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Everything posted by ChunkyMunky

  1. ChunkyMunky

    Bristol Bash

    If anyone is coming from West Sussex or is along the way and wants a lift, drop me a message.
  2. Did this ever go in the end? I know I'm nearly 3 years late and all
  3. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1487105658' post='3237219'] Michel Camilo Big Band. [/quote] BRILLIANT CHOICE!
  4. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1487098832' post='3237107'] I'm getting to like single cut/ semi acoustic basses - I think it was Chowny that turned my head initially - IMO Ritter do it best though. [/quote] Way too cool. I'd play that! I'll throw a secret favourite of mine. [URL=http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/chunkymunky921/media/bigal_mainbanner1_zpsl9rzp5dd.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/chunkymunky921/bigal_mainbanner1_zpsl9rzp5dd.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  5. Mr.Bungle Michael Jackson Mudvayne Madness Agonyst Spice Girls
  6. ChunkyMunky

    Bristol Bash

    [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1487068948' post='3236656'] I've probably got more free time than most on this forum so I'll pick this one up if no-one has any objections - maybe aim for May/June? Could invite Steven Chowny to come along with a few of his basses. How would you feel about making it a South-West bash rather than specifically Bristol? I'm sure I could find a more flexible / user-friendly / cheaper venue between Bristol and Taunton within easy reach of the M5, e.g. one of the many nice village halls around these parts. [/quote] Again, easy enough. Maybe it might be worth inviting Stuart Clayton too for a seminar or something considering he lives out of North Devon and travels into Bristol to teach? That information, of which has been sat in the back of my mind for god knows how long, may be a bit out of date but it's worth a shot nonetheless.
  7. Kind of tempting. I don't suppose you know the difference between this and the Shuttle stuff at all?
  8. More like Awesome Eastwood Bender
  9. The Genz, with it's eyes lit up, must've been hungry. Looks almost a tad menacing. [URL=http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/chunkymunky921/media/Miscellaneous/15192727_10158089609895643_6441025132556496686_n%201_zpsqybupwsu.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/chunkymunky921/Miscellaneous/15192727_10158089609895643_6441025132556496686_n%201_zpsqybupwsu.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  10. ChunkyMunky

    Bristol Bash

    I'd come from West Sussex for this one.
  11. My Musicman Bongo (5HH) is ridiculously heavy (and I'm a big guy too) and I use the Comfort Strapp. Highly recommended. I'd honestly say it depends on your posture and choice of bass. HappyJack would be the right person to ask about this. He did some awesome seminars at the BassChat meetups and it completely altered my playing for the better.
  12. Each to their own but definitely not a fan of it. A lot of it seems unnatural and aimed incorrectly for starters. On the upper horn, how is that even possible to do that naturally? [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/abe_ritt/IMG_1253.jpg[/IMG]
  13. Must you curse me with more GAS, stranger?
  14. It's definitely good GAS. I'm still hunting one of these down.
  15. ...and so it begins. A massive thanks to Painy for sending me the power supply (and accompanying cables that I completely forgot about). I'm truly grateful for the kindness of the people here and I'll be sure to repay it back. [URL=http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/chunkymunky921/media/20170213_183701_zpsrcf9gck0.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/chunkymunky921/20170213_183701_zpsrcf9gck0.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  16. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1486945462' post='3235832'] Do you mean Musicman Bongoes? [/quote] Wahey!
  17. [quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Many private sellers are now sellers my via Facebook groups or even sites likes this, avoiding EBay and possibly Paypal fees. [/quote][/font][/color] [b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]This.[/font][/color][/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I tend to find some groups work best for different price brackets. For example, I went to a high end American one to sell a Warwick Streamer (1991 NT1 fretless) and it sold within a week with 3 people hunting it down. That particular group is a gold mine for making sales of that seismic proportion (Foderas, Sadowsky etc..) whereas some of the smaller national ones are decent for shifting lower end gear (pedals, economic basses and amp heads etc...). [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Of course, you're welcome to hit me up with a message and I'll show you where it all is. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]GumTree, in my experience, is the best for all round bargains, nationally speaking.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Not to inspire economic ill-will or malice but if the dollar to pound sterling ratio can go back to pre-Obama 2007 rates, that'd be awesome. If only I had a time travel machine! [/font][/color]
  18. Brilliant description. That's worth it alone.
  19. [quote name='addictedtobass' timestamp='1486912208' post='3235442'] he has a go in fairness, but its kinda a thing that i should be doing with him, so i try to help him along. as for retracing my steps i have pretty much learned all that intrests me that is within my technical abilities. and BURNOUT oh my god please not , i didnt even realise such a thing existed ! if i have got it i am trying to think who i caught it off , is there some kind of medication i can take to get rid of it ? lol [/quote] If such medication was available, I'm pretty sure half of us would have overdosed on it by now. Maybe it might be best for you to have a break from it all and then come back to it? Inevitably, we pursue our creative pleasures as a means of supplementing our lives, perhaps there's something else that takes your fancy for the time being?
  20. [quote name='addictedtobass' timestamp='1486911023' post='3235427'] hi all. ever have those times where you just cant be arsed to play ? and when you do it sounds ...well , crap.[u] I try to practice as much as possible but over the last few days it seems that im sick of learning and unwilling to go over the stuff i have learned and just not finding the fun in it [/u], [u]but still having to sit with my lad and go through stuff he wants to know with him[/u]. is this something you folks go through occasionally and if so how do you get through it ? is this just a musical version of writers block (for want of a better description). [/quote] Maybe retrace your steps and find what inspires you? Sure you're not burned out? In regards to your lad, how old is he? Maybe he might be able to find the material and learn to teach himself some stuff as a challenge if he's of the right age?
  21. Let's play a game! The rules are simple. Post a bass that you consider a 'guilty pleasure' and the person below in response gives their opinion on it. What can go wrong, really? I've got a real hankering for a Yamaha BB3000MA I've just seen on eBay and I'm sure some would turn their nose up at the funky looking aesthetics on it. What's on your GAS list that's considered a 'guilty pleasure'? [url="http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/chunkymunky921/media/Yamaha%20BB3000MA/s-l1600_zpsftr440ge.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/chunkymunky921/media/Yamaha%20BB3000MA/s-l1600%201_zpshk8xtpak.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/chunkymunky921/media/Yamaha%20BB3000MA/s-l1600%202_zpsajfxngah.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/chunkymunky921/media/Yamaha%20BB3000MA/s-l500_zpsgmdhmm9o.jpg.html"][/url]
  22. Having a listen to it, I'd recommend a LOT of practice to get this tight and synchronised with each other. Tonally: - Relatively clean bass to keep the fundamentally lows. Plectrum recommended. - Ask one or both of the guitarists to play with their tone controls on their guitars. - It may be a case of 'less is more'. Have an experiment on it all and it all depends how zealously close you'll want to get to the original. Hope it helps!
  23. Having a crack at some Sabrotone stuff. I love the idea of doing a clone of a pedal to then give it a funky looking housing. Here goes!
  24. [quote name='ians' timestamp='1486831348' post='3234883'] This +++++1 [/quote] I've done this on virtually almost every gig I've played on. I usually like a warm and thumpy sound. No wonder I can't hear jack on the front! Thank you so much for all of your advice, everyone. I've saved it all into a word document that I'll print off and take to my next gig to experiment and play around with. You guys and gals are the gifts that keep on giving.
  25. I completely underestimated how far the event is and I'm scheduled in for another nightshift (despite the fact I asked for that night off). Have fun, everyone!
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