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Everything posted by DaytonaRik

  1. With advances in DMX and LED technologies it's possible to light a pub/small club gig with four LED panels and a few colour changers. Gone are the days of baking under PAR lamps...thankfully!!! I use a pair of DMX LED panels either side of the stage for washes/fill and 3 colour changers behind the kit in a fan pattern - small, portable and all runs from a PC running free software. Each panel supposedly offers an 'unlimited' palette using RGB mixing but in reality there are a dozen or so usable variations but this is sufficient.
  2. A really useful feature of this model is the front mounted 'Engineer Out' headphone socket which can be used to run a wired feed to a 2nd band member - usually the drummer.
  3. One of the biggest musical revelations I've ever made was swapping to IEMs - I took the leap around 8-9 years ago - I never looked back and I still have the same DB2200 system, albeit with Shure earpieces as opposed to the original Sony buds. I tend to run the system n mono and have a vocal prominent band mix in one channel and my bass in the other which allows me to blend the two channels to my preference and to make adjustments on-the-fly. I find it works well for me. I also add a couple of ambient mics to add some 'atmosphere' into the IEM mix
  4. Swap them for a DiMarzio ClipLock strap?
  5. I guess it sounds like I did it the right way and went Apogee Jam and Ampkit from the word go - I've never felt unhappy/underwhelmed with the sound and the Ashdown ABM emulator was well worth the few quid it cost to buy. The Jam interface comes with both an Apple 30pin and USB cables andworks beautifully with Garage Band so a win/win
  6. I'll keep checking then and see what (hopefully and safely) gives. In the meantime, I wonder if a light spray of hot water from a cleaning product/gardening 'atomiser' type bottle would soften the neck and speed up the process?
  7. This problem is the other way around - even with NO tension on the truss rod (ie completely wound off) there is insufficient tension in the strings to put a positive curve into the neck unless it's over-pitched
  8. I've no idea how long it was stored - I'm guessing years rather than months. The previous owner had stripped the electronics out and started to sand the body back then abandoned it. I've had it strung for a good 12 months at least...maybe longer.
  9. I bought an old Cort headless flying vee bass as a restoration project but it seems that the previous owner had stored it unstrung but with compression still on the truss rod - the net effect is that the neck has no curve, in fact, it's probably bowed the wrong way! The truss rod is currently completely wound off and I have to pitch it to an F or Gb for it to be remotely playable. It's a through neck so swapping a neck isn't an option. Has anyone come across this issue and if so is it salvagable? I was wondering about shaving/sanding the neck to reduce the bulk or whether a luthier has access to arcane knowledge/black arts to restore the curve. Comments/advice appreciated.
  10. Hi all, Just joined and thought I'd best follow protocol and say "hi" A bit about me - long time guitarist, short time bassist! I've played guitar in rock bands for 20 odd years but found myself as a pure vocalist in a band a few years ago. That was until the bass player quit so I decided to step into the breach and took on four-string duties I admit to having an absolute ball and thought it might be a lot of fun to contine as a bass player and three years later I find myself playing in a Thin Lizzy/Gary Moore cover (not tribute) band. I guess that suits my pick style of playing quite nicely but I'm slowly teaching myself to move over to finger-style for the odd track and for self-improvement. I guess as a guitarist I've no real bass-playing heroes but Neil Murray has always stood out as a cracking player, along with Steve Harris, Billy Sheehan. The rock crowd I guess! Also rate Chris Childs (Thunder and The Union) as a very good player. Gear-wise I picked up an 80's Bass Collection EB310 to start with and recently a Schecter Omen Extreme and run through an Ashdown ABM500 1x15 combo with an ABM 2x10 extension cab. I've always had a thing for Thunderbirds (I used to use a Firebird) so no doubt one of those will wing it's way into the collection in due course. Anyway - enough waffle from me - I look forward to browsing through the forums and exchanging views/comments with you all in due course. Rik
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