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Everything posted by 1976fenderhead

  1. Hmmm I never liked the Blowtorch as a distortion pedal, but now looking at demos under the perspective of a synthy fuzz, it does sound quite nice for that...
  2. Thinking of replacing my Bass Micro Synth with separate pedals... I don't have an octave pedal at the moment but tried the octaver model in the Line 6 M5 into my sfx Micro Fuzz and thought it didn't sound that great, which is a shame because I love the Micro Fuzz on its own... Tried different settings in each by the way. So what's a fuzz that combines well with an octaver? Any suggestions?
  3. I have a Fender MIA Jazz Bass Deluxe (18v) and didn't notice any hiss in passive or active when using the supplied PSA to power the unit and using no other pedals with it. It's possible you may get hiss if daisy-chaining it with other pedals but I didn't try that. It happens with my M5 though, so I have to give it its own PSA, though in theory it's just 9v DC, it needs its own PSA due to high current draw. Not sure if its the same case with the B3...
  4. The POD HD just got an update last week and it includes the first HD bass amp model ever, so they say (for an Ampeg B15)... So I guess we can say they're for bass [i]and[/i] guitar now... but you only get one bass amp!
  5. PM sent.
  6. If you get the Phase 90 make sure you get a Script reissue or if you get the block logo version make the R28 mod on it. Out of the box the block logo Phase 90 has a volume boost and an exaggerated effect which don't sound nice on bass, the R28 mod brings it closer to the Script version or EVH models...
  7. Get it, for what you say I can tell you won't regret it.
  8. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1333534450' post='1602933'] Thread resurrection! I am seriously considering buying an M9 and getting rid of all my delay and modulation pedals. Can someone please convince me either way! As far as modulation goes, it would be mostly the phaser and chorus that I would be using, and I would be using the delays and reverbs a lot too. [/quote] Get it. Or an M5, are you sure you need the M9? I love all the phasers, the analog chorus is very good though truly nothing out of this world, I don't think the other choruses are that great so if you don't like that one you're probably screwed... The AC Flanger is brilliant, the Analog Flanger is ok and the other flangers aren't very usable I think... All delays and reverbs are great to awesome.
  9. Paul bought my MarkBass Super Synth. Great guy to deal with and trustworthy 100%.
  10. It is expensive new but worth it second hand IMO... In the case of the Super Synth, you can see a lot of research went into it and it shows, it kills the Boss SYB-5 on every count (tracking, sound, editing ability, has presets), and how much does that one cost new? It's by far the best digital synth on sale today, it's not perfect but which pedal is?
  11. This pedal is fully working and in absolutely stunning condition, not a mark on it, like it just came out of the shop! The rubber sticker feet it comes with are still unused in the box (has velcro on the bottom). Original UK 12V PSA and manual included (full contents of the box, foam pads, etc are there). I'm throwing in a USB cable as well. £[s]210[/s] [b]£195[/b] to your door PM if interested.
  12. I've just bought a MarkBass Super Synth so if I prefer it I might sell my BMS next week. I love how easy the BMS is to set up and control, but I find now I'm after a more digital sound and the BMS sounds too analog.
  13. Although I wasn't very positive on my reviews of the B3, I do think that in the OP's situation it's the ideal choice.
  14. hmm don't mean to be the forum police but you have to set a price, forum rules...
  15. That sounds SWEET AS. However, I'm not sure if that would cut through with enough clarity in a band setting :/ hmmm
  16. [quote name='Pob' timestamp='1330906486' post='1564768'] I had the Perseus for a bit. I ended up selling it cos I've got lots of fuzz anyway but I made a demo of it in action. I'll upload it tomorrow am. It's a cool pedal, tracks really well on bass I found. [/quote] Well appreciated mate, will check back to hear it.
  17. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1330901820' post='1564704'] I'd take my fav Octave & my fav Fuzz and put them in a tiny true bypass looper to turn them on and off. Obviously that takes up extra pedalboard space, but there's no compromise in sound! [/quote] Thanks, that's an option too... What octavers would you recommend with a small footprint btw?
