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Everything posted by 1976fenderhead

  1. Got it. Just had no idea these things could have both directions.
  2. Has anyone tried plugging the bass to the Line Out? I did it by mistake and it worked like an effects return except the Volume control was also bypassed! Certainly this can't be normal? It's like a Line Out and a Line In in one????
  3. [quote name='vindi' timestamp='1345069594' post='1773308'] Hi I may be interested in a trade. My Peavey is certainly old school! Its not a compact but see what you think. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183054-final-price-drop-peavey-mk-iv-1980-american-made-amp-peavey-bx115-bw/"]Final Price Drop Peavey MK IV 1980 American made Amp + Peavey BX115 BW[/url] Cheers Vindi [/quote] Thx, really want something small.
  4. I bought this less than 2 months ago and it's not really floating my boat... It's as new, in warranty, never gigged. Louder than much higher rated amps in terms of wattage like MarkBass, GenzBenz, TC Electronic, you name it, but too modern-sounding and hi-fi for me. At the moment I'm using a VT Bass into its effects return as that is closer to the sound I'm after (valve-like, old school)... So I'd like a trade for another compact head... things I'd be interested in would be TC Electronic Classic 450, MarkBass Little Mark III (or another MB you may have perhaps), Aguilar TH500 (possibly TH300), GenzBenz, SWR amplite or another small power amp (would be serving the same purpose the Reidmar is serving now really)... whatever, up for experimenting. But something in the £300 - £450 mark as I don't want to have to put a lot of money into it, so it would be pretty much a straight swap... Let me know what you've got! EDIT: I should add that maximum head rating I can trade for is 500W RMS @ 4ohm and 250W RMS @ 8 ohm, as that's how my cabs are rated.
  5. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1344292461' post='1762487'] Will try those settings later but I guess with the Middle at 1 o'clock and Freq at 2 o'clock, that will make it quite middy and should give a fair bit of honk to a Jazz. [/quote] Well if you think about it, it's actually scooped, because I'm boosting Bass and Treble twice as much as I'm boosting Mids. Would be roughly the same as leaving Bass and Treble flat and cutting Mids by one tick, then raising the Volume. I just do it as I said because I've found it easier to control the volume and the vibration of my walls that way so far
  6. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1344290327' post='1762448'] Thanks for sharing. What settings do you use withe the Reidmar and what bass? At the moment I am running everything flat apart from Filter Activated and the Middle - Freq dials at about 10 o'clock. Sounds nice and warm that way for me. [/quote] I'm using a MIA Fender Jazz Deluxe. All EQ flat on the bass. Pickup balance in the middle though I also like it a little towards the neck p'up) Character = off Gain and Middle = 1 o'c Comp/Limit = 8 o'c Bass, Freq and Treble = 2 o'c Bright = 9 o'c Volume = a millimetre above the 8 o'c line, but given the loudness of this amp, a millimeter that makes all the difference in the world 1 CL112 only, Tweeter on.
  7. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1344288512' post='1762407'] Interesting. Warm is the last word I'd have used to describe all the SWR gear I've used. Makes me wonder about the Reidmar. [/quote] I used to be of that opinion too, but since AB'ing them I had to eat my words. The difference of the valve preamp was very evident, that gentle 'hair' in the high frequencies. After some more fiddling I've pretty much sorted all my niggles with this amp. The reason for all my problems was just one: lack of volume while practising at home. I'd been meaning to change my rig for ages but with the band I was on I never had time to go to shops and try stuff. Once I left the band I could finally do this, but the downside was I couldn't try stuff with a band at full volume. Still haven't joined another band, but by raising the volume just a little bit over what I was daring to do before at home, this amp came to life. Pedals sound fine too! There was a thinness that is now gone. Screw the neighbours! The way I explain it is this: - SWR 350x sounded nice and full at low volumes, but when the volume went up that fullness turned into a bit of boominess and loss of focus. - The Reidmar sounds a little thin, middy and weird at low volumes, but when you turn it up it comes to life, remaining focused. It's like it's meant for loudness, much more than the 350x was. Also, because I was trying it with both cabs at home, I had to cut a lot of bass and boost highs because of the acoustic coupling. Once I swapped to 1 cab only, I was able to properly EQ the amp, boost more lows for some colour, not raise highs as much and get a nice balanced mid definition. Two cabs was overkill! So I'm finally really happy with this amp. Don't think a lack of warmth bothers me anymore either. Pedals sound fine. All is fine and dandy
  8. GazzBass bought my SWR 350x + SKB shallow rack, great guy to deal with, collected and paid in person, all the best Gary and hope the amp serves you as well as it did me over the years
  9. Thanks for the feeedback, glad you're happy, I know I'm going to miss that baby
  10. Really like the distortion of the Multidrive in the STD setting, especially how it reacts to dynamics, but struggle with the fact that it boosts lows and cuts the top end. Anyone else find the same? What's a good alternative with the same size and similar price range (so B3K is out) but keeping the top end or with a decent EQ? One I've tried was the SFT, which I always found lost lows. Thinking of the BB Bass Preamp but it seems less aggressive... Any other tips?
