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Everything posted by 1976fenderhead

  1. All prices reduced!!!!
  2. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a2/1976fenderhead/Pedalboards/file.jpg[/IMG] Just want the new MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe and I'm happy. (and maybe a Polytune Mini to make room for it)
  3. Would you trade your Bass Chorus for my Red Ripper? Could probably meet you for it... Also offloading a Line 6 M5 and an Ernie Ball VP Jr if you're interested. All pedals [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/201133-tech-21-red-ripper-line-6-m5-ernie-ball-vp-jr-25k-fsft/"]here[/url].
  4. Man, things go down fast around here on weekends... Bump!
  5. So I spent quite some time playing with it yesterday... The blend control is an awesome addition, even if set at 3 o'c as I have it right now... The added bite from the clean attack makes all the difference in making the Bass Big Muff a really useable pedal! It's such a simple thing I feel it should have been in the normal version all along, even if it meant it would cost a few more quid. Well worth it. As for the other additions... DI... yeah nice to have but wouldn't miss it if it wasn't there, might never really need it. Personally don't need the pad switch either, but definitely useful for a lot of bassists. Gate also nice to have but this pedal is pretty quiet anyway... with sustain at 3 o'c I only need the gate at 9 o'c... so if it wasn't there it wouldn't make much difference, I expect noise from fuzz pedals and can live with it anyway. It's also not a gate that will choke your notes like the gate in the Zoom Ultra Fuzz, or the Zvex pedals... Only really acts on the hiss as far as I could hear (and does that well). And the crossover... what do you guys think about this one? Personally, I can see it being useful as a tone-shaping tool at mid to low sustain / blend settings, but at high it just sounds harsh and horrible. At best can get a setting for a second more guitar-like sound, or a more telephone-like or muffled sound, to use as an odd effect at some part of a song, things you'd otherwise use an EQ pedal for... But don't really see much point. In my view, the ideal approach would be to simply change the normal version to have an added blend knob and replace that switch with a pad switch. Leave DI, crossover and gate out, keep it cheap. In the end I feel EHX always has to add some off-the-wall feature to their pedals to make them 'unique', in this case it's the crossover. But then how many people will REALLY use those things? Part of their branding and philosophy I guess, good on them to try to innovate, but now I have a massive pedal on my board and paid an extra 20 or 30 quid for it just because I want a blend control on my Bass Big Muff.
  6. [b]Tech 21 Red Ripper[/b] [color=#ff0000][b]SOLD[/b][/color] [b]Line 6 M5 + MIDI to USB cable to store patches[/b] [color=#FF0000][b]SOLD[/b][/color] [b]Ernie Ball VP Jr 25k [/b] [color=#FF0000][b]SOLD[/b][/color]
  7. I have one of these on order, should arrive tomorrow hopefully, can't wait. I may be able to record sound samples over the weekend too.
  8. Hmm not too fond of going the Zoom way. I think I might end up going for the [url="http://www.roland.com/products/en/FC-300/images/top_L.jpg"]Roland FC-300[/url] then, since it seems there's isn't anything much smaller in 1 package... (if I find one used and cheap that is)
  9. I'm looking for something to control a software looper (so need 4 buttons) and wah (so need expression pedal). I would consider them separate but would rather all in one. The Line 6 FBV Express seems the ideal form factor, but it doesn't have MIDI connectors... can I plug it to the MIDI connectors on my audio interface somehow?
  10. [quote name='MarshallBTB' timestamp='1361647880' post='1988849'] Just got a B3! Planning to replace my Pod X3 Live with this and a couple of other bits (inc expression pedal) and just take the B3 out for smaller gigs. But.....my line 6 expression pedal doesn't work with it. Any advice on alternatives to the zoom one? It seems a bit small!. [/quote] The Ernie Ball VP Jr 25K apparently works if you use a stereo breakout cable and plug to input and output of the pedal. Otherwise, this [url="http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/EXP.html"]M-Audio[/url] one is quite popular amongst B3 users it seems.
  11. Here's mine currently. M5 and Cry Baby not always used. [IMG]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a2/1976fenderhead/IMG_20130222_182559.jpg[/IMG]
  12. [quote name='Mark' timestamp='1361290035' post='1984001'] Hi all, here's my board My PB is the Gator GPT-PRO-PWR Chain : >> Boss TU-2 >> EBS MultiComp >> EBS Octabass >> Digitech bass Whammy >> Darkglass B3K >> Tech21 Red Ripper >> EBS WahOne >> Boss BF-2 >> Boss DD-3 >> Mooer Trelicopter >> Boss GEB-7 [/quote] Good to see I'm not the only one using a Red Ripper
  13. Thanks, I've PM'd him!
  14. I bought one of these when it came out but decided it wasn't for me so I returned it. Now I had a different use for it and I thought it might be ideal, so I bought one again but it's still not doing it for me... so it can be yours for £110 shipped or £100 collected from Leytonstone, East London. It's in mint condition, boxed with all paperwork inside. I can add photos if asked but it looks just like new so not much point. I noticed something I hadn't with my 1st unit: the Bit Crusher and the Z-Synth are SWEET! So is the looper and the 'drum machine' thingy... Tempted to keep it for that brilliant-tracking Korg G5 model alone, better than both the EHX BMS and the MarkBass synth in my opinion... But I can't really justify keeping it for those things as I wouldn't really need them that much. So up for grabs. Cheers.
