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Everything posted by Guinness21

  1. Cosmo, maybe i shouldn't have said that then as he doesn't struggle with Saturday Night,
  2. Cracking suggestions, cheers mate!
  3. We played monkey wrench in drop d and the chain too but I thing those are the standard tunings. I don't think we've had to change key yet. Can you send me a youtube link to that song please ray?
  4. This isn't a particularly serious project, more of a regular jam with mates with the possibility of gigging long term. We all like heavy rock, but the singer has quite a limited range. Whilst we all share the same music taste, they're set on covering quirky songs and putting a spin on them. So far the set is: - Saturday Night, the Misfits - Radar Love, golden earing - The Chain, three days grace - Whiskey in the jar, Metallica - No easy way out, robert tepper - 69 Tea, Seether We used to cover Monkey Wrench but the drummer was unhappy doing it, so now all Foo songs are written off. So hopefully from this admittedly brief lsit you can get a sense of the kind of songs we want to play. Any and all suggestions welcome.
  5. This is BASSCHAT, we don't want your guitar-playing kind around here - leave this place and never return!
  6. [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I'm a 22 year old bass player. I have a quality bass and amp rig, which is more than big enough to play large venues. I have plenty of gigging experience and I've gigged with a few bands. I'm seeking a covers band who play rock. I like all kinds of rock, including: punk, heavy, metal, grunge, classic. [/font][/color][color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I'm not interested in indie bands or originals.[/font][/color] [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I have my own transport so I can move my own gear around and drive to practices. I'm prepared to travel to an extent for the right opportunity, but not interested in bands who are based on the Wirral.[/font][/color] [color=#111111][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]If all this sounds like what you're looking for then shoot me a message![/font][/color]
  7. I've had a medal commissioned for you mSz - one of the most helpful fuzz videos fir me ever! Love the tfr and the TAFM
  8. Easy; Markbass. Sounds fantastic, especially with Berg cabs (tried the LM Tube with a CN212 at the weekend and was blown away). The Markbass is also much better put together than the TC.
  9. Well i cut through pretty clear atm, with a stingray and what will be a transparent amp rig. I found the vintage rolled it off just a touch, but then delivered that killer sound! No doubt it would pull me further back into the mix, but I think it would be in just the right spot. Course I won't know until I get one and try it in a band setting...
  10. Thanks guys. Now's just the small matter of finding a band to play in so I can justify buying one lol
  11. Blackout Musket? Muff fuzz with a mids control.
  12. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1433764966' post='2793695'] Sounds like a typical Basschat thread to me! [/quote] Hahahaha
  13. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1433763892' post='2793680'] Chill dude! Nobody is attacking you here or being "aggressive" - especially Chris b, who (IME) always gives very useful advice in a friendly way. You may be perceiving our confusion as aggression? There are always problems when we try to describe sound in words, and I think that is causing a bit of an issue here too. We are just trying to understand where this odd clicky sound came from - as it does sound strange that a cabinet (especially a Barefaced one) would add sounds that weren't there in your original signal... To my knowledge, few of the BF cabs are actually "voiced" at all - but intended (and designed) to accurately reproduce the signal that your bass and amp are sending to it. Which does kind of imply that the clickiness is there, even if you haven't been able to hear it through any other system! [/quote] Sorry dude, yeah I felt I had to be a bit defensive. Chris_b, looking at that now it looks like a personal attack and I'm sorry. Was just trying to clarify my point. The thing is I don'ty have an explanation for what I heard. If I've played through supposedly transparent rigs like the Bergantino CN212 and the Vanderkley, AND played plugged into a mixing board while recording and never heard that clicky sound, that only leaves one possible explanation - that the Super Twin 2 added something to my sound. Bu then everybody's telling me that's not possible, so I don't know...
  14. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Just googled 'aggressive cabinet' to check that I wasn't going out fo my mind and found this, an unrelated thread about the Baer ML112. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2017387"][/url]chris_b, on 20 March 2013 - 11:42 AM, said:[/b][/size][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Is the cab that agressive or are you just not used to EQing for a cab of that format and that quality.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]If you follow the threads on Talkbass you will see that Roger has voiced the cab to be aggressive, this does help them to be heard in a mix, but it can be too much for some users. [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As seen above [/font][/color]IanA described Baer cabs as aggressively voiced, and nobody jumped down his throat. In fact chris_b, you ask him if the cab is aggressive. The way you've been posting on here, it's as if you'd never heard someone talk about a cab as being aggressively voiced. Maybe Baer claim their cabs are aggressive, I don't know too much about Baer so not sure. Or maybe Alex you don't think your cabs are, but there's no denying what my ears heard, and considering the in-studio experience I have, I know what my bass sounds like and it sure as hell doesn't sound that clicky.
  15. God I'm sorry for starting this thread now, only wanted to let the know the search was over. Tbh I wish I liked the ST2, I love that they're made in the uk. chris_b, maybe colouration is the wrong word. Just like the CN212 has punchy low mids, to my ears the ST2 has an aggressive top end which resulted in a lot of clank. If I've played into a mixing board in a recording studio and not heard this sound, why would I hear it when playing through this cab if that isn't the case?