  11. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1344002954' post='1758563'] Tried the Reidmar today. Pros: I liked the size and style of the box. It looked great. It was plenty loud enough with a great parametric mid control - so lots of control of your sound in that area. Plenty of clean bass (not a fuzzy or boomy bass). Cons: The highs and trebles had an almost brittle, hard, clean quality I wasn't sure I liked. Nothing seemed to soften it much. The compressor was too subtle even when turned up full. It didn't soften the amp's super-clean sound. Summary - very clean, cold clarity. [/quote] Yup, that's pretty much my opinion too, you can check it as the last (I think) post in my "small and lightweight" topic... The compressor only goes to 3:1 so it will always be subtle. Coming from 10 years using a warm SWR amp with a valve preamp I've been finding it hard to get used to the Reidmar's sharpness, especially because the EQ has a completely different philosophy (knobs have effect on frequencies they don't relate to) so I'm having to learn how to work with this EQ, but I can see I'm getting better at finding sounds I like as time goes by. I actually find the Mid Freq knob a bit too wide. It pretty much goes from lows to highs not just sticking to mids, I prefer a knob with a narrower scope. As it is, the slightest touch of the knob makes you go from one frequency to another that's farther than you wanted. Hard to be precise. I'm slowly getting my ears used to this amp's "directness", what I'm struggling with is that it makes my distortion pedals sound "plastic", I guess because it's not colouring them with any valve warmth... I'll try to get some valve preamp pedal to see if it cures it... Does anyone have any other suggestion for this?
  12. That Octamizer is going in 5... 4... 3...
  13. [quote name='morgano' timestamp='1343636747' post='1752828'] Was wondering if you have 'pulled the trigger' on anything yet? I've read through the thread - you seem to have tried every head that I have shortlisted - I'm now left in suspense with the Reidmar as the last one! Did you end up buying it? I was initially interested in the Reidmar but had read that it has quite a 'modern' sound, which I didn't think you were looking for. [/quote] Hi there, I did pull the trigger on a Reidmar and two CL112's. I was looking for versatility, not so much an old school sound. I've been very split about the amp since I got it, experimenting with the EQ and AB'ing it with my old SWR 350x trying to make up my mind on which is best. First I'll say that the other compact amps that topped my list were the Little Mark III and the TH500. All others weren't for me for one reason or another. The Reidmar won because I found the LM too muddy on the lows and because though it sounded ok flat and the filters were great, EQ did very little to improve it in anyway. As for the TH, I found it too middy and "telephonic". As for warmth though, the TH sounded the warmest and most organic, with the LM being in the middle and the Reidmar the coldest and most hi-fi, but very focused clear and defined. The Reidmar was also way louder than the others. Now what I find of this amp is it doesn't sound great flat (which is ok and IMO, as it should be) but it's very hard to EQ. It took me a while to figure out what was happening, but I realised it's the fact that all controls interact with each other. I may set the bass at 11 o'c because noon makes my walls vibrate all over the place, but once I move treble from noon to 3 o'c, I find that there was a little cut on the bass which disappeared a bit, and now I can comfortably move it to noon! This didn't happen with my SWR! Same happens between mids and bright: I set mids to a certain level with bright off, then when I increase bright to my preferred setting, I find I have to cut mids. I would expect bright to interact a bit with treble, not mids! I actually find this is the closest I can get to valve warmth (scooped mids and high bright, which emulates valve harmonics a bit), as opposed to being cautious with bright as I was doing initially. I also find that increasing bright takes some energy away from the rest of the spectrum, especially lows (!). Overall I find my 