  15. Is the list of effects this will have somewhere? This might well replace my Line 6 M5, though the lack of expression input is a bit annoying and it seems it won't be as immediate to tap tempo...
  16. [quote name='Hooligan69' timestamp='1359966677' post='1962491'] Hi all, been reading through this, and am potentialy looking at picking one of these up, is there anyone out there who can compare the EBS reidmar vs Markbass little mark III vs Gallien Krueger mb500? Ive been used to valve amps and am downsizing to as small a footprint as possible with the best tonal ranges . Thanks in advance [/quote] If you're used to valves, I highly recommend the MB Fusion. I couldn't get used to the sound of the Reidmar, sold it, got the MB Fusion, never looked back.
  17. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1359317578' post='1953055'] I've also got Ampeg SVX which to be honest I really struggle with. Everything seems overly distorted or very quiet and I just can't get a good recorded sound. Guitar Rig is much better for me, at least until I figure out what I'm doing wrong with Ampeg. [/quote] Funny you say that because I've just tried Amplitube 3 and had the same experience: really hard not to clip the only bass amp model the free version provides. I had to read the manual to understand all the different stages of volume they have - there's not only input and output volume for the patch, but also input gain which [i]adds[/i] to the gain in your audio interface and comes at 6dB by default! They recommend playing with the volumes until you find a good balance leaving input gain at 6dB but I found that was a pain and turning input gain to 2dB made the whole thing work much better for me. I also had to turn on the pad in my interface. I really tried to like Amplitube because I like the expandability with loads of brand-approved models (though amps and cabs work out quite expensive), but ended up dropping it because of this tiny bit of latency that I always hear in my playing even setting buffer size at minimum when it starts glitching... It never sounds like it's responding fast enough to my playing! Between this and Guitar Rig's only bass amp, no matter how much I've tried to like them I always ended up reverting to POD Farm: not perfect but at least I can't notice any inherent latency, volumes always work fine and the interface feels much more intuitive than the others (I find Amplitube a little overcomplicated for my needs, especially in the mic part). Plus, I already have all the models anyway
  18. I've lived in London for 7 years and have probably only been to a couple of pubs with a live covers band... I know loads more places like that in Essex and Kent, but it looks like there's nothing in London! And when I'm trying to find a covers band, there's barely any ads for London but loads for the surroundings, which means when I join a band I always have to drive for more than 1 hr for practices or gigs... Since ads suck, I'd like to go to these places to meet people and get more opportunities to be in great bands in my city... Can anyone suggest these places in London to me? I don't mean O'Neill's who prefer Irish-sounding folkish stuff, I mean places where you can ROCK.
  19. Woah! I got this new when it came out at a proper street shop for £150 after haggling a tiny discount to match an online store (maybe a tenner), I see now the going price for it new is £189, what the hell happened there??? Glad I grabbed it for that price before they hiked it! Killer pedal by the way!
  20. Yes, new larger image today, if that's a good proper flanger sound and not that kind of weak fake one the EBS has, it's a winner!
  21. Dunlop have yesterday posted on their Facebook page the photo of a pedalboard with a couple of intriguing pedals in it... Enhanced here: [url="http://www.effectsdatabase.com/model/mxr/dunlop/basschorus"]http://www.effectsda...nlop/basschorus[/url] [url="http://www.effectsdatabase.com/model/mxr/dunlop/bassoverdrive"]http://www.effectsda...p/bassoverdrive[/url] Don't have much hopes for that OD as I never really liked their distortions, but that Chorus seems interesting, I used to love my Stereo Chorus and only sold it because it was too big and needed 18v... Now if they only did a Bass Flanger with a Mix knob, or had a Flanger option switch in that Chorus like the EBS, I'd grab it straight away! I wonder what those two buttons are for...
  22. As replied in a PM, would be a great match but you'd only get 125W out of the head at 8ohm. In order to get the full 250W you'd be better off getting a 4 ohm cab. One cab sold, only one left.
  23. Yup, and I'll be miserable, but happy they're not taking up space in my flat anymore Cheers
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