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Everything posted by Lw.

  1. I tried one of these about a month ago when shopping for new cabs - it was really surprising, a very nice sounding cab. I didn't buy it in the end as something else took my fancy but that's in no way a bad thing against the PJ - it's incredible for the size really!
  2. I'd say just go with whatever feels natural for you though don't forget you could go for the finger & thumb technique too. I generally just use the two fingers (though sometimes dabble in the finger & thumb) - the benefit of using two fingers is that it's easy to alternate between the two & I nearly always play music in 4/4 - when you start using three fingers you'll be crossing the beat which would confuse me.
  3. I sometimes get similar feeling to the OP; I've got two bands on the go at the moment, one pop/rock & the other metal/hardcore - neither are necessarily my favourite version of each genre but they do scratch my two main itches & the interaction with other musicians/combining song ideas is really great. Outside of that I do get lots of other musical urges so I end up writing & recording little bits of stuff across whatever genre takes my fancy that week - it's quite good as I get to try out ideas without the faff of a band; record the bass part, fudge through the guitar parts & program in some drums - that's generally enough for me, I then move on to something else - recording equipment is super cheap nowadays & the software is free.
  4. If you're out West in Guildford you'd may as well pop over to Twyford for Bass Gear too - they had a great range of stock when I was in there the other week & a lot of it brands you don't often see in the other stores. It's been 15 years since I played through a TE amp so I can't even remember what their tone was like but there is certainly a wide array of sound choices available now.
  5. Seems like using them together would be an odd thing to do IMO - the smaller speaker in the much smaller box would be getting the same power from the amp as the larger one and so would be more likely to distort first. If you used your ears & listened out for it (adjusting volume accordingly) it would probably be fine but I'm not sure it would really offer much. Mixing a cab marketed as being very clean/clear/whatever with a cab that was designed to have some colour/inherent tone is a bit of a mixture of theories. Most people suggest getting another of the same if you want more volume, though as you want one for easy transport then maybe that's not for you.
  6. Markbass are a very popular brand so as long as you like the the tone that they're often said to have, you probably can't go too wrong with them. I wouldn't get too hung up on the power handling Watt rating on cabs - it's borderline meaningless (esp if you're thinking it means volume). But yes, that cab would do you fine with a nice head on top.
  7. ^ But would you want to be buried with a bugera/Behringer?! That is a super-tight budget for a dream rig so I would definitely be looking at used - you can get some real quality bits for not very much money. Personally I prefer head+cab, preferably two smaller cabs, but buying one bigger cab does usually work out cheaper - maybe look at 2x12's @ 4ohm as they will do all you need for rehearsals/gigs & you can always just turn down at home. I do love 4x10's but they're a bit big if space is tight.
  8. That's always the fun in music - everyone hears things differently! I'd love to see people that say they can hear the difference do a blind test of 610's by Ampeg, Orange & Ashdown for example and for them to be able to name each brand as it was played. I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to as I have been to countless gigs where those brands are being used & have only ever picked out the tone of the heads. These aren't super technical cabs like we're seeing the boutique manufacturers produce nowawdays - they're a big box with a load of speakers on the front, I doubt the general design has changed that much in the last 40-odd years & it hasn't needed to either. No idea about those heads I'm afraid I'm sure an Ampeg buff will be along in a minute though.
  9. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with your thinking - go for whatever you fancy! For me, Ampeg's "tone" comes from their amps - to my ears 6(or8)x10's all sound the same regardless of brand, it's the basic box with a load of 10's pushing air about that does it. If that was the tones I wanted & I had the house/car space for the cab I'd go for whatever >4x10 cab I could find cheapest used then get a proper nice Ampeg amp to sit on top.
  10. [quote name='Jebo1' timestamp='1458215855' post='3005631'] When Macca goes, his instruments will raise a king's ransom. I reckon they should all besought by a national museum (I've had this argument before that they are culturally more significant than most of the paintings we snap up for hundreds of millions of pounds every year). [/quote] Do we buy lots of used paint brushes? I suppose they're worth money to someone but really it's the art that is being bought not the tools. I'm sure if his collection contains any of the masters or original recording tapes they'll go for crazy money!
  11. [quote name='bassmanady' timestamp='1457900927' post='3002881'] Love this cab always liked the sound of a BW 15" speaker [/quote] These are great - those classic old Peavey cabs are just unstoppable, I had so much fun with mine when I had them!