350x sounds better flat and is easier to EQ. I find the Reidmar more versatile, clearer, more defined and focused, all notes come through clearly, I can play fast stuff with the Reidmar and sound great, while playing the same stuff with the 350x I sound sloppy! This is all with compression off btw. That's the main reason why I'm keeping it: it makes me sound like a better bass player. I miss the warmth of the 350x's valve preamp though... I will be trying to make up for it with some pedal. In the end, I suppose that's easier to do than to make the 350x's attack faster and clearer (compressors haven't helped with that). I'm satisfied that the Reidmar is better for my usage than the 350x on its own. In the end this amp is not the end all be all for me as far as compact amps go... I'm still curious and looking for one of the other two at a good price second hand to compare at home with more time with the Reidmar... Truth is, they lost to it in the shops... I may come to the conclusion, as a couple have mentioned here, that I'll never be fully happy with a compact amp (in my case, due to the lack of a proper valve preamp). As for the cabs, I'm happy. Can't tell any difference for the Triad I had before (couldn't AB them because I sold the Triad before i got them) except for the tweeter which I always found too harsh on the Triad and kept between off and -12dB, and on the CL112's is just right (even though there's no attenuator, only on/off switch, no attenuator is needed). It seems as balanced to me as those on the Neo Line. I leave one tweeter on and one off and the bright knob ends up pretty much controlling how loud it gets...
  14. I find it strange that the hiss is the same volume regardless of the attenuator setting... humbuckers shouldn't hum either... not sure any of it means any problem exists though. So you said you like the character button on? I liked it initially but ended up leaving it off. Wondering how best to eq to take advantage of it, haven't found a good solution yet...
  15. To use the GB as power amp you plug the VT to the GB's return jack, not send.
  16. I agree about EBS tweeters being quieter than other brands, at least against SWR, MarkBass and Vanderkley that's definitely the case, I feel I have to cut with those brands while with EBS its pretty much fine as it is...
  17. Roll off the dial on the back of the cab and/or the bright knob on the amp. Start with both at zero and experiment from there. With an SWR cab I used to like the tweeter at -12 db. With the Reidmar and 2 cl112's I'm liking 1 tweeter on and 1 off, bright at 11 o'c.
  18. That looks awesome. I have room for a normal-sized octaver now, but if I run out I'm getting that one!
  19. I guess lower it, mate. Can't see it not selling for £90...
  20. Bought an EBS Multidrive from Dave. Very helpful with sending photos and was very quick to send, also well packed, recommended!
  21. So with my new EBS rig I finally have a usable effects loop... That means M5 in it! Bass Juice put away for now... 105q for wah and Ernie Ball for expression sometimes come in... May get some valve pedal to warm up the new amp... DHA or EBS...
  22. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1341266844' post='1716273'] You need to take lessons in squeezing things in .... huge gaps there. Check this for tightness. [/quote] What's that green pedal and the white at the top?
  23. Still available. If you want just the head without the rack and cable I'll make it £200 collected. Otherwise, £225.
  24. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1341935886' post='1726519'] I can't help but wonder if some potential customers aren't put off because they don't "look" like a proper pedal? [/quote] Totally agree. It's an easy equation: Do you think the current look draws people to these pedals who would otherwise buy some other pedal? Hardly. very few. Do you think it makes no difference to some people? Sure. Some. Do you think some people just can't bring themselves to buy or trust a product that looks like this? Yes. Many! My assumptions being right, he's losing money
  25. Haha funny, it's fine if I drag to my desktop. Yup, black definitely! Thanks
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