  16. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1433746831' post='2793472'] So the Berg and Vanderkley did a good job of masking/hiding the "clicky" sound of your bass. The accuracy of the ST2 didn't. It's perfectly cool to prefer the sound of one cab over another, but the reasons for such preferences are not always obvious. Clearly, both the Berg and the Vanderkley are colouring your sound to some extent. That said, most Barefaced users found that they had to fairly radically re-think their EQ settings when they moved to BF from other cabs. Just out of interest, how long did you spend playing through each cab? Did you re-EQ the amp or leave it "flat" for all cabs? [/quote] I spent about 10 mins playing through each cab, including the ST2 which I tred a few weeks ago now. I played with the amp head's serttings as well as trying a few settings on my stingray HH. I've had a brief amount of experience in a recording studio, where I was plugged into the board, and been lucky enough to play through an incredible PA system with amazing subwoofers, where I was plugged into the board. In these two circumstances, on top of all the other bass rigs I've played through, I've never heard that clicky's sound that I did with the ST2. And that includes playing direct into mixing boards, with obviously no colouration! Instead of the Vanderkley and bergantino masking my 'true bass' sound', the Barefaced cab is adding this sound.
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1433700315' post='2793215'] You can't have "transparent" and "aggressively voiced" at the same time. If they're transparent (which the 12XN cabs are, though I'd use the word accurate) then all you hear is the sound of your fingers/bass/amp. The Stingray does have an inherently "aggressive" tone, hence what you heard! [/quote] I realised that as I said it haha. Well I would describe the bergantino and vanderkley cabs as transparent, and at no point did I hear the clicky sound that I heard when I tried the super twin. All I'm saying.
  18. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1433697079' post='2793170'] the EQ is definitely worth it. allows for extra tweaking to get the sound just right. The VMT works fine for a lot of people, but there are some who have expressed frustration with not getting it to sound just how they want. For the extra quid i think it makes it a much better pedal. [/quote] Fair point.
  19. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1433685781' post='2793077'] I've had all three and for what it's worth, I reckon the TFR wipes the floor with the other two. [/quote] Good to know thanks! I liked the look of the musket because of the mid control, I thought the tfr might have too much low end (if there is such a thing) with my 'ray, where as the musket could fill out the midrange. And the pharaoh's just cool because it can do so much lol
  20. Yeah I hope I find one soon too Chris hahaha, can't wait to buy one of these. Lozz196 well when I tried the Bewrg CN212 and the Vanderkley 212MNT, which are both transparent cabs, I didn't get the sound that I did that I did when trying the Super Twin. Completely agree with you that most cabs are coloured, including Markbass, but Barefaced are transparent and yet aggressively voiced. Never heard my stingray so clicky before, including when trying out the aforementioned cabs, and hope to never again - not a nice sound, all treble
  21. I get that danny. Tbh now I've had time to reflect, not sure that I'd need the eq on the vintage deluxe. I'm saving for a Bergantino CN212 right now, but the vmt/vinyage deluxe is definitely next on the list. I might end up buying a b7k anyway to stack with it. Plus I'd like a muff fuzz or a pharaoh supreme -God why are there so many choices?!
  22. Darkglass B7k & Vintage Deluxe Wren & Cuff Tall Font Russian OR a Blackout Effectors Musket OR A Black Arts TOneWorks Pharaoh Supreme Difficult choice between the fuzzes, but probably would en d up getting the pharaoh. That's not everytrhing on the list ewither, would liek a Diamond Bass Comp, or an Ovnifx Smoothie save the problems powering the Diamond. Couldn't squeeze it onto the list though because of the Darkglass pedals, would buy them in a heartbeat though.
  23. Firstly Chris B, sorry I should have provided more info. Until now I've used very average cabs combos - had a couple of small fender rumbles at home, then was in a band that owned a beat up Ashdown 4x10 combo. I tried everything through a Markbass LM Tube cos I think it's awesome and will be getting one at some point. Well surely you'd agree the CN212 is a pretty clean sounding cab right? My stingray didn't sound clicky through that. The Super Twin was transparent AND aggressivley voiced, which was too much, not that I 'was hearing my bass for the first time' (i know what I bought). You never know, this possibly might end up being the last cab I buy, and i want somethng that accurately reproduces my bass' sound, and I think the CN212 does that brilliantly. Actually, I I think the CN212's low mids are quite punchy, but for a bass that is treble and bass heavy I think it compliments it. Bassman7755, just read the last couple of lines of the paragraph above. Don't know where you got that from, I want as transparent a bass rig as possible, and the Markbass LM Tube and CN212 gives me that. It's great to buy an amp rig that sounds great for rock for example, but what happens when you want to be playing other styles of music? That's why I didn't like the Orange Terror Bass or the GK MB Fusion.
  24. [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Went down to Bass Direct t try out a couple of cabs, and while I was there I tried out these two darkglass pedals. I've been meaning to try the b7k out for AGES, just never had the chance to. So I was really looking forward to this and wasn't disappointed. [/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I tried them with my Stingray, playing through a Markbass LM Tube and Bergantino CN212, so it was a nice clean rig so I could hear the full sound of the pedals. I had a play around with the both pedals. [/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I played a few classic od bass lines, stuff like Song 2 by Blur and Starlight, Hysteria and Supermassive Black HoleBefore trying them, I thought I was going to really like the B7k. I've read a lot on it and listened to a lot of demos. And while I liked what I heard, the top end aggressiveness combined with my stingray made for a bit too much of a good thing. On the other hand, the vintage deluxe sounded badass playing the muse stuff, didn't anticipate it but loved the vintage drive with my stingray. To my ears at least, it sounded like the vintage deluxe was also capable of producing a larger variety of sounds too.[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]So yeah, love the vintage deluxe. No point buying one while I'm not in a band, but as soon as I am will definitely be grabbing one of these [/font][/color]
  25. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1433617674' post='2792592'] I'd do the opposite to the above.... if the cab doesn't cut it solo... then I'm not interested trying to get any sort of mileage out it by burying it in a mix. [/quote] I'm with you mate.
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