  12. @Ivansc - I think maybe you've misinterpreted my post, my experience is from a general economics perspective - I have never "sold" to a cash converters or similar stores. I have nothing against people working in those stores - if you've got bills to pay, any job is a good one. I was trying to make the point that complaining about the price offered by a cash-converters is like complaining about being ripped off by a restaurant charging you £20 for a fish they probably paid less than £4 for. There are lots of fish at the market but not many that have been deliciously prepared by a professional chef - supply & demand, economics. If you own something of value & need to raise money, private selling (such as this forums marketplace) is the way to go about getting the most money but it takes time. Cash Converters know that they're one of the only places you can get cash immediately and so know that supply/demand is working heavily in their favour (supply of immediately available cash vs demand of the "customer") so they low-ball everyone knowing that if they're desperate enough they'll cave & so make the company a decent margin (which is obviously the aim of the game - they're a business). Whether you think a company making money low-balling the kind of vulnerable people that need to quickly raise money, who often owe said money to the kind of entrepreneurs that only take cash is morally dubious, is of course just a matter of opinion - it doesn't really matter. But yes, I'd put Cash Converters into the same pigeon hole as pay-day loans companies or modern-day gambling shops.
  13. Didn't realise they had magnetic slots for the heads - that's a nice touch. If the head is really sliding about you could always buy some more rubbery feet for it, definitely worth it to get matching width cabs - your stack looks really smart.
  14. That looks good - I was thinking about doing something similar a while ago but put the idea on the backburner while I sorted my amplification out but seeing that makes me think "Do I really need new cabs? I've already got a DI box."!
  15. I can neither play or dance that well.
  16. Looks nice, what's the problem with the way the head sits?
  17. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1457895512' post='3002784'] Yes but there in the business of buying and selling a huge range of goods , so there not 'most people'. the bottom line is, cash converters should know what there buying and selling no matter what the item. [/quote] No, the bottom line is they're sharks with a business model focused on exploiting the vulnerable. They take punts on such a huge variety of items they can't possibly know the niche manufacturers from every sub-genre they sell. The only way they can make money (and let's not forgot that's what businesses are there for) from buying products that have a high likelihood of being stolen/fake/moody in some way is to spread the risk across the board, meaning they pay absolute rock bottom prices so they don't lose too much when the police come knocking (it would be financial suicide for them to pay a fair price for anything - they'd go bankrupt in weeks). Everyone knows & accepts this because we play the game too - we go in hoping they've messed up in their valuations & look out for mad bargains, if the brand are obscure enough someone is going to be very happy (Sei are probably one that could slip through the net if someone is having a bad day). On topic; that's a nice Warwick but 2k? Ouch.
  18. This is a new track that we played at our most recent gig - a couple of mistakes by me throughout the set but an enjoyable evening nonetheless; nice to have a bit of crowd reaction to new songs too! https://youtu.be/otzR5dLYyxE
  19. I've always used hard cases if going in the car or van but am currently having to walk a mile then get the train then get the tube every week for one of my bands so have had to reevaluate. I was using one of those big rectangular semi-hard cases for a bit but they're incredibly ungainly & it was bruising the side of my leg - I've now invested in a mono m80; its a revalation, great protection & comfort for movement. Id probably still use the hardcase for the van but the mono rules the public transport roost.
  20. That's annoying - do you have a performance contract with the venue? What does it say about cancellations?
  21. Lw.

    Valve Amps

    Actually look inside - it's not an all valve signal path on in the CTM-15's (not seen inside the others).
  22. Lw.

    Valve Amps

    Ampeg do a 20w one for 500ish I think which I reckon would be great for recording. Bugera/Behringer do a full tube amp though I have no idea about the quality. Other than that used would be the way I'd go. ^ Aren't those mini-mat's guitar amps? Do they still sound good for bass?
  23. Absolutely not, it's bad enough taking the ones I'm actually going to use! DI (I have two options for this, three if you include the inevitable venue provided one) is fine for me if it all goes wrong. I honestly can't recall ever having seen a cab go at gigs I've played or even been spectating at, a few amps (including an SVT last night), a few basses, lots of pedals but cabs? You've got to draw the line somewhere.
  24. It's a standard clause, nothing to be overly worried about. If you're signing the kind of contract that has this in you should really gave your lawyer sorted regardless. Good luck with it!
  25. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1457092094' post='2995225'] That`s cool, I`m looking at possibly moving my 2012 one on, glad to see it hasn`t dropped in value since I bought it. [/quote] You could probably get a little more for a 2012 onwards USA bass due to the upgrades they received - IMO Fender really upped their game with these basses.
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