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Everything posted by DaytonaRik

  1. You sir, are pretty much the font of all IEM knowledge and everyone who has ever asked your advice (including myself) are always in your debt. I'm just a weekend warrior and the A3's suit my needs and budget accordingly. It doesn't, however, stop me dreaming does it! 😉
  2. I think they turned mine around in 8 days so be prepared for a surprise. The online order progress tool is great but annoying at the same time!
  3. Meanwhile - us mortals with the A3s dream of such goodies! Nice score though 😎👍
  4. A bit different for us - we're all playing in other projects but with exception of one track the material we rehearsed is unique to this band. It's a great feeling when you've been apart for a while and it's as if you all rehearsed together the day before.
  5. We rehearsed yesterday - first time in approx 4-5 weeks due to other commitments, holidays, work etc...it was as if we'd never stopped rehearsing. I guess that's when the long hours we've all put in pay dividends.
  6. Italian pianist/composer Ludovico Einaudi's In a Time Lapse
  7. Al's a drum tutor and reads. Not sure about books though. He played Metallica's For Whom The Bell Tolls from the music in a last minute rehearsal and then at a gig! I am a very, very, VERY lucky bass player!
  8. Have a look at Fretuoso - definitely available from the Apple store and probably on other hardware platforms.
  9. I've tried in the past but with a twin harmony/lead guitar band it's just not worth it - use the time to go through material at home so that each member know's their parts inside out when you rehearse next you can be sure that you're all as good as you can be.
  10. A friend of mine has always wanted to form a mariachi band covering rock bands called Juan Jovi! I'd pay to see that, I really would!
  11. What have the Romulans ever done for us?
  12. Really lucky in that current skinsman is a drum teacher and plays everything with a metronome - we agree on the pace of a given track at a rehearsal and once it's it's set then it really is set...end of!
  13. Volume changes after setting the gain on a mic'd up cab!!!
  14. But we usually only start something new because we've left a band...keep doing what you've always done and you'll only ever be able to do what you know how to do already?
  15. Here's a question for you all - have you noticed how after changing bands you feel all refreshed, ready to take on new challenges, learning new material that sparks the will to learn new techniques etc? Maybe it's the new material that changed your mood? Maybe it was the change of personnel? Maybe other factors? I left my band last year for a variety of factors and took the opportunity to set up a project that I feel much happier with, working alongside different people, bringing in a vocalist to take that additional burden from my shoulders, being more "in control" and less of a passenger so to speak. The time I'm spending playing/practicing has noticeably increased accordingly. Interested to hear other similar tales
  16. I am obviously blessed - or enough penance has been served with previous outfits. New guys don't noodle, don't play overly loud, give each other stage space, have impeccable gear, guitars stay in cases until it's soundcheck...which takes a verse and half of something outside the set. Luckily all the bands I've played in have always helped tear down/load out but these take it a step above - even making sure cables are coiled, velcro tied, counted, in the right pile etc. The completely non-tech vocalist acts as a stage hand and will run around grabbing things as we need then - nothing is too much trouble for her. I don't know how they put up with me as apparently I'm a terrible band mate and previous bands are much better/happier without me! 😉
  17. Ah - on-hover context sensitive menu - got it!
  18. Thanks for the hire list - is there a price list for rehearsal space?
  19. Can you add a price list to your website? Thanks
  20. I can still play the Think Lizzy setlist, plus the new Retribution list and probably another 20 without thinking too hard - 70-80. I'm sure that wit ha bit of revision that would easily increase to 100+ though
  21. One of our guitarists does a busman holiday job working for a signmaker/writer/installer and he got this fantastic lightweight vinyl backdrop made F.O.C. We really can't complain at all.
  22. An absolutely fantastic debut for Retribution at a small bike rally in Yorkshire. A few brain farts on my part but the band were very well received and we've been invited back for next year which works for me. Now to hit the venues in Derbyshite/Nottinghamshire and see what dates we can pick up
  23. Not any more - I'm a massive fan of 80's/90's rock and that's exactly what my new band play
  24. Bass into the wireless TX, wireless RX into a Korg rack mount tuner into the ABM...job done.
  25. Our drummer is also a drum teacher and uses a metronome for every track
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