Wow guys! Thanks for a ton of excellent replies!
When it comes to buildigng guitars, I have built an acoustic from scratch, although that WAS 20 years ago but that pride & joy is still sat 6ft away on a stand and sounds pretty awesome. Couldn't hope to do it again now but I do still remember a fair bit of the theory of it regards scale, etc. My dad is an insanely good electronics guy, ex computer designer/maintenance boss for the UK Met Office. Doesn't quite have a soldering iron for a right hand but he'd help with the wiring.
From the advice above, it sounds like it could be fun. And while I have my eye on a ready built one on Ebay already, I might change plans & see what I can do with this body instead.
I'll let you know what happens.
Oh, this is the one thing I'd never leave a burning building without. It is literally unique. I can say that. I never built another! (8D
Thanks again!