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Everything posted by Bobthedog

  1. My wife and I have our own hobbies but will support each other all the time. I will go to her horse events and she to my country pursuits. Unless I am going with a bunch of mates, she will come to watch an Arne type movie with me and likewise me to a chick flick. We have busy lives but always have at least one "date'" night a week to do something together. It may not work for all but we celebrate 23 years of marriage on Sunday so it certainly works for us.
  2. Bass Guitar. I learnt to play trumpet and violin as a kid with some success but unless it is slow stuff, my fingers do no move like they should on bass.
  3. Bass Player when talking to people, bassist in writing - a) it's quicker and less likely to be confused with someone who fiddles with fish.
  4. This is the real version of Big Noise from Winnetka, and AFAIK, the original. [media]http://youtu.be/M4vlmYd9KYY[/media] Bob Haggart also recorded it with Yank Lawson and the "World's Greatest Jazz Band"
  5. I have watched Jools' show on and off for many years and have discovered several bands and musicians from watching it. I also enjoy the Hootenanny show, although this year was not the strongest one. The following in his 2013 Hootenanny show is one of my all time favourites: http://youtu.be/ZMUjsj-n_FY?list=FLce-nSdPYegPmPFOcWVWRzw PS: Playing through my cinema system as enhanced music brings out the bass mix beautifully.
  6. Perhaps this will not get many votes here, but I think in terms of covers better than the original, this works for me: http://youtu.be/aLnZ1NQm2uk
  7. I genuinely have had no GAS since getting my Roscoe / Barefaced setup a year / six months ago. Until now. I picked up a Dingwall Combustion two months ago and love it so much, I now want Dingwall Z3. Luckily, there appear to be none around ATM. A Z3 plus a 112 / 115 cab and head for the the lightweight travel option and I am sorted. Probably BF for the cab, not sure of the head yet.
  8. that no matter how much I play or how much I practice or much I am taught I will always be a sh*t bass player.
  9. First review? Albeit more a description as there is no playing [media]http://youtu.be/t3i3iyAJw_o[/media]
  10. My father's band supported Kenny Ball's band in a big theatre venue in Slough many many years ago. They had to put up with appalling sound management which changed miraculously when Kenny's band came on. Some members of my father's band were depping pros themselves and so if they also believed it was deliberate so did and do I.
  11. My Roscoe Century - just a superb neck to run up and down on, and a great set up. Also a lovely piece of art to look at (it is their Signature series) . Closely followed by my Dingwall Combustion 5. In both cases the set up and balance is just perfect for me; both necks are fast. To balance the books and show that you must try for yourself, I could not get on with my Stingray V - I could never get the set up to suit me and cope with the narrower string spacing. Others have great success however. I can only suggest that you try all on this thread
  12. Keep it and think of it as being part of what nature and wood do. I actually like the individuality of it.
  13. Indeed, I can see you have invented the pleasure board, however, until someone produces electricity and the electric bass, I fear you are wasting my time.
  14. I have no idea as to your budget but I have just bought the Sennheiser Momentum 2 Wireless headphones. Very happy indeed. The appear to be getting great reviews for their sound quality. I also have the latest Bose Quiet Comfort and whilst they kill more sound, their music reproduction is not as good as the Momentums.
  15. [quote name='GeoffD' timestamp='1480117486' post='3181881'] Hi Bob... I don't know really, just sat down and learned songs, I didn't know anything about scales or what notes I was playing... and I only played songs that I knew inside out, after a few weeks of that I talked a mate into dusting off his guitar & jamming with me at home.......... We met a guy in the pub one night who was looking for a bass player, so we both ended up jamming in a rehearsal studio with his band .... we did a couple of freebie gigs for friends parties.........then started gigging in pubs, etc.... I also used to go to blues jam nights & forced myself to get up and play, which was really difficult. [/quote] [quote name='GeoffD' timestamp='1480117722' post='3181883'] I also used to spend hours every day practising..... and I still practice every day, I never get bored with it [/quote] Thank you. Practising songs I can understand, it is the non song practice I was trying to understand. I too play everyday, but always on technique and for my grades. I think I have gone wrong on not spending enough songs away for the grade stuff
  16. Geoff, welcome. Out of interest, what did you do in those three months to be able to play in a band so soon? I always feel like such a slow learner when I read these sort of feats. BTW, this is a genuine question not a doubt. After 30 months I am still not a gigging bass player
  17. Going to have to miss this in 2017 due to being away. It is the one bass show I go to and look forward too so a little peeved.
  18. I have just traded my Stingray 5 for Rik's Combustion V. Great guy, including a contribution to my petrol costs and very easy to deal with. The bass was exactly as described on the tin.
  19. I have just traded my Stingray V for the following. A round trip of 350 miles by car and so a little tired but so far very happy. The sound is sublime through my Glock / BT II combo± [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/294690-dingwall-combustion-5-on-hold/page__view__findpost__p__3168466"]http://basschat.co.u...ost__p__3168466[/url] Ricky's low action set up is lower than I would choose but the bass is so easy to play I may well keep it as it is. He also contributed to my petrol costs. in the absence of a feed back thread: a great guy and the add is exactly the Ronson real deal!
  20. I do but only because of a couple of videos on you tube such as these two from Scott and Fodera: [url="https://youtu.be/hJ-uXjEIz-A"]https://youtu.be/hJ-uXjEIz-A[/url] https://youtu.be/AbU48SQwXN8
  21. This not my usual genre, but I must confess to there being some great stuff on here. I am also struggling to get this tune out of my head: http://youtu.be/SbKEZKm9Nno Again somewhat mainstream but it works for me.
  22. PJB Bighead for me too. Superb bit of kit. I am not too sure re the headphones and agree better can be found. If you want to splash the cash, go Bighead!
  23. Rikki, You have my offer on another site. Just waiting for you to consider the natural wood issue.
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