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Everything posted by Lw.

  1. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1418251287' post='2628576'] As far as I know they will all have Ovangkol necks with Wenge boards (apart from fretless which are Tigerstripe ebony) except for the Star Bass which will be Maple with Ekanga veneer stripes. Is is just for the launch models. May change after that. [/quote] Very interesting, thanks!
  2. I liked the way that Warwick kept it simple with "W" being the premium versions & "Rockbass" being the budget - I do feel it confused things a little with the pro series having the W but not being full German (not that it really matters) & then more so when some rockbasses were costing more than some pro series. Does anyone (molan) know if the new pro series will be dark wood necks German style or maple like the Korean ones? I might have to raid my savings if the bring out an affordable one with an ovankol (SP?) Neck...
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1418133002' post='2627156'] I am seriously thinking I need a P Bass 4 as they are so versatile... Just about any gig can take a P and that is why they remain 'the' choice, IMO. [/quote] They're versatile in the same way that a hammer is; you can do many a DIY task around the house with a hammer & they are probably my number one bike fixing tool, but at the end of the day you're just hitting things with a blunt object. P's are great & do fit into almost any gigging situation but for me that's because the sound of a P fits into most genres. I'd still really like one.
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1418062475' post='2626462'] It's fine. Things like that are useful for getting your muscle memory sorted for shifting positions. As for reliance, have you tried playing a classical guitar, or some instrument with no markers at all on the board or sides? Or play without looking at the board? It's difficult. [/quote] Yes that's my point; they're alright for learning but better to move away from in the long run IMO. I've done a few gigs playing finger style double bass if that counts? It was harder than a fretted bass but couldn't really judge as they were simple bluesy tunes. It was harder the next time I used it (communal double bass) as some idiot had drawn fret lines on the side (with a Biro), most of which were in the wrong place!
  5. I used to lug one to every gig I played until I realised I never used it so decided to stop - I think spare strings are probably enough for me. All this talk of amp failure is making me think I need a EQ/DI pedal though - might keep an eye out for a used Sansamp in classifieds...
  6. Assuming you're on an unlined fretless I'd say the stickers are fine for while you're getting yourself up to speed but I'd be wary about becoming reliant on them. Definitely ween yourself of them as soon as possible once you've got to where you want to be.
  7. Led Zep songs have always been available to use but the sync fee was always prohibitive high - it seems that the advertising spend at some of the big companies must have gone up. Hardly a surprise as computer games regularly out-perform block-buster films now & fragrances have such massive mark-ups. Still, interesting to see that people are willing to cough up that kind of money now.
  8. Nice looking bass - is the scribble above or below the lacquer? I'd be really tempted to try & remove it...
  9. I've had it a couple of times in bands before, if you like them as people it can be quite hard. The drummer in my new band has what I think is a flashing metronome that he keeps near his feet - looks very professional when he sets it to the BPM of the song & means he's always bang on time - maybe you could club together & buy your drummer one (nice and subtle!)?
  10. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1417428910' post='2620119'] I think you are under the impression that people just go to Glasters for the music....... Have you ever been? [/quote] Yes thanks, though I did say that no one cares about the music so I guess we're making the same point.
  11. I'd rather watch LR than Arcade Fire, Kasabian or Metallica. Not that anyone at Glastonbury really cares about the music, if they did they wouldn't all buy their tickets before the line-up is announced.
  12. I think guys do care, it's just that your opinion of what looks good is different to theirs. Go up to the worst looking band you can find & offer them £10 to wear a three sizes too small lederhosen, a pair of clown shoes & a pink cowboy hat for their next gig - they'll all turn you down.
  13. I'd go for Ziricote if it was for me; it's a bit more subtle & the lighter stripe in the middle will probably look really good. But that's just because I'm quite conservative with how my bass looks - if you want to stand out, the Macassar will certainly do that.
  14. The guy from Brand New Heavies always has a brilliant tone for me, recorded or live. Saw them in a very small venue a couple of years ago & the way his notes were cutting through was just incredible - it had no bearing on the equipment I use but he did happen to be using a Fender Jazz & a Warwick, can't remember the amp.
  15. Shame they've sent the girls upstairs - when I used to go they were just downstairs in the main bar room & would still be going round when they bands were setting up!
  16. Quite a few people seem to be stuck thinking of recorded music as a revenue stream but the industry has moved on. I see recordings as a marketing tool for other band activities; building some excitement about your music is easier if people aren't umming & ahhing over the price. For small-ish time bands this idea can be hard as they're having to put their own money into the recordings but I feel it pays off later down the line and studio time & cd manufacturing aren't hugely expensive. I would always argue that bands should charge [size=4]for physical copies (be that cd, vinyl, tape or other - remember the USD stick fad?) but make digital copies available for free somewhere (you can still charge if you're on iTunes).[/size] Who really cares what the royalties are at the smaller stages in a bands career when the ability for some random to add you to their Spotify playlist is worth so much more?
  17. Having just about fought off a bout of P-bass lust, I now seem to be missing the feel & sound of Warwick. I've gone back to 4-strings recently & find my 5-string Corvette a bit of a struggle at the moment, browsing the internet I seem to fancy a 4-string Katana or Infinity but there hardly seem to be any used ones about & new Warwick prices seem absolutely crazy. Anyone know much about the Katana's & Infinity's? Were they not very popular (I've never seen either in the flesh) or are they so good that no one wants to sell theirs (or even take them out the house)?
  18. I went to uni in the town, never played a gig there but have been there for gigs & drinks lots of times: it has a bit of a reputation but its nowhere near the roughest pub in Wycombe let alone the country. Depends what you're used to, its worse than most pubs in London but I'd say pretty standard for dingy pubs in relatively poor towns - just remember to put your pound in the pint glass when it comes round.
  19. So glad it's not a maple fret-board. Can't really afford another bass atm but I'd have struggled to say no at that price!
  20. I've recently bought a TC Polytune2 & am very happy with it - it's fast enough to keep up with my playing if I wanted it to, nice & clear too. Though I agree that you probably don't need a whole pedal just to tune a bass.
  21. ^^ That looks great - just the right amount of relic for me too.
  22. Ha - I think I used to have the same misconceptions when I was younger; swore I'd never play a fender because they were boring & ill-equipped. Now I play a Fender most often & it's even in the finish I used to hate (three tone sunburst)! Whilst Cort are a cheaper brand than many, they're still a quality bass maker - proven by how many other companies get them to build their basses!
  23. Depends what you mean by passing the mustard; the average drunk punter at a pub gig won't be able to tell the difference so the answer is probably yes. But you will be able to notice the difference; the tone won't quite be where you want it, the frets will be sharp, the tuners & BBOT bridge will have clear press marks around the edges, depending on the finish you go for you'll know the the body is made up of random chunks of wood that have been glued together & cut into a bass shape and lots of after market upgrades that you'll inevitably want to buy won't fit because the dimensions are out by a couple of mm in every direction. There's a reason they're that cheap & whilst you could probably make some changes to turn it into a playable bass, you'd may as well have bought a proper bass in the first place. This is all made worse by the fact that you've been playing a lot on a Warwick which have some of the best build quality & finishing I've seen on basses.
  24. Hmm maybe they've changed them then, when I played on one it had noticeably smaller frets & the fretboard was slightly more curved (ie smaller radius) than my US jazz. Still, great basses (if a little pricey new nowadays). Hope the OP finds a solution soon...
  25. Great band/group - someone posted them in a hardcore thread a was reading a while ago. At first I thought it was awful but the more you listen to it, it becomes real quality - hoping to go & see them when they play locally next year.
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