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Everything posted by Dennis1971

  1. Ended up going a different route and picked up a Headrush 112 second hand and use a Zoom B1 four. Compact rig with all the effects I want. I don't gig just jam with a drummer and guitarist so this works well.
  2. Managed to find a secondhand headrush about 10 minutes drive away. Happy now, will have to try with the ZOOM B1 Four. My new compact rig, bass + multi effect + headrush 🙂
  3. Thanks for the update, pretty much made the decision to get FRFR speaker to use with the ZOOM B1 Four. Headrush seems to be the affordable option.
  4. Watched these on youtube... Pretty decent for what I am thinking of and I can stretch to buying the 312.
  5. Off to get familiar with the ZOOM, works well via USB / Mac / Guitarlab / Headphones Nice bit of kit
  6. Thanks for all answers, don't need a DI box unless I want to plug into the PA. active Ibby Sr500 > Zoom B1 Four > FRFR Speaker Joyo ZGP to sort out the power supply to the Zoom Thanks again for input.
  7. Another numpty question here, I get the Joyo to get rid of noise... will get one to be able the power supply I still having knocking around (Mooer). If I decide to go down the route of using a FRFR cabinet do I need a DI box or can use the output from the B1 Four straight into it...? Can tell all this multi effect and FRFR speaker is new to me LOL Thanks
  8. Greg if you can let me know how you get on with it playing with your band that would be great. Thanks
  9. I know it might be a stretch buying a head and cab. I am keeping an eye out second hand and am not in a rush. Using the amp provided in the practice room but it is not my favourite (warwick thing). I know the older stuff is very affordable but weight is also a deciding factor. Tired of lugging aroudn heavy stuff, I had a Genz Benz Contour which was not a lightweight. Hence looking into the smaller heads with a cab. Cab would primarily stay at home and just take the head to practice room. Just keeping options open, just got back into playing.
  10. Just realised you can't see that, I'll open that up. I am near Thame (Oxfordshire) bit far from yours :-) Thanks for the offer.
  11. £200-£300, I know its small
  12. Numpty question here, I've got an active bass and use the new zoom B1 Four to have a bit of fun at home with headphones. I was debating buying a small amp and cab for playing with a guitaris and drummer i.e. something relative affordable like TE Elf with small cab or TC Electroinic 250W with a small cab. Would I be better off buying an active full range speaker and go straght from the ZOOM B1 four into that? And what would you recommned if the budget is small and I mostly jam in small setting with a drummer and guitarist (using Kemper Amp). Cheers
  13. Mine arrived in the mail yesterday. Glad someone was home to reveive it. Should have some time tomorrow to have a play with it. :-)
  14. Nope, first time using a multi. Just seems to be a nice bit of kit with the effects, drums to mess about with at home.
  15. Ordered Zoom B1 Four...via Zoom UK on ebay. Should ship today with Royal Mail 1st class. Better find a headphone. Bluetooth won't work I think.
  16. Ordered Zoom B1 Four...
  17. Thanks for all the replies. Looks like I will be looking into a pedal option. Would be a good option for practising, probably still buy an amp just to be able to turn it up even if it is at home...
  18. Just been looking at the thread on the Zoom B1 Four, would this be a good alternative to a small practice amp? Debate I am with myself is do I buy a practice amp for home use or something to use with headphones. Advantage of the practice amp will be that you can be plugged in, play and have a video playing on youtube. Anyone prefer one or the other and why? Just trying to figure out what to buy... knowing myself it will be 300W and a bit loud for at home.
  19. Will look into these options. cheers
  20. Bit too far, near Oxford.
  21. Have a bump.... if only you were a bit closer.
  22. After having blown to much of the budget on the bass I am still in need to buy an amp... so here it goes. I was thinking of just buying a small combo for home use (40-60 Watt) but have been tempted by the latest offerings in small amp heads. I play with a drummer and a single guitar player in a small studio (previously used a Genz Benz Contour 300W/2x10") and toying with the idea of buying one of these small heads with a cabinet for home use and just take the head to the studio and plugin what ever they have or take the cabinet if it doesn't weigh too much. The models I was looking into are the TE Elf and the TEC BAM200, both are 200 Watt into 8 Ohm. But the latter is about half the price? Any opinions why? Thoman: Elf = £232 and TEC = £112 Dennis
  23. Sorted, bought an Ibanez SR500 of a fellow BC member. Thanks Stuart!! Off to find an amp!!
  24. Played one at PMT in Oxford, when I was looking for a bass and liked it. Sounded better than the GSR200 in my opinion, colours are a bit much but that is personal. Didn't have much time 'was on a DIY run', would want to compare it with some other medium scale basses
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