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Everything posted by DaytonaRik

  1. Another (mostly) satisfied JamKazam user here. Agree with all of the above - a hard wired connection to your router and a reasonably fast interface are a must for best performance. We rehearse as an acoustic three piece without too much trouble, but I've yet to try it as a full band relying on a drummer for timekeeping. JamKazam can be a little flakey sometimes, and whilst it does support VST plugins (I use Reverbsuite for vocals and Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack for my bass channel) ) it has a nasty habit of not saving the last settings that you used for that plugin, and it can occasionally just crash when loading the VST to reset everything as you want it. The software supports multiple channels so if you are a singing musician then you can setup JamKazam to run different plugins on different channels depending on what you have plugged into that interface channel. I've used it quite happily with an XR18 as an interface, but get much lower latency with my Thunderbolt Focusrite Clarett 2Pre. It's certainly much better than Zoom, FaceTime or any other 3rd party audio chat software, and when it's all setup and working it certainly does the job.
  2. Plenty of bands/venues were either breaking restrictions or finding ways to bend the rules to their favour from the start...if people really want to gig then they'll find ways to. I'm happy to look at alternatives - home recording, music college recording courses etc. until we have absolute agreement between every band member that they even want to consider looking at gigging again.
  3. 20021 IOM TT is already cancelled - they obviously don't share your optimism
  4. Sort of - but in a much more complicated way. With an IR, the response of the entire signal chain - preamp, mic, speaker and cabinet - is recorded and that resultant response curve is applied to the amp tone...be that a physical head or the output from a plugin. So yes, an EQ but far from a simple preset. The IR includes the subtle characteristics of different mics, rooms, even minor differences in the same brand/model of speaker.
  5. That's a horrifying thought - I really hope that the medical team (who can perform wonders) manage to retain as much use of his hand as possible so that with time, patience and physio your drummer continues to be able to play. When I think of the daft things I've done on motorbikes, snowboards, and mountain bikes I'm stunned that I've never had a serious injury. It does make you wonder!
  6. Thanks @Mcgiver69 - that looks perfect for buses/groups
  7. Thanks for the advice @Mcgiver69 - the more tools we have at our disposal the better. I'm using the demo of SW Headphone edition and the improvements in bass response, especially around 70-100hz are incredible, plus by flattening the response from 1.1khz everything just seems fuller and more weighty!
  8. Agree - home studio environment is a nightmare and far from perfect but anything we can do to flatten the response and trust what we hear can only be a good thing
  9. Do either of those actually work with monitors or just headphones? A quick glance would show that it's the latter? I also mix on a set of KRK Rokit 5's and want to apply correction to those as well which Sonarworks allows me to do. Sonarworks also include a calibrated reference condenser mic (which is useful for RTA) in the price and make the profile of that individual mic available to you for your room measurements. Black Friday deal is $179
  10. show was filmed 31/3/'74 and they were supported by a Liverpool band called Nutz who also supported (amongst others) Black Sabbath and they went on to appear at the Reading festival. The bass player and guitarist are still very active in the Liverpool music scene. Keith (bass) also played with Garth Rocket and the Moonshiners.
  11. Thanks @Ramirez- the results on the K702s have been impressive enough for me to consider the full studio edition. Have you tried it with your monitors as well? If so then I'd be intrigued to hear your opinion.
  12. Whole bunch of offers from Sonar Works -
  13. I've just downloaded a demo of Sonar Works Reference 4 Headphone Edition and the adjustments to the EQ of my AKG K702 headphones (which I always thought sounded great) were impressive, boosting the lows at around 90hz, taking a notch out of the low mids at around 1k and generally tidying up the whole response from 12k upwards (se attached before/after images) Just wondered if anyone uses this as there's a Black Friday sale on reducing the studio edition from $299 to $179 which includes a reference microphone to accurately measure the response with your own room/speakers. I know it's not a substitute for proper room treatment, but from my demo of the system the results seem to speak for themselves and the software seems to have a few fans, notably producer/engineer Warren Huart (Korn, Black Veil Brides, The Ramones, Ace Frehley, Aerosmith) who runs the Produce Like a Pro YouTube channel. The system will also emulate pre-defined curves such as hi-fi speakers, cinema system curves etc. Thoughts and comments appreciated.
