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Everything posted by Lw.

  1. A contentious issue that regularly receives a fair bit of discussion; I played a lot of Jazzes when deciding which model I wanted for the budget I had - I went for a used American Standard in the end, couldn't be happier with it. I played lots of Mexican ones though & they were perfectly good basses, absolutely nothing wrong with them. Some of the Squires are good too. I think you can sometimes hear/feel where the price difference has come from but if you just move onto the next one it'll probably be fine. I would suggest playing a load of them & buying the one that sounds & feels right for you, regardless of the branding/made in sticker.
  2. ^^ That dolphin is gorgeous! Here's a quick pic of my bass family: [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/greeb0uk/media/IMG_20140809_110945_zpsjzgzaohs.jpg.html"][/url]
  3. Even though you'll probably end up putting a similar dent in the finish during use I'd say a dent that's hard enough to crack the finish by the jack socket & the blemish by the neck are definitely reasons to call the shop. I'm not so bothered about the gap.
  4. I can't comment the the P's specifically but I have a post '12 american standard jazz and definitely agree about the build quality & playability of these basses. They're just really well put together & the new pick-ups do sound incredibly nice. I shopped around for a long time deciding which Jazz to buy & the American Standards out performed everything I tried (even the much more expensive Fenders). Saying this I didn't try the "super" basses (sadowsky, sandberg etc...) out there as they were out of my realistic price range. I would say they probably are worth the money as they last a lifetime. If you can't find a decent one in used condition, the new ones will serve you fine but if you can buy 2nd hand I would as you can always sell it again in the future for roughly the same amount.
  5. Sorted thanks. [s]Getting fed up of playing on my own so want to get back into a band. Ideally I'm looking for an originals band of the semi-committed variety; I can probably do one gig & two practices a week max (or similar). I'm open to most genres; rock, blues, grunge, post-hardcore - anything along those lines. About me; been playing for 10+ years & was in a regular gigging metal band years ago. Have also dabbled in a jazz combo and an acoustic due. I'm in my late twenties and have a career so not looking to be a young-rock star, just want to play music with others & enjoy some gigs. Live in Reading but work in London so either is easy for me. Please get in touch if you've got anything that might be of interest...[/s]
  6. The body on the Warwick Aliens basses looks huge which makes me think it would be loud (not actually played one though). I can just about keep up with an acoustic guitar that's really going for it on my Fender but that's really pushing it. Maybe get one of those really small amps to go with the acoustic bass, then you won't have to play as hard...
  7. The guys in Wunjo's are great to deal with, they're just round the corner from my office so have to deal with my face pressed against the window quite often. Never noticed too many amps in there though, must have been distracted by other things. Need to go to GG in Epsom soon - not been yet & it looks like it could be a good day out!
  8. ^ Well there is that yes - I've never been particularly blown away by Warwick strings despite buying a few sets.
  9. I must admit surprise at seeing this thread title at the top this morning; my previous encounters with Warwick customer services has been excellent - when my bass fell over & broke the adjustanut they sent me a replacement and a second one "just in case". They also repaired my amp when it had a problem (caused by a useless shop) and changed the carry handle without being asked because they had upgraded to a sturdier one, all FoC. That was all about 10 years ago so I guess things may have changed. As for the freebies; "meh" it's nice when they do but the bigger the company the less likely they are to help in my experience. It would have been awesome if they'd sent the bass bash some stuff but they must get asked for stuff every day & it would be deemed unfair to give to some and not others so many companies just go down the "no" route.
  10. Obviously you know best what you need bass wise but I will say; don't over stretch yourself to buy another one if its at all likely that you'll run out if money in the near future. You'll end up needing to sell the new one too and take a massive hit on it as the depreciation from new is huge. Personally I'd sell the ric if you're not using it or look swap it either on here (no rule against pm'ing trade options with p sellers) or with mark at limelight (I was tempted by that fiesta red p he had and I'm a jazz man!).
  11. In my experience this should happen all across the fretboard to a varying degree (often not noticeable in a band setting), for example on a conventional 4-string play a C on the E & A strings and they will sound slightly different. I imagine some people use this to their advantage to get a different sound for the same note. To make it less noticeable on your B-string you could probably play around with your EQ a little (but don't over do it) or try lowing your pick-ups a little on that side which will probably lower the volume on that side (again only move it in small increments).
  12. NBD and you're only going to give us one pic?!
  13. As said - it's the venues that need the PRS license not the performers, they should also be asking you for a set-list. If you're playing to large numbers of people & doing your own songs too it might be worth joining the PRS though - you might get 10p in about a year...
  14. Lw.


    As others have said - it's more than just speaker size, give it a go & see what it's like. I wouldn't just sell the 1x15" - the 4x10+1x15 combo is a classic (that I used to enjoy very much) & if it's giving you the sound you want then you'd may as well stick with it.
  15. It's already happened to music shops; remember when HMV used to have row after row of records on shelves? Now you have to fight past games, DVDs, silly plastic headphones and clothes before you can look at the meager supple of music.
  16. That's nice - looks like a mix of a Warwick Dolphin & a Jazz!
  17. I've no idea how much these are actually worth but if £795 is the price they've got on the tag then you should definitely negotiate it down - their price will never be as low as an ebay or private sale (they do have bills & wages to pay after all) but independent shops are always up for a haggle, it's part of the game.
  18. Most 5-stings I've seen in the shops come with a low B though I'm sure there are some out there that come with the C but yes, you can just re-string them (and re-setup). I imagine it's C because it means the standard scale/arpeggio patterns remain the same - I can't think of any good reason to have a bass tuned with a flattened 5ith string, other than to keep the guitar chord fingering patterns but you wouldn't really want to do that would you? Beware with basses over 5-strings; the necks start to feel like massive planks of wood - many get used to it but for me it started to feel like a struggle & not at all comfortable like 4/5 strings.
  19. Sounds like a massive waste of time to me. If you don't want to get better at bass then fine, why don't you learn a whole new instrument instead?
  20. Nice looking bass - you don't see that many sunburst Warwicks about. How does it play?
  21. Why are you stipulating no financial benefit? I'd put my name to one for a fee (if I was famous) but not for free. In terms of what I'd have; depends who makes it - if fender it's have to be a jazz with the current CS60 pickups & a dark wood neck (wenge etc... like a warwick one). Anyone else; as above but neck through & with whatever their best pickups are.
  22. I was referring to audience rather than bands/promoters - a large proportion of people above the age of 25 are not on Facebook, this is unfortunate as it's the age group that spends the most on music. Add to this that a lot of people that use Facebook only do so to contact friends rather than using email/phone/(god forbid) seeing them - many (including myself) do not follow bands or other commercial entities because they don't want their daily feed on holiday photos & memes to be interrupted by advertising. So yes - Facebook will reach many & so it could be worth doing one but you'll need something else too and in my opinion blogs are better than another social media account & easier than proper websites.
  23. There are probably a lot of other bands around the country playing a similar style to you in similar venues - you should find them and offer gig-swaps; they come and support you at your local - you go and support them at theirs etc... This way you're finding new venues & listeners and you know your music will be acceptable all round as you're similar to the other band. That was one of the things we used to do in my old band anyway, I assume people still do it.
  24. Most standard Fender stuff should be mix & match-able - that was one of the main aims of the company wasn't it? Building instruments that are modular... I'd be tempted to put a fancy Warmoth P-neck on a cheaper jazz body (to balance out the costs) - you could pick some nice exotic woods or posh looking maple...
  25. Though a lot of people aren't on Facebook, so you'll need something else too.
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