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Everything posted by Fab58

  1. Where are you located?
  2. I do a bunch of different gigs, in a bunch of styles, ranging from small just-above-acoustic volume, through fairly standard bar room blue, up to medium size full-production gigs. My idea is single 12 for the small gigs, single 15 for the bar-size gigs, and combine the two for larger gigs.
  3. I'm looking to (almost) totally redo my rig, cab-wise. Most of my gigs I do with a MarkBass SA450 through an Eden D210XLT. On the odd occasion I need a bit more for outdoor shows or larger stages, I add a custom made (o.k., a cobbled together ugly but functional home-made p.o.s.) 1x15 with a black widow 15" in it. I'm quite happy with the MarkBass, but I'm contemplating getting a Bergantino NV115, and either a CN or HD 112. I'd stack the 15 and the 12 cabinets for larger stages, and use just one for smaller gigs. I'm open to other suggestions and, for one, budget isn't a *huge*concern (within reason). I'd like to find out the differences sound-wise between the CN and the HD, as none of my local shops has much beyond the standard Ampeg/Aguilar/Bugera/etc. to try out. The place I'll probably be getting the Bergs from does have a return policy, but I'd rather try to get it right first time. BTW I'm happy with the Eden; it's being promoted to house cab/spare status...
  4. I play Clawhammer style and am just starting to get into 2 finger thumb lead. I'm not fantastic but at the stage where I need to find other folks to play with.
  5. Anyone here got experience with a Bajo Sexto? For those who don't know, it's a 12 string instrument, looks a bit like a 12 string guitar but tuned down an octave and with the 1st two courses tuned C and F rather than B and E. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bajo_Sexto I'm thinking of getting one to use in a duo with an acoustic Guitarist so I can combine Bass with some chord work. I'd be tuning the first 2 courses down a half-tone to B and E.
  6. My OLP 5'er. I've got real Stingray 5, but the passive OLP's got that "certain something" for a classic rock gig I do occasionally.
  7. My opinion is just get one, do the nut, and just enjoy the heck out of it. The trem arm is a pretty minor issue, IMO, unless you're gonna be wangin' the bejesus out of it which probably isn't a happy thing on a Jaguar/Jazzmaster type vibrato.
  8. I'm coming to the UK next year and wondering what shops are worth visiting as I might buy myself a late Christmas present. I'll be staying in the Kings Cross area, so will be getting around by train and walking.
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