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Everything posted by 1976fenderhead

  1. Photos added for this sexy rig!
  2. Wow, it came with that hole new? That's crazy man, you should have complained, makes no sense at all!
  3. 2 speakon cables used for a couple of weeks only, new and fully working, no problems with them at all.[list] [*]Genuine Neutrik NL2FC Speakon Connectors [*]1.5mm2 High current/high quality real speaker cable with multiple strain reliefs [*]2 core fine stranded for improved flexiblity and audio fidelity (78/0.15mm) 1.5mm2 [*]Black PVC insulation 6.6mm Diameter [/list] [b]SOLD[/b]
  4. Excellent condition. No box but it will be shipped in another pedal's box. [b]SOLD[/b]
  5. [b]Whole rig sold.[/b]
  6. AGGGHHH why didn't you sel it a week earlier, would have saved me 55 quid!!!!!! Wondering how it will sound one going into another now, coz I'm using it clean but would love to have it distorted too without switching the other off hmmm...
  7. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1345672885' post='1780449'] Does that mean that it runs out of clean headroom at very high volumes? [/quote] With my active MIA Jazz Deluxe, it runs out at about 1.30 - 2 oc. That's better than my old 350W SWR could do! Mind you, the volume you can then get with the Volume control is MASSIVE. WIth gain at 1oc I can't have volume past 10% at home!!! (used to be 30% with the SWR)
  8. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1345672727' post='1780445'] The Reidmar is missing one distinguishable feature that you get on the HD350/60, TD650/60 and Fafner mk1/mk2 amps is the 'Drive' control. You can either turn it up steadily to warm up the tone or crank it to have a balls to the wall tube tone. I don't use that control much so I don't miss it on the Reidmar, so if you prefer a FET tone instead of a tube tone then you will love the Reidmar. That said, the gain control seems to be a bit more dynamic than the other EBS heads and does warm up quite a bit when you crank it. It's not exactly the same as the drive control, but you can get some pretty cool results if you want to emulate a tue tone. [/quote] Totally agree with this, it's the key difference, I do wish it had the drive control though, might have saved me getting the VT Bass Regarding the Gain control, very true, I get it clean at 1 oc and starts distorting at peaks at 2 oc, not a bad sounding distortion but not amazing either, and if you only get it at loud notes it's missing from most of them
  9. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1345672257' post='1780433'] They are efficient at 100db, vs a quoted 94db for the EBS classicline 112 cabs....Assuming this is a like for like measurement?... [/quote] ...or maybe EBS are more honest than most with their measurements, as they were with the 250W power rating?
  10. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1345672257' post='1780433'] Ive got Vanderkley 112 ext cabs which are nice and full sounding so could be a good match [/quote] I think so. When I bought this rig my favourite cabs of all the stuff I tried were Vanderkley and EBS Neoline, difference being that I had to cut the tweeter on the Vanderkley while I could leave the EBS's tweeter on normal volume. Once I cut it I found they performed very similarly, but I didn't exactly AB them and this was in a shop so someone else with more experience might disagree.
  11. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1345671769' post='1780419'] Thats interesting as I feel the opposite. I found it a very full and warm sounding amp but then I am using it with the EBS classic 112 cabs which do give a warm vintage sound. I have tried it with a Genz Benz 112 and that also sounded very warm and punchy. I would certainly not say it was sterile, in fact the opposite. [/quote] I have the same cabs (which are great) and still find it sterile I could tell a massive difference when using my old SWR with these cabs and AB'ing it with this amp. The SWR was muddier, less focused and slower on the attack, but had that sizzling top end overtones that are nowhere in this amp (until I added the VT Bass). Depends what kind of tone you're coming from I guess...
  12. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1345670713' post='1780395'] ok. So no real reason not to get one then? [/quote] I'd say the only possible reason is that in my opinion it's a very sterile- sounding amp. It's very transparent and direct, very fast attack and very focused, super clean, but it has zero organic warmth or colour. I always felt like something was missing until I added a VT Bass to it and though objectively the difference I can hear seems minimal, it increased my enjoyment of the tone massively. I'd compare it to CD vs vinyl. When I switched to CDs I couldn't quite get the same pleasure out of music and couldn't understand why. As we know, there's frequencies above 20K that though we don't 'hear' consciously, they make the music more pleasurable and they're missing from CDs. I get a similar feeling from this amp (coming from one with a valve preamp), and when I added the VT Bass it was like I put those frequencies back and it made all the difference. I'm actually liking the idea of a very sterile amp that is like a blank canvas in terms of tone that I can manipulate with pedals: I can leave it clean, I can give it a valve preamp, I can do all sorts of things. With an amp that already has a certain old school colour to it, if you add some other colour on top it just muddies the whole thing up. The VT Bass sounded like a muddy mess with my previous amp but really shines with this one. If however you like old school warm valve-like tones and want to get that from your amp and no pedals, you won't find it in the Reidmar. EDIT: Another reason why I like the idea of this amp is that almost all the other compact ones I tried (GB, MB, Aguilar, TC), had some sort of problem that I could not fix with pedals, such as muddy lows, unwanted compression or lack of power efficiency and volume. This one almost feels like a super efficient power amp with some EQ and Comp there to help but then you should warm it up with some nice organic preamp.
  13. Just got a reply from them saying that Strings & Things distribute Mooer here, but the Pure Octave is not out yet, trying to get an ETA. They said it does track well on bass though...
  14. Yeah, I have V2 so I can try both ways and can tell I have no use for the speaker sim when going through my rig. If they did a VT Bass version that was equivalent to the programmable bass driver DI (input for a bass only and no fx loop) + speaker sim defeat like the VT Bass V2 it would be just what the doctor ordered!
  15. I'm liking the VT Bass I just bought so much (for clean tone) I'm considering getting another one (for distortion). So I thought about the Deluxe version but you can't defeat speaker sim, which sucks... I think someone in the US makes a mod for it, does anyone do it in the UK? It's the only thing keeping me from getting one...
  16. Thanks for the info, I'll just have to wait a little longer then...
  17. Interested in this again... Do you guys reckon this will track well on bass? How do their other pitch pedals perform in that respect? And is this for sale anywhere already? I can see Anderton's has a few Mooers but not this one, can't find them anywhere else...
  18. Not stupid at all, I tried hard to answer that question before buying it and couldn't come up with a definitive answer from web photos. It has one handle only on the right side, like this (nothing on the other side): http://kitarablogi.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/ebs-reidmar-cl-112-e28093-side.jpg
  19. Killer new EQ setting, this time with 2 CL 112's. I tried to replicate my favourite VT Bass tone and came pretty close (minus the hairiness): Gain @ 2 o'c Bass @ noon Middle @ 2 o'c Freq @ 3 o'c Treble @ 1 o'c Volume @ 8 o'c Comp and Bright off Character off Sounds awesome. I was doing it wrong all along. This amp asks for boosted mids! Then I found a great VT Bass setting to go with it, that doesn't change the tone at all, just adds valve character: - All EQ @ noon - Character & Drive @ 11 o'c - Level just below noon or whatever suits you Running to THE FRONT of the amp, not the FX return. SAME EQ, EPIC TUBE TONE!
  20. Withdrawn, I keep changing my mind on this, but I think I finally found how to work with this tricky EQ and once I combined it with the VT Bass to the front I got a hell of a tone! Fingers crossed this is definitive.
  21. Really? What a shame. Hope you're still happy with the Triad though!
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