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Everything posted by 1976fenderhead

  1. [quote name='I am not excane' timestamp='1327893622' post='1518430'] That's just it, what you're saying is true but leaving out a key factor: The clean blend allows you to bring in ANY frequency you wish, either from your clean bass, EQ, or any other effect before the fuzz. What I love to do is have an overdrive for a nice main tone, then kick on the fuzz (with a clean blend) for heavier parts. I put an emphasis on ALL the frequencies (especially low and mid) with my overdrive so that comes through with fuzz on top of it. It's not an exact science, I'm just saying what has worked for me. Yes, a GOOD fuzz ("good" being the key word) will work too but I like having a true clean blend for more complex tones. [/quote] Yeah I agree with all that... a clean blend of course won't hurt, can be left at 100% wet if desired, and if I had one on my fuzz I might add some clean (10-15% max I suppose), as long as it didn't sound like too separate sounds, just to align it with the clean character... but a clean blend won't disguise a poor fuzz and this one is sounding like it to me from these samples (I may be wrong, a lot of possible settings weren't used)... As for losing bottom end, on a good one like my Micro Fuzz I don't need to compensate with anything: it even boosts lows! I have to put the tone knob at 1 or 2 o'clock to tame it down a little!
  2. [quote name='I am not excane' timestamp='1327886057' post='1518417'] Correct, that's exactly what it's supposed to sound like.... SOLO. Now, you mix in guitars, drums, keyboard, etc. and you get the balls from the fuzz but still retain the low/ low-mid fundamental to not get obliterated. [/quote] Well, not really, because if the low frequencies are largely unaffected and all you're getting is a bit of distorted high freqs. added, when you add the guitar in the same freq. area, it will obliterate the fuzz and you'll only hear the clean bass. If however you have a good fuzz affecting all frequencies from top to bottom or close to it (like for example an old Russian Muff or a Tonebender) you'll retain bass and low mid freqs., they'll be distorted and you'll be able to hear that distortion because you won't have a loud instrument covering those freqs.
  3. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1327873269' post='1518152'] Says "Access denied" for me when I try to listen to your link! [/quote] You're right, only works for the uploader. Never mind.
  4. I've never tried one but I've read a lot about them. The general opinion seems to be that they sound better than Boss, but the switch stops working often (perhaps a fault with a specific batch?) and tracking, especially with passive basses is poor, so sometimes sticking a booster or compressor before it is necessary.
  5. [quote name='Higgie' timestamp='1327782795' post='1516817'] Yeah I've found that too when I try to upload PDFs. Just attach it, and when it's downloaded at the other end, change the file extension to mp3 and it should work. [/quote] Nah, can't make it work no matter what, but thanks. You can listen to it here instead: [url="http://www.filefreak.com/files/863646_eiweo/Deeper_underground.mp3"]Deeper_underground.mp3[/url] The original doesn't sound like a square wave to me, so there's that difference in character, but other than that I'd say it's pretty close? This clip is just bass > EHX BMS > Logic 8. No amp or amp simulation, or EQ or any effect...
  6. Hmmm, I tried to attach an mp3 clip here of how I make it sound with the EHX but I always get a file with an .ipb extension showing instead, which doesn't play... any help?
  7. I got pretty close with an EHX Micro Synth but took a lot of experimentation to get it there. I can tell you my settings if you want... It sounds awesome.
  8. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1327495044' post='1512203'] They never sell them at RRP though do they... [/quote] Yeah you're right, I suppose they might with a fresh product, but hopefully not...
  9. I actually called Zoom now because I'm between this and an an M5 to ask when they expect the B3 in the UK... They said they'll be arriving in the first 2 weeks of February and RRP is £189 If the shops here follow that RRP there will be a lot of happy Thomann customers
  10. Now £40 shipped only. Going on eBay soon.
  11. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1327421865' post='1510953'] You're not helping either! Eude [/quote] Well, Thomann say the item is unavailable, or available on request only whatever that means, so that should help you
  12. You could just use a euro-uk adaptor, or use any Boss style psu with it and say you used the adaptor... Wouldn't void anything...
  13. I've just called DV247 and asked if they have a date for starting to sell this, they don't know about it at all... Not looking like it's gonna arrive here quickly. I want to buy it from a UK shop so if I don't like it it's not too expensive to post back... And this from the FAQ is a bit of a downer for me: [color=#333333][font=Verdana,]Is it possible to use a foot switch to tap the tempo used for delay times and modulation rates?[/font][/color] [indent=1]This is not possible using the foot switches on the B3. If you want to tap the tempo for delay times and modulation rates while playing bass guitar, you will need an FS01 foot switch (sold separately).[/indent] A multi fx with no accessible tap tempo, wtf? And only one exp input means you'd have to choose between wah/whammy/volume and tap tempo...
