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Everything posted by 1976fenderhead

  1. I never really liked the VT Bass, used to have one. Don't like that I always feel it adds unwanted compression killing my attack (have never read others complaining about it but I could definitely hear it), and also not a fan of the Character x Drive interaction, makes it hard for me to get a Tone I'll like and settle on. I actually prefer the BDDI but there's too much colouring going on in there for what I want now... I checked out some BB videos days ago and it did sound close... Just had a look at the TC Electronic Mojomojo, seems like it might work as well and it's dirt cheap, hmm...
  2. Looking for a not too expensive overdrive pedal (£60 range) that will do that kind of tone, which I understand is from a cranked Ampeg. Can the Bass Soul Food be aggressive enough for this tone? On some videos I watched it seems like it doesn't go very far in terms of gain... What about the Crayon? Seems more aggressive... Any other suggestion?
  3. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1453840912' post='2963384'] So it doesn't appear to have the blend knob to retain and mix your clean signal? [/quote] Same as the VT Bass then... By the way, saw another review of this where they said it has less gain than the VT Bass because you can make up for it with the Boost feature.
  4. I might be interested in this if the Fuzz could stand on its own as a quality fuzz... Doubt that will be the case with the lack of controls for it. Also, the octaver is after the Sansamp and maybe the fuzz in the signal path, which is not ideal...
  5. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1453449696' post='2959541'] A VT instead of the bass driver might have sold it for me. [/quote] It has a Character knob so it kind of is a VT Bass I think?
  6. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1453404748' post='2959289'] shame its coloured by the vt500 head [/quote] True... If there's a Sansamp in it, why didn't they do as they themselves recommend and plugged it into the FX return instead...
  7. The XLR position makes sense to me, saves pedalboard space by not needing clearance on the sides. Besides, with the inclusion of send/return. not much room anywhere else. The key for me is the overdrive sound this will give, especially for the boost. If it's good and can complement my GK gear, I'm in. If it's bad it's just going to be like another MXR M80.
  8. I had an M9 and an M5, loved both units. Then had a B3 for a few days at home for a couple of times. Never stuck with it. Didn't like the sounds as much and I could hear it altered the signal even when bypassed. Though most people deny it, I could definitely hear it with my setup. I definitely recommend the M9, it's easier to set up and I prefer the modulation sounds, they're just outstanding. Delays and reverbs are also absolutely excellent. Filters are mostly useless though there are a few decent ones (the whammy is great), and same for distortions but that's my opinion of all distortions on all multifx for bass anyways... Bear in mind for each bank you get 6 sounds but each pair is made of mutually exclusive sounds, so you can only have 3 at the same time. And only some sounds allow you to blend in the clean signal. Man, you've made me miss this unit now, wanna go and buy another one!
  9. I've tried a few more expensive fuzzes (TFR, Grand Tarkin, Duality, Micro Fuzz, and others) and can't find one that works better than this one for me. It's not perfect, but I can't find anything better. Won't swap for the smaller versions precisely because of the gate, I could live without the blend but the Gate even just at 9 o'c adds such great definition to the sound. Just wish the pedal was smaller. They could so easily get rid of the mostly useless crossover and DI and make it the size of the standard BBM...
  10. I usually have it at 9 o'c which is the point at which is kills the background noise when not playing. That way I have no problem with it killing sustained notes (it needs to get REALLY quiet before it gets cut off)... Recently however, I started increasing it a bit, to 11 o'c. because I like the added 'tightness' to the sound. Haven't had much problems with sustain being cut this way either, but haven't used it enough in that setting. Anyway, that's what a gate is meant to do: it will cut off the signal when volume gets below a certain point. So if you have it set low, that threshold will be at a really low volume (as low as line noise if desired); if you turn it up quite high, you increase the volume threshold for the cutoff, so as you sustain a note and it starts decaying, it will get cut off abruptly quite early on at a volume that is still quite high and where it's still very noticeable.
  11. Maybe my active bass didn't help. Sounded usable with a bit less volume...
  12. I got a Mooer Fog today and I'll be sending it back. The Prymaxe Vintage youtube video tricked me into getting it because it sounds awesome in there, however when I tried it at home it sounded pretty much like the Mooer video where it's just awful. No idea how they achieved that sound in the Prymaxe video.
  13. FFS, have just ordered one of these, it's on its way
  14. The Color button on the M80 is one of the best things ever in a DI and beats the Sansamp sound IMO. Couldn't find a use for that distortion either. If they sold a small pedal with just that Color button I'd buy it.
  15. The EHX Deluxe Bass Big Muff has blend, is cheap, and I kept it over more expensive boutique options... Just wish it was smaller.
  16. [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1439120009' post='2840124'] just got this and having gone through lots of other more pricey overdrives (bb,cog, darkglass) I wasn't expecting to much for £60................wow! through a tube amp this thing is wonderful sounding (for me) very cutting and clear.i think it will be my number 1 medium overdrive. Others have said a blend is a bit pointless on a mid overdrive but i think its the key to the SF's sound. nicely impressed :-) [/quote] So in your opinion, how does this compare to the B3K?
  17. Not a fan of the Zoom stuff, my vote would go to the Line 6 M9 (or M5) or possibly Boss ME50B which I never tried but seems would fit the bill.
  18. US600 sold on eBay, all sold.
  19. Behringer US600 still up for grabs.
  20. Only the Behringer left!
  21. PS-6 on hold, looking like the Behringer might go soon too.
  22. So today I parted with my trusted Pitchblack and I already miss it dearly... Boss PS-6 and Behringer US600 still available, going on eBay within the week.
  23. Pitchblack on hold.
  24. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1434306829' post='2798543'] Hmm, so there is the first downside for Boss. In reality, audiophiles aside, how much difference is there in 16 and 24 bit? In a mix, nothing I'm sure, but in solo? [/quote] CD quality is 16bit so you should be fine.
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