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Everything posted by jgmh315

  1. I contacted Ashdown about this and they have asked for the unit to be returned to them via the original supplier for repair. I got the impression it's a known fault.
  2. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1402657700' post='2475686'] Agreed & congrats on the new bass. What colour did you get ? I got an antique tobacco one & love it,now fancying a fretless in honey violin They are truly excellent basses,i have owned German made Warwicks in the past & my MIK is just as good as they were. Bloody steal at £570 too [/quote] I too got the antique tobacco, would quite like a black one as well.
  3. Just bought a Corvette Active from Thoman, very well made, nice finish and well set up. Sounds fantastic in either active or passive mode. Only needed a couple of tweaks for personal preference. Took a week to get here but that did include a weekend stuck in Germany.
  4. http://www.guitarbitz.com/guitars-c48/electro-acoustic-guitars-c82/ashton-acb100ceq-electro-acoustic-bass-p1982 No idea what it's like of course but I know the shop well and they're a nice lot. Sorry, just noticed its out of stock.
  5. Been asked the weight type bump... 6 3/4 pounds. Very light.
  6. Used GAK for a bass cab, again no problems.
  7. Only a few weeks old, excellent condition, plays really well. Can ship for £15.00 uninsured well packaged in two boxes. No bag or case.
  8. Absolute bargain, my KZ4 is superb and this has better pick ups.
  9. Does this have the asymmetric neck like the KZ4?
  10. I've found that when driven hard the head cuts out, protection circuit I believe. Not sure how to get round it, perhaps a compressor to stop peaks?
  11. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1401973702' post='2468805'] Hmmm, one of the "law suit" types has come up for sale, second-hand, near me They do look good, and I really shouldn't, but I'm tempted cos they're much cheaper than the alternative..... Are they really as good as I've heard people say? [/quote] I love mine, looks great, plays great, sounds great.
  12. Hope he does a Jazz one.
  13. Any chance of shipping?
  14. That's more like it. I watched the Perfect Strangers vid yesterday.
  15. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1400434340' post='2453830'] "Made in Japan" is an astoundingly good listen and I love "Burn" with Glen Hughes on board making it it funky. Purple are one of my all; time favourites. However every dog has its day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnSRt6HYt8k [/quote] Oh dear.
  16. Funnily enough, I decided to learn Highway Star today. Great music.
  17. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1399748551' post='2447320'] You obviously know nothing about Metallica's music if you think the Black album was their best work and being a fan of rock/heavy metal, don't consider myself socially retarded. But we are all entitled to our opinion. Yes, the audience tend to be the kind of people who believe that Britpop was a significant historical event and " Run " by Snow Patrol is indeed The Soundtrack of Their Lives, just like the advertised-on -t.v indie compilation album tells them it should be. I am struggling to see why whatever Metallica do is such a cause for controversy, considering they don't do anything remotely controversial. They are a thick-as-two-short-planks heavy metal band who churn out one dreadful racket after another for an adoring audience consisting largely of the socially retarded. Presumably it is the absence of any real drama or controversy in that scenario that compels their followers to create it. The irony is that Metallica as an entity are quite devoid of controversy because, to be brutally honest, they lack the wit to create any. They just aren't that kind of a band. They make very conservative and predictable music for a very conservative and predictable audience. As far as that kind of sweaty, grinding rifferama goes, I'm sure that Metallica at the top of the pile for aficionados , but in their entire career they have made about forty five minutes worth of worthwhile music, most of which is the black album . The more commercial tracks on that L.P were superb, everything they did before or since is disappointing by comparison. Why should anyone care less or be shocked and surprised if Metallica play Glastonbury ? Their music and their whole act is a commercial proposition just like the rest of the bands on the bill. They put on a show for money. The difference between Metallica and Coldplay is essentially the same degree of difference as there is between a tin of baked beans and a tin of Spaghetti hoops. I'm sure they will go down a storm with the festival goers at Worthy Farm. They are tailor-made for that kind of event. [/quote]
  18. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1399745388' post='2447297'] I thought the reason acts go down well at Glastonbury (or any big festival these days) is that basically the sort of people who go to these things basically don't give a f*** who's playing, they'll jump around & whoop & cheer to absolutely anything because it's about being there & being able to bore everybody shitless for months about what a "great experience" you had there rather than the music. Exactly right. [/quote]
  19. [quote name='megallica' timestamp='1399665233' post='2446558'] in 1990 and 1991 [/quote] They say you lose your memory as you get older, lol
  20. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1399662639' post='2446508'] In the day i always thought Anthrax were better tbh.....or Slayer really ;-) [/quote] Slayer were brilliant live. Clash of the Titans in the 80's, they just blew everybody away.
  21. I've not really liked anything they've done for twenty years, but they are a kick ass live band. Seen them lots of times and they've always delivered.
  22. Nothing to be worried about, I enjoyed it. Good stuff.
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