electrics and some new hardware so no problem with moving stuff around to get scale length etc right, it's just the little niggly bits I'm not sure of. Anyone think of anything I've missed that could be important? Thanks!
  14. Bought my Spector from Soundcontrol in Southampton, was told on the monday that it would be setup how I wanted. Just before leaving for the 2 hour drive on the Saturday morning I got a call to say that they'd tried to get the strings I wanted in but the bridge and the nut were too small I said that's why I asked you to set it up for me! Went and got it anyway, guy who served me didn't seem bothered that I was spending a grand, and it didn't matter that they hadn't set it up for me, I can file down the bridge myself and if I chip the gold plating it's no problem because after all it's 'just a bass' (his actual words) That day I made a resolution to never give Soundcontrol any of my money ever again.
  15. I've got an Art Levelar betwixt bass and amp which helps with getting the input level sorted
  16. I'm getting and Landmark 300, v.nice amps and easy to get a good sound out of it! Best thing with the footswitch is that you can run both channels at the same time
  17. Cheers Andy will get the Yellow Pages out later!
  18. I have a screw that is too short, is it possible to calculate the thread pitch so I can get a longer one that fits in the same hole? Is there anything else that I need to work out? Thanks Gareth
  19. Lifer

    Help for Wales Gig

  20. Lifer

    EighthNerve EP

    Posted this on Basstalk but I have no shame so here it is again: [url="http://www.myspace.com/eighthnerveuk"]www.myspace.com/eighthnerveuk[/url] the 4 tracks that make up our EP, produced by Dave Chang Thanks!
  21. I've been gigging with EighthNerve for 4 years now and we've played some of the worst gigs in the world! From my experience the main problem is promoters who don't promote, they book the venue and the bands and then give you that "for every person over 20 who says they're here to see you we'll give you 50p" rip off talk. We've got a good following in our home town but they don't travel to see us, so whenever we play out of town it's usually to the other bands and their girlfriends. We put on our own shows and do gig swaps but it's amazing how many bands play at our nights then we don't hear from them again. It's really starting to grate and I'm beginning to dread driving anywhere over a couple of hours away (hence my appeal for help for our Cardiff Barfly gig on Monday!).
  22. Spector Euro LX-35 (4 string) Nothing else needed.
  23. Lifer

    Help for Wales Gig

    Hello all, my band EighthNerve ([url="http://www.myspace.com/eighthnerveuk"]www.myspace.com/eighthnerveuk[/url]) are supporting Malefice (who are one of the support bands for the Sikth tour) at the Cardiff Barfly on the coming Bank Holiday Monday. We're from the South East, and are playing quite a lot round here at the mo so it's unlikely that anyone is gonna travel that far to see us. So basically this is just a quick beg to say if you like your metal and are near/in/visiting Cardiff check us out and see if you can make it down to the gig, £6 on the door or £4 with a flyer which you will be able to print from our myspace sooooooon, and I will love you forever (NOT the physical act of love btw). Cheers
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