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About DaytonaRik

  • Birthday 23/07/1966

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  1. Is the drummer adverse to using an eKit? They don't have to be cheap and plastic looking, and when linked with some of the drum plugins from Steven Slate and ToonTracks you'd be hard pushed to tell them apart from an acoustic kit in any mix. Yes it's an investment but it then becomes better for rehearsals, home practice etc. Just a thought? My eKit for reference!
  2. Corrected! The difference that punctuation can make, but I do agree that buying equipment for my current gear is a neat work around!
  3. I've only been bought the laptop arms - I already have a suitable length of rack tubing, lock rings etc...just needed the clamp...honest!
  4. Still in Tier 1 - but a new drum rack clamp has seen me bow out of the Tier 2 challenge! Rats! In my defence, it is to allow me to fit a laptop mount which has been bought as an early Xmas gift to the rack...I throw myself upon the mercy of the court!
  5. I bought one of those for the same reasons - it turned into one of these and a whole new set of GAS problems!!! Fortunately I know *exactly* where this is!
  6. This makes a huge difference. When you listen to a mono IEM mix everything is overlayed and can get cluttered, making it quite difficult to hear different instruments. By utilising a stereo IEM mix then you can pan each instrument within the stereo image relative to the on-stage position which makes for a much more accurate mix. It really is as big a game changer as using IEMs themselves. The down side is that you can quickly burn through AUX sends at an alarming rate and once you have 4-5 piece bands the 6 AUX sends offered by the likes of the XR18 etc simply don't offer enough outputs.
  7. For not that much more you can get a Behringer X32 Rack which offers expansion up to 32 track inputs via the SD stage boxes, better routing/bussing options, optional plug and play i/o cards etc.
  8. Late joiner - January has thrown a few IRL curve balls my way sadly but we endure. Nothing bought in January and with the band folded, no gigs planned and everything I need for the home studio I can see that remaining true for the foreseeable future.
  9. 1. Why you don't have any gigs? Weekend work commitments was the usual show stopper - trying to find dates on which everyone is available that tied in with gig availability. Drummer worked alternate weekends, I was on call 1 weekend in 4 which made for narrow windows of opportunity. 2.Do you rely on an agent ? No 3.Who finds coordinates and confirms gigs? Usually myself or on occasion another band member booked the gigs 4. Are you or any band members in this for the money? Not at all - an escape from reality and a bit of fun 5.How much do you want to gig? These days - not at all! Running a band is like trying to herd cats...you should try it and see just how hard it is! When you have to book the gigs, own/transport/run the PA/Lighting, play the gig then it really all gets too much! I'm glad to be at home at the weekends for a while, or join a band where I turn up with a bass, amp and go home with something in my pocket and not be unloading the van at 2:00am!
  10. The Thunderbird, the other Thunderbird, the Steinberg...!
  11. Slate All Access Pass holders can now access all of the official SSL plugins as part of their subscription. https://slatedigital.com/all-access-pass/#complete-access-pricing
  12. I've been using a DB Technologies IEM2000 for about 20 years (I actually have a pair of them!)...it could be time for me to upgrade! I'm very happy with my 64 Audio A3 custom earpieces, just feel it's time to upgrade the wireless side of things and the EW300 G4 is well and truly on the shopping list. I lost the backline last year with the addition of the Bass Dapper pedal, but I'd long been a fan of silent stages and DI'd heads with minimal backline. Now if only I could get the guitarists to join the silent party!
  13. Is that the Sennheiser EW300 G2? Potentially in the market for a new IEM system and the Sennheiser has been on my radar for a little while.
  14. A few - all guitars! 1) 1974 Gibson SG Special that had been modded with a middle p/u 2) Gibson Firebird, late 90's, with banjo pegs 3) Gibson Les Paul premium plus in wine red, late 90's - played like a dream 4) Ibanez RG440 Roadster, Floyd Rose trem, push/push coil tap on the bridge p/u
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