  18. You read my mind, that's one thing I'll try, I don't think he does octave pedals so would probably be an expensive request, but his Micro Fuzz is my favourite fuzz, that plus octave would be sweet... So far the best option I've found seems to be the Black Cat Sub Octave Fuzz which is quite expensive too, and the Catalinbread Perseus but no idea how that works with bass... Does anyone know?
  19. I'm looking for a pedal which will give me synth-sounding octave fuzz and which will work well with bass (4-string)... basically, imagine the Bass Microsynth without the filter section. I'd like: - one switch only activating everything (not one for fuzz and one for octave). - it to be ideally the size of a Phase 90 or at most, the size of a T-Rex pedal. - sub-octave mostly needed but if it also had octave-up that would be even better. Any suggestions?
  20. [quote name='Dave Tipping' timestamp='1330803404' post='1563293'] Bren, couldn't have put it better. I also play in a covers band .. just away to head to my third gig in as many nights. I used to take a large pedal board with 8 pedals on it I know take my guitar case which fits my b3 in the pocket. Also I've had nothing but compliments from band members esp. Due to the lack of any faffing between tunes .. also I find the control on each effect to be superior to the original pedals so I can get way closer to the records than I manages before. [/quote] Those are all good reasons. The crowd is not. I don't take a large pedalboard with 8 pedals - I use 3 pedals + the M5 I get compliments from my bandmates on my tone as it is and I never need to faff between tunes I'm happy with the controls of my pedals and I'm not that worried about getting too close to the original recordings: I want MY version of that effect tone. So I don't need 5 synth sounds and 10 distortions. All synths become my 1 tone and all distortions become my 1 or 2 tones, so even though I'm playing covers I have my own sound. So as I said, different people, different needs, different reasons, different decisions. The crowds can f*** off
  21. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1330801204' post='1563263'] If you're playing in a covers/tribute band some people might say that the singer doesn't sound quite like [insert artist name] - it doesn't stop the band being good, it doesn't stop people enjoying the show. I very much doubt it will offend even the most purist audiophile that the Big Muff effect on the bass in the chorus of the song doesn't quite sound like the Big Muff on the record. [/quote] Of course not. But that's not why people buy this or that piece of gear is it? Ultimately, I buy things that sound good [u]to me.[/u] I couldn't bear playing with those distortions because personally, I think they sound close to nails on a chalkboard. Of course people have different tastes and thresholds. As I said, I use a Line 6 M5 for modulations and the odd effect so I'm not exactly a gear snob. However since distortion and synth are a big part of my sound, I shouldn't really compromise on that should I? I use a Bass Juice and EHX BMS because tbh when I engage them in a gig it sounds SWEET to ME! I could have 3 times more expensive substitutes if I was to be a snob but I chose those because I love them. I know the audience is covered with any crap fx or even none at all for that matter (no one will care the slightest if the bass player has zero fx). But when my ears hear how those sound it doubles my fun and I play for fun first. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1330801204' post='1563263'] Also, there's nothing wrong with Squier basses or Behringer gear. I use both and I'm turning gigs away weekly at the moment. [/quote] I have a Squier as a backup bass. Wouldn't use it as my main bass: sound is good, but it rattles everywhere and the bridge is terrible. Would the crowd notice? Unlikely. Do you like to play with basses rattling everywhere and which are impossible to set up properly? Well if the crowd won't notice, why not? BECAUSE IT WOULD KILL YOUR FUN. But again, that's not my point. Saying that 'the crowd won't notice so it's ok' doesn't cut it for me as an argument when someone is asking if the distortion models sound anything like the originals. They don't. Whether the crowd will notice or not, frankly, is irrelevant, 99% never will. You will buy this if YOU think it's close/good enough for the money, better value taking into account price and ease of transport, etc, you won't buy it if it sounds so fake TO YOUR EARS that all those advantages don't balance it enough. Again, different thresholds: sounds bad enough for me not to buy it even though I'd save money and hassle transporting it. Others will have thresholds higher or lower and make different decisions - might think though it sounds way worse the money saving alone is enough etc.
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