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  1. I've recently picked up another ESP LTD surveyor but it's in a finish I cant seem to find in the UK. I have the all black version but this one is the brown burst with a flame maple top and maple neck. My main question is can anyone shed some light on this? Only possible sign is that its got the classic ESP logo on the headstock but the LTD inlay on the 12th fret. Cheers
  2. No other reason than a quick googling Would probably go for the S3 way version
  3. Hey all I'm looking at getting a dedicated compressor and these seem pretty good, what would the general opinion be for bass?
  4. Anyone got any suggestions to cheap project basses? The cheaper the better really, in an ideal world something that looks nice and thats about it to leave me plenty of goddies to modify
  5. That seems to be the case, I love the look and shape of jazz basses yet humbuckers work for what I do, I just find I can't get the sound I would like out of the current set This then raises the issue of what could you in their place? Or is there any jazz bass mini buckers out there with a simialr sound to emg's?
  6. The only problem with that is the routing is for (easy way to put it) a double jazz pickup and I cant seem to find anything commercially that is up to the requirments of what I would want without ruining my pocket
  7. I am looking to change the pickup's in a Fender modern jazz bass but with them having the unusual double jazz pickup's creating a humbucker I am a bit lost as to how to go about it I'm a straight up metal player so something like EMG's, Seymour Duncan's is prefered, just after some advice as to what options I have or what methods I would have to take to swap them out
  8. I'm running a Mesa Boogie Basis M2000 into a Ashdown ABM 410T Attached is a photo from the manual which may be able to give some idea, to me it reads it will be okay but only use 300w
  9. Got a 8 Ohm cab but my valve head is 4 Ohms What does this mean when running them both together? Am I a risk or blowing something up? Running at less power? Sorry if this has been ask before (Most likely has hahaha) but I am hoping someone can explain it all to me in relatively easy terms, thanks
  10. Glad to have such a good quality head, I will eventually get a cab to fit better with it as I'm currently running an Ashdown ABM 410T but my pocket won't be able to take that for a while yet hahaha
  11. Nice seeing some other peoples experiences I'm a bit les of a technical bass player like that, spent the time getting a tone I was happy with and then stick with it for live As someone who went from a Behringer to a Mesa Boogie, anything is a step up!
  12. I've got all the manuals etc, just be nice to find out a bit more about the history of the amps It's an amazing bit of kit
  13. I recently acquired one of these and I absolutely love it but I can't find out an awful lot about them Do we have any mesa experts on there that could give me some insight into these old hybrid heads?
  14. Here is my current rig that serves me very well! Head: Mesa Boogie Bass M2000 - I love the sound that you can achieve with these, basically a full valve and full solid state head in one that you can run any blend between the two. Don't know much about the history of these heads, would like to learn more but can't find an awful lot Cab: Ashdown ABM 410T - Run with the tweeter off but I find the cab does me just fine, far from a bad cab but am looking to upgrade in the future Bass: 1984 Kramer Baretta - Thru neck with 2 duel rail humbuckers, the body has a fair few knocks but doesn't bother me as it sounds amazing Not in the picture is my very simplistic pedal rig, just a Boss ODB-3 for when it gets heavy (I'm a metal player) and a Korg tuner for obvious reasons Cheers for looking! (Note: Excuse the lead mess at the bottom, always like that)
  15. The more I think about it, I keep coming back to the spectors as they have the duel coil humbuckers that I love plus they don't look half bad! Now it's just if I can fid a legend for he right price or I go with a performer new
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