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Mr Stinky

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  1. My appologies for the bumps, but none of my posts were showing up on 'New content'. Looks like its all back to normal now.
  2. Does anyone know why my post hasn't shown up on 'New Content' ? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/232772-tom-petty-and-little-feel-good-ditties/page__view__findpost__p__2412464
  3. BuMp! because posting didn't do it.
  4. Found another one. In the same way that All Night Long is a far better song than Since You've Been Gone. (Take note radio DJ's) I much prefer Run To You over Summer Of 69, which has been over done to death.
  5. My guitarist buddy has just made me into a Tom Petty fan. OMG what have i missed all these years!! I've just learnt Running Down A Dream. Although its a easy piece, it's just a great little riff. A real feel-good sound. I'm interested in other pieces that do the same. It should ideally be some thing that lets you look around as well. Perhaps have a wander about, doing it just for the joy of playing live.
  6. Well done! I'm 53 and still trying to get there after so many wasted years. Savour the moment and have a great time. I'll be looking forward to the gig report.
  7. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1393271936' post='2378145'] I may have missed something in this and apologies if I have , but She sells sanctuary is what our rhythm calls a 'clock' song , it just goes round and round and round and round , and it can be carried off quite reasonably with 4 notes , you could probably play it hendrix style upside down with your teeth after 2 bars practice [/quote] The only thing you're missing is the 'inexperienced blind panic' factor. I'm by no means a seasoned live player.
  8. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1393239787' post='2377580'] I feel for you mate. I know this feeling (but it never happened in front of audience, as I'm a home player): each time I'm given a new bass, I have a hard time adjusting and mess everything up. The only exceptions to this rule are narrow necked (MiJ/CiJ usually) P-Basses/Tele Basses and the late Ibanez JTKB200 which felt like crafted for me. [/quote] My neck is narrow, it's a 90's Carvin and I love it. I had a go on a friends Yamaha, does S2000 sound right? It felt like an ironing board and had telegraph wires for strings. The neck dive was appalling as well. No idea how he played it, but he hated mine. He said it felt like playing a pencil. I'll insist on prior warning for a guest spot in future and hide mine on stage somewhere.
  9. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1393236100' post='2377535'] I was out of there within 5 mins of playing my last note! [/quote] I know that feeling, ever seen a 16 stone 6"1' guy try to hide behind a pool table?
  10. Hmmm. I was being polite. (Laughing smilie face-I can't do them on my phone)
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1393191760' post='2377251'] Every bass I'm handed by someone else to play is [i]always [/i]at least a foot too high up - not because I play in a low-slung rock stylee, but because my strap has to be quite long so as to accommodate my muscular frame. [/quote] You're lucky, I need a long strap to go over the belly!
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1393183413' post='2377112'] You're not alone - my most embarrassing musical moment was when I foolishly volounteered to play a song at a jazz jam night after way too many beers. I could probably have handled 'Blue Bossa' or 'So What' in that state, but definitely not Charlie Parker's 'Blues For Alice'. It was such a train wreck that they stopped the song [/quote] I guess I was lucky that they were all good mates, and managed to carry me through it. Must have been a nightmare for them trying to keep time.
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1393182908' post='2377096'] Different bass, no probs, 5 or 6 strings instead of 4, I`ll cope, action too high, workable, strap too high, defeated. I could deal with a strap being too low but too high, no way. [/quote] Phew! (Wipes brow) I agree with 'too low', you can lean over a bit more. The regular bassist is an ex jazz guitarist, which would explain the short strap. It felt like wearing one of Madonna's stage bras.
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