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Everything posted by Lw.

  1. What's the story with a lot of the more affordable basses coming out with roasted maple necks rather than just normal maple? Does it let them use cheaper woods as the roasting will take it up in hardness or is purely because previously roasting was a higher end option so now the mass producers are adding it too?
  2. The people have spoken, you'll just have to buy both.
  3. What a predicament you've got yourself in! The '57 is a curious description when the nut width, tuners, pickguard, bridge saddles, probably neck shape & I can't quite see but possibly the pick-up all look non-57 spec to me. The '85 - I don't think I've seen that darker patterning on a maple headstock before, it does look kind of cool though. I'd probably go for the 80's one if I had to buy blind as it looks in better condition but if I were spending the best part of a grand on a used bass, I'd really like to go and feel them first.
  4. Journeyman is the level of relic - it's a kind of light to mid relic I'd say. Checking of the paint, a couple of dinks, tarnished metal work & maybe some wear on the fredboard - heavier than a closet classic, not as heavy as say a Sandberg hardcore aged. I've got a CS '57 with flats on & think it's fair to say it does the warm/mellow type sound very well (despite the player), though I have also used it in a hardcore band! No idea how it compares to an original '57 as I've never played one but it's comparable to some later 60's P's I've played.
  5. Tasty. The red looks good! Is that their wood selection in the background?
  6. So many nice basses to be had in that budget range! Nothing growls like a Warwick but their shapes are probably too far away from the Fender derivative for you (assuming that's what you mean by traditional) - they do do a streamer made to look a little more trad though. I'd be getting yourself down to every bass shop within a few hours of you & playing everything they've got - better to take your time than rush. Also consider a ramp/thumb rest if that's what you want. Though depending on what kind of music you play, changing to floating thumb style may also be of use.
  7. They're a solid sheet of aluminium (I guess), similar thickness to the normal pick guards but with 90 degree edges rather than beveled. They have a visibly brushed finish that I thought would feel horrible but actually doesn't. Think I prefer them to plastic now, I'd assume you can get them anodised any colour you want too.
  8. I looks good - I wouldn't be buying one in the hope that they'll be sought after in the future (they won't) but as a fun cheapy they look decent. I've got a gold pick guard on my P - thought I'd hate my thumb nail touching that texture but I've had it for years now and the gold just feels right & has never been a problem!
  9. I can't go on Talkbass but from that thread on here it seems like mostly positive reviews, seems like budget basses have come a long way since I started playing many moons ago!
  10. Anyone played the Harley Benton kind of faux F-basses? Specifically the JP-45? I have a strange urging for a cheap bass, I generally don't really like the F bass designs but these are calling to me for some reason! Am I mad or do these look alright for £185? https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jp_45op_white.htm
  11. Same here - I keep looking at the walnut Squier's tempted, but I just don't like binding or blocks (nothing about being period correct, just personal preference). Then I look at the below & get sad, so close yet so far. https://www.andybaxterbass.com/collections/fender-precision-bass/products/1975-fender-precision-bass-walnut-1 Still, I think they look better on the black version, maybe matches it better. And Squier CV basses are difficult to beat in the sub-1k new bracket.
  12. Interesting. Seems I have expensive ears, ironic given the battering they've taken at gigs over the years! I'm sure headphones vs speakers makes a big difference with things like this too.
  13. Fun - I thought both sounded alright actually but I've voted for the one I thought sounded better (I won't say now). Hopefully I like the stock Squier stuff & I can save myself some £££!
  14. Out of curiosity; have you got any examples of the very good guitars? For example, what do you think is the best quality bass you can buy that was made in China? I'm all for the "it doesn't matter where the machines are located" argument, I just can't really think of an example in this case.
  15. Given the type of music you said you're into, it's got to be flats hasn't it? That way you can keep the Squire for the rounds sound.
  16. That looks seriously nice, great work!
  17. Thanks - sounds like it's probably not for me. Maybe I'll just get one of those hotone mini amps for quiet home practice in my office & keep the Eden for gig backup.
  18. Thanks for confirming
  19. Do these Gnome amps have an always-on fan? I've currently got an Eden WTX-264 as my quiet practice/back-up amp and whilst the tone is great and it can actually pull through in an emergency at gigs, the fan is driving me mad during quiet home noodling sessions. I've always had a soft spot for Warwick amps having done countless gigs with an old "Sonic III" and spending years lusting after the big "W" cabs from back in the day, so thought a Gnome could be a good replacement for the Eden but it'll be a waste of time if it can't do quiet practicing without a fan whirring away.
  20. If you've always wanted an American Fender then other options just won't scratch that itch. So long as you try before you buy you should be able to find a good one that'll really make you happy. Buying brand new does get you that feeling of it being your baby, vintage can be great but can also be an expensive dog.
  21. Thanks! The colour matching was an accident really - I was playing other basses when I got the cabs, wasn't in the market for a green bass but this one was so nice I couldn't say no!
  22. Well, it looks like that really! The necks are lovely but seriously chunky, makes you work for it but is worth it for me!
  23. This could very well be my bass (it is at least the same spec)! The soft-V neck profiles are great!
  24. Lw.

    Sire P5 &D5

    Quite tempted by the 50's style one - seem like a great spec for the price & I've been fancying having a go on that style of P for a while now.
  25. Nice basses! Given pick guards have an element of flex to them, it may be worth checking the screws holding it in place are tightened correctly.
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