Please be aware: I bought a Spector Euro CST 5 and there is a problem with the G string. It is very weak in terms of volume and I understand that it is a known problem with some types of pickup/preamp config. The CST has an on board Darkglass preamp and it's great on four of the five strings (!). Ive tried everything including pickup height etc but nothing resolves it.
To be honest Im pissed off with the guitar already after paying £2600 for it and I'm going to return it to the good guys at BassDirect to see what can be done. Im minded to P/Ex it for ANYTHING else right now!!
Hey there!
are you still looking for a bass player?
Im looking forward a good band to join. I’ve been playing 20 yrs, have toured, done all the normal stuff plus have played professionally up to a year ago. I use pro gear, have transport and am 48 yrs old .
Hey Guys
Im trying to find a decent interface that will enable me to practice/learn songs etc using my iPhone and playing to songs on Spotify etc. I’ve tried a few interfaces - sonicport, iRig, Link etc - but they are all pretty bad quality/headphone output is crap. I’ve tried fiddling with all the settings and have spent ages trying to tweak and force them to work - but have failed!
is there a good interface out there that will work with iPhone iOS 13.0 ???
Yes! Pickup height has done it. - thanks Guys.
Yep - obviously I don’t want both guitars to sound the same - but the tonal difference was huge & the sensitivity was also very high . Sorted now 😡😜
I’ve noticed straightaway that the Warwicks pickups seem far more gutsy/powerful/sensitive than the Stingrays- in actual fact loads of people at gigs etc say that the old Warwick sounds much better than the new ‘Ray!!! - WHICH IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF as I had to wait nearly 6 months for it to be made/despatched. Played ‘flat’ the Stingray sounds good but I have to really bump up the gain to get it sounding anything like the Warwick. Am thinking I may upgrade the pickup on the ‘Ray ???? What do you guys think??
I had a TC rig for a while ... Bc210 BC 212 & BH500 ... I got fed up with it not being able to produce any decent volume/quality no matter what I did to try and improve it. So I investigated and found out about the TC (RMS?) Watt-gate!? Issue. I sold it and the Genz Benz rig I had follow this was excellent - with no lack of output. I really would like to invest in a new TC Blacksmith & 2x 4x10 cab rig but once bitten twice shy etc.....
Hey guys!
Soz for delay .... I use a Genz Benz Streamliner ( backup) and an Aguilar 751. Am thinking about 4x barefaced 4x10s...
I tried out Bergantino cabs & wasn't too impressed. Also Ampeg 8x10 .... What does everyone rave about these for? Sounded muddy/too much middle and not enough definition.
I think I better call Alex at BF...... 😉
What do you think guys?
I want to upgrade my rig to a 900 - 1000 RMS amp and 2 -cab (4x10) + (2x10) set up.
Tried out ampeg SVT - not impressed.
Mesa + Eden are in the running.... V impressed with WT Eden & cabs though....( OR Barefaced??) HELP!!!!!!!!!