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Everything posted by 1976fenderhead

  1. Currently shopping around, looking at RCF, QSC, Yamanha, the cheap ones (Headrush, Alto)... What RCF model do you recommend? It seems people who have 10 inch models are happy with them and don't feel they should have got 12 or 15?
  2. I've read this about the mic preamp before, but why would the mic preamp make the Alto less good for guitar/bass? A mic preamp should be flat anyway and I'm guessing it would add power and volume to the signal, so why not? Unless if it's a cheap preamp which worsens the tone?
  3. Haha was going through it right now. Also, would like people's opinions on whether the Alto / Headrush 12 inch speakers do a good job. And are they the same?
  4. I'm thinking about replacing my amp and cabs with just using amp sim on the Helix going into an FRFR speaker. Has anyone gone this route? What speaker do you recommend?
  5. Ampeg SCR-DI now £125. Edit: sold elsewhere.
  6. It's a brilliant pedal and the filters on the HX Stomp don't even come close 😁
  7. Decided to keep the Envelope Filter.
  8. Corona Mini Chorus and Bass Octave Deluxe sold elsewhere, no longer available. Two pedals still available.
  9. Yes, as neutral starting points they're definitely more useful!
  10. Oh increasing level on the output block is a good tip, thx! I struggle with understanding the balance between channel volume and master volume, any tips on that? I'm not using this for live, just to play and record at home.
  11. Ok I've tried all those settings. Couple of issues: First of all, they're too quiet and make playing with headphones straight from the device impossible. So I plugged it to an audio interface so that I could increase volume and play with headphones from there (I'm using quality studio monitoring headphones btw). Secondly, if you set amps with barely any gain, you're killing a great deal of their preamp character. So these settings make all amps sound very similar and uninteresting. Apart from a couple of exceptions, it's like they're all the same generic amp with slight EQ changes. I'm pretty sure Line 6 did something wrong with these (I doubt you can't go above 2 or 3 gain out of 10 on a real life Ampeg SVT or Mesa 400 without getting lots of drive), but these settings aren't really a solution for me. I prefer to use the solid state models for now, which don't distort with cranked gain.
  12. What the hell is the Cartographer? I don't have that one...
  13. Oooohh thx a lot, will give these a go.
  14. My favourite preamp DI, still not selling after buying an HX Stomp. Good luck!
  15. I'm getting good results putting the cab on path B with even split. I must say, I'm a bit disappointed with the amps in this thing... I like the scooped sound of the Cali Ch2 or Ampeg Bright but it's hard to get a clean tone from them. The best clean tone I've achieved includes the Obsidian + Woody Blue amp + 2x15 Brute cab, I wish I could get that tone without the Obsidian taking up a block, just with amp+cab.
  16. Clearing out some pedals I only use seldom as I got a multifx for that. Prices include shipping: MXR Bass Octave Deluxe: £90 SOLD Electro-Harmonix Pitch Fork: £100 SOLD MXR Bass Envelope Filter: £90 Decided to keep it TC Electronic Corona Mini Chorus: £50 SOLD TC Electronic Vortex Mini Flanger: £40 SOLD Ampeg SCR-DI: £125 SOLD Diago isolator cable: £15 SOLD
  17. Just got an HX Stomp and been testing out all the amp and cab models... I like a few amps, especially the Cali 400 ch2 (the only one I prefer to my Ampeg SCR-DI pedal)... However, if I add cabs to the amp models, (or use the amp+cab block) the whole thing just sounds weird, like unfocused, distant, too spacey, lacking any punch... I don't know if this is supposed to sit better in a mix but it sure doesn't sound better to me playing solo (both with monitors and headphones from the HX, no real amp or cab involved). So... I'm confused. Isn't amp+cab supposed to sound bigger, stronger, etc? How is using a cab model better on bass with the Helix than just using an amp model? I've looked at impulse responses, like 3Sigma's, but I'm guessing I'll just feel the same about those?
  18. I'm looking for a cheap bass to leave in the studio and for spare, the BB234 seems like a good option but how does the neck play? I'm looking for something similar to a jazz bass which is what I've played for many years (that and a corvette which is about the same), looking at photos and string spacing in the first frets it seems probably closer to a precision?
  19. Up to 200 quid or thereabout.
  20. Looking to buy a cheap bass for spare, I use a MIA Jazz Deluxe as my main bass and looking for a bass that plays similarly on the neck. What are my options besides Squier?
  21. Only the Bass Juice left!
  22. On hold for a week for sale outside of Basschat, but still message me your interest in case it falls through.
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