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Everything posted by DaytonaRik

  1. I've picked up the Console N (Neve VXS), SSL 4000 E and the Lindell 80 (1073/1084) strips this week. Popped the Lindell 80 onto a track I was struggling to get the kick right and bam! Took me about 10 mins with this! I've got a Slate FG-N habit in the same way - hopefully I can start to use the full functionality of the new strips (The Neve VXS looks particularly good) rather than the VMR but we'll see - the Slate solution is so elegant and simple - Preamp X, with EQ Y, add compressor Z, and bit of extra EQ here and there...genius and it sounds great too. I got the Focusrite console as a freebie when I bought my interface but I can't get over the appearance - it just looks like a mad gaming machine on serious recreational substances! The functionality is amazing but nope, can't look at it!!!! By comparison, the VXS, SSL and Neve consoles all have a certain atheistic that doesn't burn into your retinas!!!!
  2. I found MagicQ brilliant (haha!) but complete overkill for weekend warrior gigs so opted for using Luminair on an iPad instead controlled by a McMillen SoftStep. Easy to program scenes, control multi-channel fixtures etc and assign scenes/sequences to the foot switch pretty much out of the box.
  3. Just discovered Robert Jon and the Wreck - cracking country blues rock. I found them via Warren Huart's Produce Like A Pro Academy as one of their tracks (Blame It On The Whiskey) was available as a full tracks download to mix yourself - really enjoying listening to the album and using it as a reference for my own mix. https://open.spotify.com/album/4RxUU9OJtfW5J2FEANa1Aj?si=O_7N-dcVS02CZ2A9DIUIrg
  4. "Phone a landlord" is a generic phrase for chasing venues, not just a landlord - I personally just don't think it's the time to be doing it. Way too much uncertainty and stress for those in the hospitality trade to be worried about gigs for weekend warriors IMHO
  5. Just 2 x bike rallies. I don't even have the heart to phone a landlord that's barely managing to keep his head above water and have the bare faced cheek to ask for a gig in 2021!
  6. They reset it every day until 31st - just picked up their SSL 4000 E emulation (RRP $299, but it's regularly on sale) for $36 too! Might have a nosey through the $20 and under section tomorrow for a freebie!
  7. Loads of stuff on offer at Plug-in Alliance and a $20 discount with code MEGA-SALE-20OFF I picked up Brainworks Console N channel strip (emulation of the Neve VSX) for $11! Much cheapness!!!
  8. This one is just called DAW Control and mimics the Mackie Surface pretty well...certainly cheaper than a hardware controller!
  9. Repetition and knowing both vocal lines and bass lines inside. One of the tongue twister tracks I used to play in Think Lizzy was Do Anything You Wanna do which has a lot of similar sounding words... e.g. There are people that will investigate you They'll insinuate, intimidate and complicate you Don't ever wait or hesitate to state the fate that awaits those who Try to shake or take you Don't let them break you People that despise you will analyse then criticise you They'll scandalise and tell lies until they realize You are someone they should have apologised to Don't let these people compromise you Be wise too And Phil Lynott had a strange style where he sung slightly behind the beat live...tricky! I really had to just go with it...if you though for one second about what word or what note was next it was too late so those lyrics and bass line are burned into my brain!
  10. But surely you still have the photos of what was your fantastic collection...plus the Lull of course?
  11. The XT Drop D bridge is very useful for this...but it helps if remember that a) you need to set it to drop D and then b) you need to return it to standard tuning afterwards!!!
  12. Whilst I could quite happily live without one, I do quite fancy either a 5 string XT Spirit or get another 4 string but strung as BEAD and see where it goes. As for learning new things...currently learning the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet with a view to studying Bulgarian for snowboard trips...I suspect that learning to play a 5er might be a bit easier!
  13. Come on...we all love a bit of Thunderbird porn even if you don't get on with them! (Waits for @NancyJohnson to post numerous T'bird photos!)
  14. I've got got a delivery en route from Holland caught up in the delays - it'll get here when it get's here. It's pretty obvious that things will be delayed, don't feel the need for a personal apology from anyone or daily updates.
  15. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/vaccine-queue-uk
  16. Have a couple of 2021 rebookings from bike rallies cancelled in 2020...April and July. Hopeful that the July date may be possible but don’t expect the April date to be unaffected.
  17. I always associate him with Creed rather than Alter Bridge despite him playing some great stuff in both bands. Perhaps it's because I have a preference for the Creed material? In any event, I must agree that he's an often overlooked player.
  18. If you're running MacOs then you can run a virtual Mackie Surface on an iPad without any problems - it works pretty well.
  19. I'd consider them to be the P-bass of the mic world...not always the best tool for the job but you can get something pretty usable for every occasion our of one, take a beating and you can get one pretty much anywhere!
  20. We occasionally had a guest saxophonist turn up for Think Lizzy gigs just to play Dancing in The Moonlight - an AKG 416 was the clip on mic choice, which I've also used for guitar cabs with excellent results. I have a pair that need servicing as the connector cables are quite thin and fragile.
  21. Don't be afraid to try different mics, especially if you've got plenty of channels and will be blending the signals into a single acoustic guitar buss later. If it doesn't work then no problems...but if it does then it's a winner. There's no right or wrong, just what works for you in your particular instance. Go mad - throw a kick drum mic in there and see what happens when it's blended in! I've often recorded acoustic guitars a couple of feet away from heavy floor length curtains which helps reduce reflections.
  22. So you'll be playing with Miss bowie then? Indeed a small world! I think we're friends on FaceBook too fella! Agree that Alberts was a great venue stage wise but awful to get into/out of. It was much easier using the Talbot St car park but still a tight squeeze. Also sadly missed is The Greyhound - that was an excellent Nottingham venue albeit out of town. I do agree with @BigRedXin that if the need or demand for a venue is there then the music usually finds an outlet but with The Maze, Alberts and now T n T going in Nottingham city centre it leaves little/no established rock outlet with the exception of The Sal (I think they pride themselves of promoting original bands so the chances of us getting a gig there are slim to non-existent) and The Vat and Fiddle near to the station.
  23. I always liked playing there too We can only hope that it ends up as an independent music venue, but I suspect that it will be lost.
  24. I guess as it's your bass-line Neil you can be as nit-picky as you want!!!
  25. I'm sure that this is a common theme throughout the UK, but Nottingham's Tap and Tumbler is to remain closed and won't reopen once restrictions are lifted. Owners Greene King have confirmed that the pub which is one of the most unique venues in the city, regularly frequented by acts appearing at Rock City and a staple with the rock and alternative scene, is one of 79 pubs the chain is closing in the wake of the C-19 pandemic. https://www.nottinghampost.com/whats-on/food-drink/nottingham-pub-wont-reopen-lockdown-4787862?fbclid=IwAR3OOtz4-CaySOiNUZBDr3YwcRtnpKhnSJFg_iwTxPXB6SFsLpKzRor7M0A Sad day
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