  14. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1327418627' post='1510890'] I have waaay more fun playing other peoples songs to folks who enjoy it than playing my own songs to an indifferent sound engineer and a nasty stain on the floor, oh no wait thats the indifferent sound engineer. [/quote]
  15. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1327414941' post='1510820'] Headline reads: "Function Band Murdered my Creativity" My son bought me an MXR Big Muff Pi for xmas. can I use it on Amy Winehouse songs? [/quote] LOL... well, I have a very creative day job and honestly, I realised I didn't have enough creativity to go around for my job and for writing songs, I was getting burned out... and then playing my band's songs in empty-ish London venues for my friends and friends of the other bands, and people just staring at you like statues as you play, and getting treated like sh*t by promoters, and getting no money for it... Too old for that sh*t. At least now I: a ) gig a lot b ) get paid c ) can justify spending loads of money on gear coz I actually use it d ) have more uses for my bass synth than I ever had e ) make people dance and have fun, so I'm happy The downside: f ) have to wear a suit every now and then g ) haven't got a song to use my fuzz in (but plenty to use distortion in so not too bad) Go on kids, sell out! You'll enjoy it!
  16. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1327405253' post='1510554'] Cheers guys. I'm just interested in trying one out, but like Mike says, there's others out there. For what I've heard the Ultra Fuzz did some really nice BIG smooth fuzz sounds, which were almost synth-like, but I guess the B3 has plenty of synth effects going on, so I'm sure I'll find something in there Any news on when you can buy these in the UK? Holding out so I can get one with a proper plug... Eude [/quote] I had the Ultra Fuzz for years and it was the best fuzz I had ever used on bass, but when I tried the SFX Micro Fuzz I sold the Zoom straight away Check it out, I don't get tired of recommending it. I wish I had a use for it in my current functions band It really nails the Death From Above 1979 sound to my ears, which is what I bought it for!
  17. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1327407507' post='1510610'] By my hands passed Boss OBD-3, Markbass Distorsore, Fultone Bass Drive Mosfet, EHX Bass Big Muff and now i'm settling with a Wren&Cuff Pickle Pie B, all with blend controls. From my list the most useless must be the Boss and the best is the Pickle Pie, it really blends the fuzz with the clean without sounding that the clean just sits on top of the fuzz. As to the MXR i realy enjoyed the sound of it, i'll give it a good listen in my house this evening and play a bit with the PPB to see wich tone i like best, who know's i end up swapping! [/quote] Of the ones you mentioned, only the Big Muff and and the Pickle Pie are fuzz.
  18. How do the distortions sound? The list doesn't seem very good with a bunch of fuzzes and Boss pedals...
  19. Where in London are you?
  20. It's also a bit frustrating in that video that all sounds have tone way up or way down... Somewhere in the middle would probably sound more natural without needing to blend clean in...
  21. [quote name='burno70' timestamp='1327140459' post='1506803'] That's not right - there's plenty of fuzzes out there these days with a clean blend, Iron Either, SM/BS, Wounded Paw, Prescription Electronics and Mallekko all do blended fuzz, and thats just off the top of my head. It's all a matter of opinion but blend makes fuzz well useful for bass players. Fuzz by nature can get lost in a live mix and blending clean signal into it can help maintain your presence - whilst still giving you a killer tone. [/quote] What percentage would you say of fuzzes in the world have a clean blend? I'd be surprised if it reaches 5% What you say of fuzz getting lost in the mix is true (that's why for example the guy at sfx added a mid boost switch to the micro fuzz) however I like to try to fix that with the tone knob or eq instead of blend, as the clean sound and the fuzzy sound always sound too separate, they don't mix (pun intended), unlike what happens with distortion and OD for example (to my ears of course). Fuzz mixed with clean always sounds to me like clean with some hairiness on the background. That's what this video sounded like.
  22. [quote name='Lenny B' timestamp='1327094798' post='1506512'] Do many other fuzzes have a clean blend? That looks a useful option [/quote] No, barely any fuzz has a clean blend, and judging by this video I think there's a reason for that: it just sounds odd. Clean + fuzz doesn't really work (that's my opinion).
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