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Everything posted by DaytonaRik

  1. The Think Lizzy boys - Poet & Castle, Codnor. Sat 31st Jan 2015 [attachment=183378:10360536_608441842590381_731261362934173869_n.jpg][attachment=183379:13133_608441945923704_9040287765783459779_n.jpg][attachment=183380:10451023_608441615923737_470635126742694471_n.jpg][attachment=183381:10968542_608441482590417_5388691996181970734_n.jpg] [attachment=183382:946845_608440922590473_8191956892508146457_n.jpg] [attachment=183462:10959710_608442182590347_2780811367649701117_n.jpg]
  2. Guess it's like it say on the tin really! If Thin Lizzy are your thing then come along and make yourself known.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1423485142' post='2685273'] I use whichever of my basses is the most appropriate in terms of looks, sound and playability for the gig. The name on the headstock and the price are irrelevant. [/quote] ^^^ Definitely this
  4. Have wireless will travel! Even in pubs during some of the longer solos (Emerald, Suicide) I'm off and about - punters love it!
  5. I have a Rockburn P as my perfectly serviceable and playable spare - it's well set up and sounds like my main (Tokai Hard Puncher) - it makes the sound myself and the rest of the band want it to make i.e. a P-bass. Job done. I'm a self-confessed guitar snob, but less fussy with my bass gear - can't work that one out myself either!
  6. My usual domain is the pub/club circuit BUT I've played at Sheffield Arena (pre/interval entertainment for an Ice Hockey game) on approx half the main auditorium stage - what an experience! Wish I do gigs like that every night! Whilst I agree it was odd being detached from the crowd, it just served to make me work harder to try and entertain/include them. The away fans were brilliant and really got into it.
  7. I want to know where a bass playing vocalist fits into the equation!
  8. a Limelight light relic early 70's P bass in black, mirror plate and maple board á la Phil Lynott - the order goes in Tue!
  9. [quote name='NoRhino' timestamp='1422893074' post='2677971'] At a StatusNo gig, the clue's in the name , dulcet Glaswegian tones from he back of he hall "Gie's The Killers!" [/quote] In a similar vein, on Saturday a guy a little worse for wears wanders up to me playing in Think Lizzy and asks if we can play some Led Zep!
  10. Band went down really well despite a few dodgy moments including a complete blank on what to play under at least one guitar solo!!! I remain convinced that inside their heads punters in pubs are hearing the recordings!!!! Not one of my better performances but a happy crowd...I'll buy that,
  11. Guess 'as it says on the tin' - anyone local to Derby is more than welcome to come and join me and the rest of the Think Lizzy vagabonds and enjoy an evening dedicated to Phil and the boys - starts around 9:00pm.
  12. I find cleaning/fast fret before and after gigs tend to keep them longer lasting anyway! Prevention being better than a cure and all that?
  13. Nice buy! Well worth a punt at that price too. Ive never had a problem weight-wise with the Thunderbird. Compared to a Les Paul it's positively lightweight! It could possibly be the ergonomics of the design rather than the weight? It took me a little while to find the ideal position but it was well worth the effort. Unsure as to whether or not to take Mark up his p/ex valuation or pop mine up for sale on here for a couple of weeks and see if I get any takers...will have a ponder.
  14. His #1 bass is a '71 according to an interview in Guitar World - http://www.guitarworld.com/steve-harris-and-dave-murray-iron-maiden-open-1988-guitar-world-interview?page=0,1
  15. Another guitarist turned bassists here - played in originals and cover bands for 20 odd years. When I was in a band as a vocalist only the bass player quit so I stepped into the breach...I should have done it years ago! Down to just 4 guitars at the mo - a lovely 1996 Patrick Eggle Berlin Pro, a 2006 SG Standard, an NJ series BC Rich Assassin slab top 'super strat' and a cracking 1986 Godin Acousticaster deluxe. This was my setup - I still have the rack gear but sadly the Les Paul and Firebird are no longer in the collection. [attachment=182205:riksrig.jpg] I miss playing guitar in a band tbh!
  16. If you can get to Derby (if its not too far?) this Wednesday evening you're welcome to try mine at our rehearsal rooms. Drop me a PM if you're interested. I'm not sure how much longer it will be in my possession as Mark is taking it in part-ex against a Limelight in the very near future.
  17. I'm currently in discussions with Mark re a Phil Lynnott replica 70s Precision - black with maple fingerboard and a mirror plate. The brief is essentially 'what would his basses look like if PL was still with us?'. He has offered me a very generous trade-in on my Thunderbird which has eased the financial burden. His basses will now come with either a black tolex or tweed case at cost which has nudged the price up accordingly but I think it still represents amazing value - May won't be able to get here quickly enough!!!
  18. Where do I place my order? I love my Ashdown ABM combo, but hate the weight and would love to convert it to a head for use with my compact 2x10 cab. This would be the ideal solution.
  19. I'm constantly listening to Live and Dangerous as Think Lizzy's front man, but I always tell everyone...we're never a tribute band - the man is simply too hard an act to do justice to. Both Limehose and Dizzy Lizzy are great bands to go and see...if we get anywhere near that level I'd be happy!
  20. Def Leppard cover band
  21. Our guitarist had a vinyl banner printed and displayed outside a venue for a few weeks leading up to our last gig - it seemed to work and the venue had in the managers words "the busiest night they've had there, including New Year's Eve" I suspect we'll be continuing to use this strategy where practically possible
  22. Think Lizzy kicked off 2015 with a gig on Sat in West Hallam (where???) at a venue that when our guitarist turned up with posters 3 weeks before was devoid of punters!!! We didn't have great hopes but by 9:00 the place was packed and as the evening wore on most were obviously Lizzy fans! The place was bouncing from the word go, lots of crowd participation, sing alongs (esp Rosalie and Whisky in the Jar) - a cracking gig. The venue run out of clean glasses, sold out of two beers and the crowd wouldn't let us go until we'd played three encores and we're back there in May. The manageress said it was the busiest night they'd had including New Year's Eve! I suspect our guitarist's new marketing ploy may have helped with the crowd?
  23. Wasted Years - Iron Maiden Inside - Stiltskin The first is a great example of a how a heavy rock band can tone it down, the second is just downright superb
  24. Lol...! Jailbreak Waiting For An Alibi Are You Ready? Rosalie Southbound Emerald Dancing in the Moonlight Massacre Got To Give It Up Still In Love With You ChinaTown Killer On The Lose Don't Believe A Word Dedication Warriors Suicide Fighting My Way Back Johnny The Fox Soldier Of Fortune Cowboy Song The Boys Are Back In Town Whisky In The Jar Well...it IS a Thin Lizzy cover band - note cover not tribute...I'm never doing the whole tribute thing!!!!
  25. Basses In Thunderbird IV Tokai Hardpuncher Rockburn Precision copy (freebie!) Gear In Ashdown MiBass 220 Yamaha 01v Basses out - Gear Out - Marshall 1960A 4x12 What I've learned... In a live rock band setting a cheap P-bass copy CAN cut it! The above cheap bass WILL kill your shoulder! My Thunderbird is probably surplus to requirements An 01v is STILL an incredible mixing desk
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