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Everything posted by funkyfingers

  1. Hi is the scratchplate removable without traces? Does it have a trussrod and is the bass well balanced? Weight? Des ription of the electronics wd be very helpful. Passive switchacle? Eith case and do you shop to germany? Thks heaps mate and greets rolf
  2. Bonjour Expediez vos en allemagne? Ella a quel poids? Deadspots sur le manche Bien equilibre? Aussi passive jouable? Eraflures ou pocs sur la basse? Si oui pourriez vs m envoyer des fotis supplementaites sur: [email protected]? Trussrod okay? Pourqoui la vente? Le son miller et jaco lrs deux possible? Je n ai riena echanger et paie en virement bancaire, donc etant tres interesse je me rejouis de vous lire et voir les photos. Merci et slts d un ami bassiste rolf de bale en suisse. Malheureusement le departement 34 est un peu loin pour venir la,essayer donc simje l achete ca serai "blindfolded"....avez vous du feedback de vemte sur basschat? Merci et a bientot, rolf
  3. ...well i am interested in the blonde 4string tooo, so look forward hearing from you soon, brgds from switzerland, rolf
  4. Hi nice bass, does it sound the same as the black bassforce you sold me couple of months ago? Looking forward tyr comments and maybe some additional photos to [email protected] thanks
  5. ..you still have it? brgds, rolf
  6. happy to add myself to the happy list for koval. i had bought the lovely gmr bassfore V and everything went well from communication, over professional packaging, payment thru paypal, shipping to germany by dpd and how accurately JK was able to describe the bass - I will certainly do business again with him. so relax and enjoy - best regards, rolf
  7. recently got my Brian bromberg 5-string with piezo - a keeper, what else to say - completely unknown und underrated, well here in switzerland... cheers
  8. Hi from Basel, Switzerland
  9. hi koval, what would be your best Price for a straight sale including shipping to D-79 Weil am Rhein? Could you deliver additional photos of the damages to [email protected] what are the functions of the knobs? is it boost and cut 3an electronic? PS: Sorry that the previous deal did not happen - but this is a GMR 5-string and i just sold an old tune bass so i have more space again - how would you describe its Sound? brgds. Rolf
  10. Hi wd you send it to germany? Which preamp is in the cavity. Could you kindly make me some add. Photos incl the control cavity hence pics which document the cosmetic aspects of the bass. Trussrod ok? Heavy deadspots everywhere? I used to have 2 b4 blades and gosh still regret the sale. Pls photos to [email protected]. Im looking for straight buy, no trades, brgds rolf
  11. hallo chrisbass 13, waren wir mal über ebay Kleinanzeigen im Dialog wegen dieses schönen Alembics? Bist Du auch auf bassic.ch anzutreffen? freue mich auf ein kurzes Feedback, LG Rolf
  12. hi do you still have this bossa ob-5 bass and if yes i would be interested in more details like specification, state of the instrument, i speak & understand french and german as well so no problem there. thank you brgds rolf from switzerland
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