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Everything posted by DaytonaRik

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1414102220' post='2586017'] I've never played in a rock band so I've never had this problem. I've never seen what draws bass players to do rock bands tbh. [/quote] Ermmm...perhaps because I like rock music? Basically it's the same reason why I [b][i]don't[/i][/b] play in a Motown band!
  2. Rather than phone calls, one of our bookers (for the 'tribute' band) actually turns up to the venue with a promo pack - live and studio stills, posters, flyers, some samples of recordings 'as-live' - they don't have to be full tracks, a selection fading in and out does the trick, Are there any established rock venues in your area? Get onto the bill for all-day events as that can lead to support slots leading onto bookings.
  3. I'm currently experiencing both the good and bad - both bands have twin guitars, in which guitarist 'A' is excellent, space appropriate volume, good tone at different output levels etc. Meanwhile, guitarist 'B' thinks everything should be on 11! I've suggested they stand opposite their back line, not on top of it for rehearsals so they can experience what the rest of us have to put up with for themselves!!!!
  4. A self taught guitarist becomes a self taught bass player...I probably have every bad habit under the sun and then some! Back to the OP - I'm still learning so much so that everything I learn in a step in the right direction and whilst I'm not the most technically advanced bass player out there 25 years of playing (mostly) rhythm guitar means I have a good feel for what I'm trying to achieve and understand my role in the band. I try to learn new and different things - auditioned for a country/blues band which put so me far out of my comfort zone it was untrue but I felt I achieved and learned something new which hopefully I can put to use at some point.
  5. Generally the rest of the band can be a little 'preoccupied' and 'static' - as you say, worrying about the next bit. Sure, if it's a tricky run or phrase I'll look down to make sure I've got it nailed but then heads up, lots of eye contact and smiles and it's onto the next bit! I've always been accused of playing a pub like it's a stadium but is that a bad thing? I'm there to entertain so I make sure that the focus of my attention are the folks I'm playing to - I move around whenever possible, try to elicit responses, get folks to clap along/join in - I try to be entertaining rather than a mannequin or a cardboard cut out. I agree that how you engage with your audience is more important than how you look, but for myself making the effort to look a bit like a 'rock star' and playing that part when I'm performing is all part and parcel of my role as an entertainer.
  6. A mate was raving about these so I gave them a listen. After listening to a couple of tracks I've reached the conclusion that although immensely innovative it's not my thing. Kind of like "The Edge" but with 4 strings. Strip away the gadgets and effects and what's left behind isn't so overwhelming.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1413931061' post='2583871'] Now don't get too cocky Rik, but that does look like a picture of an average band with a rock star Photoshopped into it. [/quote] Where do I send the cheque?
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1413929534' post='2583852'] And again - NOI to the others, Rik - but you're the only one [i]not[/i] staring at his fingerboard. Age brings the benefit of experience. [/quote] I can't argue with that either! Given that I started gigging before any of the rest of the band were born and I'm old enough to be a father to any of them of them then I guess I'm the experienced one! To be fair, they all comment on my stage presence/craft so hopefully things will change. Early days and all. I try to emphasis that you're there to entertain, so take the effort to look up, engage with the crowd - if you're enjoying it the crowd invariably comes along for the ride. For me, getting changed after setting up into something I'm going to gig in is like putting your work overalls on...time to have fun!
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1413926775' post='2583816'] No offense to the other band members , but for me, your the only one on stage that looks the part and is in the game. Blue [/quote] None taken...and I agree with you! Looks even better with the T'bird
  10. I've been using wireless systems for as long as I can remember - certainly 90's onwards. Guitar TX packs (currently using an old but perfectly usable AT 3110), mics, IEMS - the whole works! Anything to be rid of the dreaded tether between myself and the amp and a multitude of cables taped to the floor. Doesit change my tone? I've never been convinced that it does to any noticeable degree in a live band environment.
  11. We're a bit of a mixed bunch - the female vocalist and myself tend to make the effort whilst the two guitarists roll up in jeans/shorts and t-shirts. I almost without fail wear a pair of ripped jeans (bought as such), t-shirt, with an open shirt over the top and cowboy boots. I have been known to rock the sunnies once in a while too! For the record the band is a rock covers band playing material from the 70's onwards and are aged between 20 something (everyone else!) and a late 40 something (me!)
  12. Opened up proceedings at an all day charity bash this afternoon...not only the first gig for this band but my first gig in over 2 years and loved it!!! Small but appreciative crowd and a vocalist who had never sung live before but more than held her own. A few gaffs mostly down to having too much fun and enjoying playing live again. Excellent engineer (thanks Marcus), great in-house lighting and sound and a return to the venue in the spring. Job done!
  13. Wish me luck guys and gals - first gig in over two years and only my 3rd as a bass player!!! We're opening up proceedings at a charity all day event with some respected local acts. Looking forward to it immensely.
  14. This *IS* Darth Vader's bass! Have a bump!
  15. A refresher of Thunder's Loser and Iron Maiden's Fear of the Dark for me ready for Sat - first gig with a new cover's band...could be 'entertaining' lol!
  16. Well - had a chance to try it out in the house at a good level - the joys of a detached house! I also A/B'd it against my ABM 500 combo... I have to say I'm pretty happy with it - in a direct comparison it's not a million miles away from my sound on the ABM, obviously lacking the valve-drive and sub-harmonics but overall a good usable tone out of the box. The shape function can product a bit of 'honk' but punching the EQ to dial that out was a quick enough job. I was worried about having enough headroom but again, I was surprised and adding the speaker of my combo to give a 4ohm setup was great - plenty of oomph from the 1x15/2x10 setup and headroom enough. It'll be interesting to see how this weekend's gig and rehearsal go with the lightweight set up.
  17. I'd lend out a spare bass no problems - the Bass Collection is already pretty battered anyway!
  18. I front a Thin Lizzy cover band so guess I can speak with a bit of experience on this one. 1) Learn the bass line inside out - one less thing to think about 2) Learn the vocal line inside out - see above! 3) Identify 'key points' for the vocal i.e. know what your hands are doing at key vocal points be that resting, moving between notes, playing a Bb etc 4) Practice, practice, practice...then practice some more!!! Try the live version of Lizzy's Fighting My Way Back as an exercise...easy vocal, easy bass line...try both together!
  19. As much as I love my Ashdown ABM 115 combo, it's slowly been killing me! It's a heavy so and so to lift and move around in the car so today I ordered a New Old Stock MIBass 220 to use with my Ashdown NEO 2x10 cab for smaller gigs and rehearsals whilst retaining the option of the ABM combo and NEO cab setup for larger venues. I paid the crazy price of £153 shipped from Germany - sounds like an absolute bargain to me! I'll update everyone with a mini review of it hooked up to the NEO cab in due course.
  20. Sorry guys - despite me having this marked as not available in my work diary they've swapped out of hours support rotas on me and I'm going to have to say that I'm not attending...but I'll be trying to get down for a little while at least.
  21. Top purchase
  22. +1 for Ampkit - you can import any track from your iTunes library and play along.
  23. I run Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinky's across all of my guitars - 9-46 but that's for rock with a fair bit of lead and bending. I've been known to kill a set of strings in a week...depends on the circumstances. A couple of hot gigs under lights with lots of sweat and bends can destroy a set without any real bother!
  24. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1392243155' post='2366492'] This is right - practice - individually. IME and IMO band practice is for gluing it all together not, I repeat NOT, for learning individual parts. [/quote] Right there!
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