  14. I've been getting by with a combination of an Apogee Jam, plus a Behringer XR18 and whilst both had allowed me to record neither are what you'd call leading edge on the old interface stakes. Both had limited options of 44.1 or 48khz sample rate but neither were what you'll call speedy. Using Reaper's built in latency The Jam has reported a latency of 7.0 m/s at 48khz with 128 samples. The Behringer does better and get's down to 5.8 m/s with the same settings. Enter - The Focusrite Clarett 2Pre! I had been looking for a Thunderbolt interface and had all but given up of hope of finding one as all of their current Prosumer are now USB-C but I happened upon a new-old-stock Thunderbolt interface for sale on eBay and jumped at the chance. The results are astonishing - running the same 48khz/128 samples setting the Clarett records just 3.3 m/s of latency according to Reaper's built in measurements, but upping the frequency to 96khz and 128 samples the Focusrite has an amazing latency value of 1.8 m/s. Build quality is excellent - external power supply aside - with an all metal case, satisfying relay switches when swapping between line and instrument level and a clear easy to read panel. Front mounted phantom power buttons per channel, and monitor and headphone levels are also on the front. The interface comes with the excellent Control software which allows you to route the various inputs to the four 1/4" outputs or SPDIF ports. It's a step up from the Scarlett, definitely more Prosumer than consumer. A very impressive piece of kit and an excellent addition to the home studio.
  15. I may have just purchased a Focusrite Clarett interface as well - oops! 🤪
  16. Don't really need Riot Drums as I use Slate Drums 5.5 but some of their other offerings such as their IRs have appeal 🤔
  17. Rode NT-1 KRK Rokit 5 Monitors AKG K702 headphones Reaper (finally!) UgriTones midi drum packs Think that's it...?
  18. Head over, click the link, get the new CLA plugin https://www.waves.com/lpn/black-friday-2020/free-plugin-signup?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=free&utm_term=midi&utm_content=image-v1&fbclid=IwAR3eOkuKWGdWmz9E73a7255dIO8SVbHGWv0RnJ0fSro-hXX5CGI2C7WbIAg
  19. I work in IT so I've usually been keen to adopt technology when I can see a benefit for it...things like the XR18 mixer which I use an an interface, DAW control running on the iPad as a Mackie control surface to control faders in Reaper etc. Any DAW is very logical if you've had any exposure to a recording studio or even a live mixer in some aspects. video-1600935710.mp4
  20. Embrace the tech! I've had so much fun during lock down learning about home recording, studio tips/tricks/techniques and enjoyed it so much that I've enrolled at my local college for recording and music production evening courses starting in 2021. Maybe it helps that I also sing and play guitar so don't have a need for any external musicians with the exception of the odd guitar solo if I want something really special beyond my capabilities, but getting the home studio setup has been so good for my mental health during recent months, giving me something to focus on and expand my knowledge.
  21. Just run through this for the first time in about 5 years - funny how it sticks in your head!
  22. Duff does throw a few curve balls into this one with odd fills that he only plays once during the main verse structure, but i've found over the years that it's a similar story with a lot of the Duff's lines. As most have said, get the fundamentals of the track down into sections then work on each section individually, fine tuning them and making minor corrections as you go along.
  23. Our guitarist asked if I'm going to start to look for bookings for 2021...not really at the moment was my reply!
  24. Hope no-one gigging in England has any pub gigs booked for the next 4 weekends?
  25. I'm using the Hi-Z input from my XR18 into Reaper and generally run 3 channels of bass - one is usually Positive Grid's BIAS FX 2 simulating a mic'd up cab, the 2nd is a 'free' Tech 21 pedal emulation available here https://www.tseaudio.com/software/tseBOD and finally a clean DI signal. I also occasionally run a 4th track on a tip from Steve Slate which is the DI channel into a Neve pre-amp sim for gain/saturation.
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