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Everything posted by HowieBass

  1. Maybe you should offer to write a short instruction manual for the mitre jig on the understanding they let you have it for free and you get your money back?
  2. How about Brontide? First album here: http://youtu.be/KQwqKk-quuk
  3. Alpher featured in one of Scott Devine's recent videos http://youtu.be/DyPVEsS4bb8
  4. Chuck a packet of desiccant silica gel in with them if you have any (assuming you haven't already thrown it away or eaten it!).
  5. Listened to it - found it a tad irritating to be honest LOL, mainly because it never offered me a 'pay off' or a resolution - before I looked at your explanation I'd have guessed it had either been created through some structured 'chance' process (rolling a dice then doing something based on the score) or it had reversed note sequences based on motifs you'd created previously. Bet it took you a while to get it all put together anyway!
  6. +1 about not winding strings over themselves.
  7. That top does look very 60s paisley style in a way - if you hadn't already named your bass it could have been Purple Haze
  8. I bet you can't even use it as a cricket bat...
  9. Have you made any progress with finding the source of the problem yet? Hope you get it sorted soon anyway!
  10. If you intend to do any fiddling about with the electronics why not ask Maruszczyk what to check?
  11. More rug trip than road worn...
  12. There's something wrong with the mixer output - you've proved this when you swapped the interconnect round with red to white and vice versa. The amp is fine because you've proved that by swapping the mixer and Chromecast over. You've got two decks feeding two phono inputs and I assume both decks both produce output on the same single channel only so it's unlikely to be a problem on the input side. What happens if you feed the Chromecast into a spare line in on the mixer? I suspect you'll once again only get one channel out - it's all pointing to some configuration issue or fault with the mixer master out to me.
  13. I'm not familiar with the mixer so I've just Googled a few pics. It won't be anything as simple as Master Balance panned all the way to one side will it? Assume Master Out if set to Mono would deliver the same summed L+R to both sides?
  14. Just spotted a Squier bass in Trevor Horn's house in the BBC Four documentary 'The Secret Science of Pop'... good to see such a renowned producer and bass player isn't a label snob
  15. Regarding an enamelled fingerboard, I think it might sound similar to an epoxied board (Jaco... ).
  16. As I visualise the instrument I'm imagining something very Ritter like!
  17. I've got the same combo and they really do sound great - plenty of power on tap! GLWTS
  18. The feed isn't good quality as I'm trying to view it - stuttering and low resolution video - could be the servers can't cope with the demand? EDIT: And I've given up trying to watch it.
  19. Ahhhhh gosh yeah, was getting all mixed up with fret spacing. Mea culpa! Don't panic! LOL What threw me was the board looks wider on the right so I'd imagined that was the body end!
  20. Well looking at the photo you've posted it looks to me as if the orientation is what I'd see looking down at the fretboard in a playing position, headstock to my left, guitar body to the right. If this is so then I'd expect the bass side to be nearest me (at the bottom of the fretboard in the picture) and this is where the longest string will go but the image suggests the longest string is over on the treble side. As it stands the board seems to have been cut for a left-handed instrument. Does that make sense?
  21. Gearman also claims to be selling parts for Tempo vans... more contact details for him here, though I doubt it'll help track him down: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://markt.tempo-dienst.de/&prev=search
  22. I bet Zeena Parkins would be interested! Was hugely impressed with her electric harp with the whammy bar when she played with Bjork.
  23. This is going to be a lefty?
  24. Just when I thought I'd run out of builds to salivate over...
  25. Sounds like you've got a little too much neck angle...
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