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Everything posted by Lw.

  1. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1471865226' post='3116436'] Are you enjoying your TKS S112s? [/quote] Case in point! But yes I am thanks - they're perfect for my needs!
  2. Limelight, Harley Benton, Sire, Maruszczyk, Fender Rumble V3 combos & at some point or another every boutique manufacturer of 1x12 cabs. Though it does seem to be the same c10 people powering through each craze before keeping the forum in business via the classifieds!
  3. Played The Sanctuary in Basingstoke over the weekend; decent little DIY/alt venue with friendly, well organised promoters so that always makes a nice change! The heavy/alternative scene seems more popular there than in Reading which I thought was odd as the towns are quite close but Reading is much bigger, probably down to said promoter! The gig was fun & we played with some great bands (always a gamble on multi-band nights) - the only downside was lack of space in the car meant I agreed to use the house bass cab rather than taking my own & it was awful (I actually think it was broken) but no harm done as it seemed fine FoH. Lesson leant though; next time the guitarist can have one of my cabs on his lap in the car if we run out of space! Next up - trying to organise a mini-tour up north! If anyone has any dive-bar contacts at venues suitable for a metal-hardcore band please hit me up!
  4. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1471598627' post='3114289'] Imagine a car forum where someone says "I want a 2.0l saloon car to replace my 1.2l hatchback". Should you list a load of potential 2.0l cars or should you point out that you can get more power and more economy out of a modern direct injection turbocharged 1.4l engine, and more space/practicality from a compact MPV, to help the buyer make a better informed decision? [/quote] Depends on whether you make 2.0l guzzlers or 1.4l "modern" cars :-) If the OP likes the MB sound then the MB cab sounds like the ideal solution & is close enough price wise.
  5. I'd like to have a go on one; ~2k is quite a lot of money for a P but if they're as well made as you'd expect it's not completely ridiculous. Always try to think about these things as cost per use (or per day), then they're all quite cheap really.
  6. Other than during cash-flow emergencies we just cover the cost of the room between the people that are actually there so in this case the guitarist wouldn't need to pay. Though sometimes we do just cancel the rehearsal - depends who can't come really & if we desperately need to practice something.
  7. Lw.

    No rig

    Seems there are at least a few people that are into it; http://basschat.co.uk/topic/289001-do-i-need-an-amp-anymore/
  8. I've not noticed any hate on this forum - quite a lot of sh!t stirring though!
  9. Just printing your logo onto paper, cutting it out then spraying over it in a colour of your choice would be the easiest solution & I've seen done many times. But yes - Metallica's white tape is also an option.
  10. It's hard to argue with an 810; the sheer surface area of moving speaker & the size of the box trumps most other cabs. I you really don't think you can do without the awesomeness; buy a battered 2nd hand one - at least that way when you realise just how impractical it is & that it's not worth the hassle you won't lose any money when you sell it to the next person!
  11. If you want simple & British it has to be the Matamp doesn't it? Unless you have a bad back. Or weak arms. Or have to walk long distances with it. Or have to move it upstairs etc...
  12. Nice - they've got them at a studio we sometimes use & I think they sound really good! Super easy to get a good tone out of them & seem more versatile than some other Orange amps I've used.
  13. As ever, it depends on the bass & player in question. I've owned quite a few sub-500 basses & given modern manufacturing techniques with the heavy use of machinery you can generally get a well built, good sounding & looking instrument for the money. Once you go to 1k+ it's very much diminishing returns but [depending on the bass] you do often get [i]something [/i]extra for the money. That could be finish, tone, magic, whatever - whether that's worth double or triple the amount of the other instruments is completely subjective & personal but I can certainly say both my Fender & Warwick basses have that something that appeals to me to make them worth a little more to me. It's always worth trying before you spend your money - we're all different & so are basses, there's no guarantee that spending more gets you something better than you already have, though it might do.
  14. Good shout on the amp. Depending on what he's done to his back 4x10's can be a little awkward to left given the handle positions - some find lifting two 1x12's easier, might be worth doing a test-lift before spending.
  15. Nice looking rig that (even if your photo taking/uploading skills leave a little to be desired!). I'm working towards a lightweight cab-heavy tube amp rig myself - best of both worlds for me.
  16. Gosh, they look young! As the names really are not similar enough to be an issue & the fact you've chosen a name that a) is already part of popular culture & is very easy to lead with another word - I would just leave the poor girls alone, they really don't need some fully grown men having a go at them about such a non-issue. Good luck to them & to your band - there's plenty of room in this country for the both of you.
  17. You can get good ones on ebay but you can get some absolute shockers! Other than the general shape/screw hole fitting some of the cheap tort ones look like sliced salami or are just printed whereas the Fender ones do at least have some depth & as ever on ebay you're not guaranteed the item shown in the picture is the one you're buying so it's hard to tell. It's obv less of an issue with plain ones.
  18. There aren't any benefits as such, it's more just the theory. If you were licensing in other works or you thought the rights to the work you are writing/recording would be worth other people buying from you in the future then having a label to put everything under makes sense from an admin perspective. But in reality 90% of record labels people set up are vanity projects; it looks more professional when you're emailing people from a company URL account, it's nice to be google-able, people think you're cool when you pull out a record label business card but that is about it. The practice of writing/recording/producing/releasing an album is perfectly accomplishable using your personal bank account and your standard gmail account. I wouldn't bother with setting up a company to shuffle all the admin through until the revenue generated starts pushing above say 3/4k but even then I've dealt with plenty of people/"companies" that are pushing a hell of a lot more than that through their personal accounts. Don't let that put you off doing it though; the vanity reasons are perfectly acceptable & it's all good practice.
  19. That's an interesting one; from your OP I assumed the extra word would be "The" at the start of the band name which would have been completely out of order but with it being "Awake" it seems much less serious - it's not that confusing is it? I wouldn't worry about it - you've got another 12 months of gigs in the bag, if they last that long (which they may not as bands break up all the time) people will know if they're trying to book a group of guys or women.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1464967743' post='3064257'] No, it's slightly smaller. The back of the MB200 is flush with the back of the One10 in the first pic, and the MiniMax has its front feet hung over the front of the One10 in the second pic. I will include a 10p piece in future pics - for scale. [/quote] I see, thank you. I think I may have one of those MiniMax's in my future!
  21. Is the MB200 almost twice as long (front to back) as the MiniMax? With all these tiny heads & cabs it's hard to judge the perspective nowadays!
  22. Every Time I Die - The Dome, Tufnell Park last night. Very good, I saw them 5/6 years ago and they've certainly developed. The venue was nice & small (essentially a village hall) with a raised stage, no barrier, no stage security so lots of fans on stage/stage diving (not by me I'm too heavy and old) - really fun night with a great vibe!
  23. Use both; there's no point spending a load of money just for one gig - it might look a little ugly but it's the sound that matters. Plus if you have them stacked on top of each other it may help you hear yourself better as the speakers will be closer to your ears.
  24. Oh and noodling between songs is another incredibly unprofessional thing I've seen done several times - really looks bad.
  25. Conventional logic on this forum would be to throw more money at it & buy a load of pedals, which is one of of doing it. But really if you're not changing pick-up volume between songs to change your tone then just lower the volume of the loudest basses to match the quietist, then leave them alone. You shouldn't need to be messing with amp gain or volume because of instrument changes (unless you're changing the EQ too for different tones).
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