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Everything posted by ChunkyMunky

  1. Thank you kindly, everyone. And going up!
  2. I've had to use a stock image for this one. Sorry if it's a bit misleading and I'll reupdate the photos when I get back from shift work in the morning.
  3. I'm based out of West Sussex. The amp is currently at a studio and you're welcome to give it a whirl.
  4. Hello! I've used this in a recent build I made and as I'm a little bit rogered financially, I need to move on what isn't being used. Comes with the original box and wiring diagram. Any questions, feel free to ask.
  5. Hello, everyone! Up for sale is my barely used Boss ODB-3. Used for a project that didn't pan and is thusly now surplus to requirements. Feel free to shoot over any questions.
  6. Hello, everyone! Regretably, I need to sell as this as something is very, very wrong with my car. It's a wonderful combo that epitomises the classic SWR tone. All yours for £299. Feel free to ask any questions.
  7. Joy of all joys and with deep regret (and a heavy amount of annoyance), I'm going to have to pull out. I got dragged in for a night shift on both the Friday prior and the Saturday night. Have a wonderful time, guys!
  8. AND IT'S STAYING HERE! I'm still astounded how much quality is in that bass for the money I paid for it. Had it not been a totally different animal, I reckon it would've easily rivaled my Modulus 5SS.
  9. I came here for a German blonde. I'm certainly not disappointed. Now to find the extra room for this one...
  10. I was hoping this would be said.
  11. I'd be happy to help on this one!
  12. This is brilliant stuff. Great for sightreading practice. Thank you!
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rare-B-J-Goodfellow-Bass-Guitar-In-Need-Of-Repair/312219707546?hash=item48b1bea89a:g:qowAAOSwDtRbdGvv Goodfellow related and just seen this. I hope someone from here nabs it!
  14. My Dad was a child of 70s and a bit of a hobbyist musician. He'll ask me to transcribe bits and pieces. Quite a fair bit of ELO, Queen etc...
  15. 1) Cetera - Spector NS2 & Legend 4X, Dingwall NG2, Epiphone Vintage Pro Thunderbird, Yamaha BB3000, GK800RB head, Genz Benz Neox212 cab, Tech-21 Dug DP3X preamp/pedal 2) Ezbass - Maruszczyk Elwood L 4 string fretted (J pickups), Maruszczyk Elwood L 4 string fretless (MM pickup), Rickenbacker 4003s, Rob Allen MB2 fretless, Phil Jones Flightcase + PB300 3) Happy Jack - AliKat DB #004, Mike Lull 54P, all I need to play a doubling gig (that evening) on those two instruments 4) BlueJay - Eminence Upright (left-handed), loads of camera equipment 5) obbm - Fender Precisions, Sadowsky HPJ, Bergantino NV115, Handbox WB100 and if room Quilter BB800 + BF One10 + Nate Mendel for sale/trade  6) Nancy Johnson (Paul) - The Big One, rack (GED/poweramp), possibly the dUg DP3x. A bass. 7) MacDaddy - Shuker bass(es), Snapdragon Folding bass, Flattley Bass Poison Ivy. 8 ) prowla (Paul) - Maybe a Ric or two and fakers, maybe a couple of Statii, maybe J- & P-basses. Probably a Markbass amp & cab and a pedalboard with some FX. 9) Stingray5 - Old faithful Stingray5; Tune SWV4-BB bass; Eden EC180 1x15 combo. (I also have a gig that evening so may leave the Eden in the car but happy to bring it in if anyone asks). 10) TrevorR - Wal Pro II E, Wal Mk 1 Custom, Aria SB700, MarkBass LMII and Traveler 2x10, pedalboard. 11) TheGreek - Mesa M Pulse 600 head/ Powerhouse 1x15 cab and The Psilos bass built by Andyjr1515 12) JapanAxe (Graeme) - most of the stuff in my signature! 13) Wolverinebass (Andy) - Maybe some Wounded Paw effects/signature preamp and a bass. 14) Silverfoxnik (Nik) - Roscoe Beck 5, Gibson Thunderbird, BC Rich Eagle, plus my Ampeg V4BH Rig 15) Paul The Drums of the Junkyard Dogs, with kit. 16) Frank Blank (Frankè Blanké) Rob Allen Mouse, AER Basic Performer, Fender Modern Player with modded fretless neck, Ibanez SRC6/SR500, cake. 17) Ordep - Noble Preamp, Modulus Jazz, Fodera Monarch New Std, Amp, pedalboard depending on the day’s mood. 18) ChunkyMunky - Yamaha BB1025X, SWR Redhead combo
  16. Any chance you'll be able to bring your brilliant basses along again? I was blown away by them last time and since I've built one myself, I'll probably have 101 excited questions.
  17. £249 posted.
  18. Awesome stuff, Christine. Keep it up! I can't wait to see how this pans out.
  19. Bongo. Go try that out and compare it to the others. I've had nothing but incredible experiences with them.
  20. If only I was... oh, wait. I'm the right age!
  21. Keep it up! I love seeing builds like this slowly come to life.
  22. Thanks, Christine! Much appreciated, I'll have a whirl and indulge in the two. Slowly coming around FreeCAD as it is.
  23. +1 for Bernie! That'd be amazing.
  24. My word, this is a step up! Thanks, Norris.
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