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Everything posted by Lw.

  1. I'd get something from a US based brand, even if the basses are made abroad they'll still be cheaper out there. A P-bass might be a good option as they're quite different from the Ibanez. Don't worry about being good enough to play in a shop - it's the cash in your pocket that qualifies you.
  2. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1433243578' post='2789230'] Defeater and Code Orange (Code Orange are immense, I was lucky to see them in a small 80 person hall this year.) [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEFkTfGy7CQ&safe=active"]https://www.youtube....7CQ&safe=active[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpVa-x7YndY&safe=active"]https://www.youtube....ndY&safe=active[/url] [/quote] Both good calls.
  3. If you insist on buying new then Ibanez - Rockbasses are not the same as German Warwicks, but as others have said I'd go second hand German Warwick over either of the choices.
  4. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1433110311' post='2787999'] The Nickelback of metal. [/quote] This. Wasn't blown away by them live either - just standard what you'd expect stuff from that kind of pop-metal band. @Uncle_Psychosis - glassjaw are great & similar to deftones.
  5. DHA thirded - awesome tone, I always leave mine on too.
  6. I used to have one (with the standard 1x15 to go with it) - they've got a good sound but I'd say your initial evaluation is probably still a fair one. Sounded thunderous in their day but lugging the 4x10 (the 1x15 wasn't too bad) up & down venue stairs was a nightmare!
  7. I can't believe I have still never played on a rick! I feel this needs to be addressed...
  8. Saying that he's got a used (though who would have known if he'd said newly reliced?) slab P on there for 650 atm which is rather tempting!
  9. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1431609006' post='2773142'] Who actually makes the Limelights? And how much do they cost? I've never been able to work it out. [/quote] They're made by Mark (though he does also use another person for relicing) at classicandcoolguitars.co.uk They're nice bitsa's that they then do a pretty decent relicing job on. I wouldn't call them cheap though.
  10. I think you should at least try an american standard before committing to anything - I've always found them to be the best in terms of Fender offerings despite the current MIM & Squire options being well regarded and the pricier american ones looking good on paper. Though if I were buying a P I'd probably be looking for a used classic 50's one.
  11. I think this thread highlights the massive differences between the US & UK music scenes; even if we ignore the 4 hour (4 whole hours!) gigs thing - you'd have to be in a huge band to play several 2k capacity gigs in this country. I appreciate it's different for theater musicians & kind of different for covers but I dread to think what bands from the US think when they come over here & have to play in some of the sorry excuses we have for music venues.
  12. I'd buy from whichever one called it a football boot.
  13. It's certainly ugly enough to pass for a Fodera :-) At that price I wonder if they'll actually use a burled wood top or if it's just a pattern printed on? I'm interested to see what it's like when you actually get it.
  14. Reversed speakers - I called that didn't I? I will graciously accept my prize of a new cab, thanks very much... :-)
  15. I found most of the sites like joinmyband & bandmix etc.. to be a bit of a waste of time to be honest - most success I've had has been through gumtree. Don't post an available ad though as you get inundated with mentalists but have a little trawl through & see if any of the bands take your interest - both of my current bands were already established so it was quite easy to google them after reading the ad to get an idea of sound & also whether they looked "normal", or at least normal enough. If you're looking for a specific type of music, going to loads of the local gigs of that type & generally chatting to people is a good idea too - you never know what might show up.
  16. Do you really need one? Your current rig seems like it'd be plenty loud enough for stage monitoring on an average size stage & everything will be going through the PA in bigger venues/on bigger stages so you don't need it to fill a room... I'd just send more bass through the monitors if you're struggling, save yourself the space in the van & the effort of moving the extra cab. If you really want the extra cab for looks/the general awesomeness of having a full stack thundering away behind you then another 4x10 would get my vote.
  17. Thanks for the pic - it looks great!
  18. I agree with discreet; keep it empty, buy more empty cases, slowly fill the cases. No one will ever know unless you ever need to raise cash then make the noble sacrifice with a secret bass later down then line & look like a hero.
  19. Cool project - I'm still struggling to get my head around the size, could we have a pic of a bass leaning against it for some perspective please?
  20. There's an article on the Guardian today stating that Tidal has 770k "subs" which I imagine they mean users (as that is a huge number of full-paying subscribers for the price & I think they're doing either discounted or free pricing tiers at the moment which will boost the numbers) but still relatively impressive for such a new service.
  21. Interesting move though I'm not sure how popular it will prove to be; given such a large number of the players that are into this type of sound probably already have a sansamp, what would be the point in then getting the amp? They can already do the same sound with their current equipment & have other options from the amp... It looks like a good option for people upgrading from combos/lower end gear though so maybe that's what they're looking at.
  22. It's the 2nd thread down from the top RE: tonewoods.
  23. Here's the most recent discussion: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/260184-with-apologies-tone-from-maple-board-versus-tone-from-rosewood-board/ The standard arguments on both sides are in there. "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Is the fret board the only time a tone wood is important to the sound?" - no, there's another thread on the tonewood of the body somewhere but that also makes a difference.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Personally I couldn't tell you which wood made which sound but it seems clear to me that the woods do do something.[/font][/color]
  24. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1429788444' post='2754951'] If you mean from a visual point of view, fair enough . If perhaps you mean from a playing point of view, the way the neck heal is built you really don't notice it at all (unless you hang your thumb over the fingerboard a lot). Neck heal photos pending [/quote] Yes I meant purely visual - I have no doubt that they can engineer the bass to be perfectly playable that high up the neck. Despite me not liking the look of single cuts it does look quite nice in that shot of you in the factory too!
  25. Congratulations - single cut really isn't for me but there's no denying it's a quality looking bass.
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