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Lenny B

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Everything posted by Lenny B

  1. I came to the conclusion a while ago that one of each is the way - Rosewood P with flats, Maple J with rounds, and a fretless P-J with flats - best of all worlds!
  2. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1000867' date='Oct 26 2010, 10:02 AM']Yeah, I was just messing. Mind you, I [i]really[/i] have to put some effort in to get a pedal off (I'm a tiny weakling though). A small square in each corner of a pedal is enough to attach it securely, so a little can go a looong way.[/quote] Noted, nice one Thanks
  3. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1000855' date='Oct 26 2010, 09:54 AM']This stuff's brilliant. I can lift up a whole PT2 plus pedals just by grabbing two pedals at opposite corners and lifting. Bit of a bugger if you actually want to move stuff around on the board though. [/quote] Oh really? I've some (guitar) pedals as well, so was planning to change things about. The velcro can peel away from the board easily enough can't it?
  4. [quote name='alexharvay' post='1000830' date='Oct 26 2010, 09:38 AM'][/quote] Thanks - will give it a try Cheers
  5. Question: - I'm compiling my first proper board (photos to follow), have bought a Stagg cheapie-thingie, velcroed the pedals down, BUT the velcro to the board is stronger than the glue to the pedals, so the pedals aren't staying in place when I move it. Any tips? Any recommended velcro with acme ultra-glue? Cheers
  6. Check this guy - loads of tips on how to play like Macca... [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/beatleoyaji"]http://www.youtube.com/user/beatleoyaji[/url] I don't think your rig will get you a Macca sound, but mutes, no treble and a pick will get you a retro sound that will probably do, and will do for everyone at the gig
  7. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='988590' date='Oct 14 2010, 11:02 PM']I do worry about those guys. They don't seem to handle the high life very well.[/quote] The Haggis'? Good days, bad days I guess... Great players though (which was the point of my post - do you know them? happy to chat more via PM if you do)
  8. I'm ex-Leeds College of Music So's Corinne Bailey Rae's band - half of them are ex-Leeds So's my mate Malcolm, now playing with Jamiroquai / Mark Ronson / Haggis Horns And definitely check out JD73 - awesome musician (ex-Morcheeba)... And Rob Mullarkey of Brotherly /Zero 7 - amazing musician, one of the best bass players I've ever met And Martyn Kaine the drummer (nitin sawney / kyle eastwood) But other than my mates, yeah, everyone else is probably sh*t
  9. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='987203' date='Oct 13 2010, 05:54 PM']you could always try my cheapo option : [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13344&pid=695295&st=340&#entry695295"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry695295[/url][/quote] I think we have a winner! Nice one, thanks
  10. [quote name='sk8' post='987232' date='Oct 13 2010, 06:25 PM']i just put feet on mine. Furniture ones i think about £2. Worked a treat [/quote] Ah, but then it won't fit back into the combo chassis... Thanks though
  11. [quote name='jonunders' post='987145' date='Oct 13 2010, 04:56 PM']what about a piece of mdf or ply, cut to size and covered with a suitable material, with a slot cut into it to sit over the cab handle. just a suggestion i have now experience of this problem.[/quote] Ah - that requires more work than hitting 'Buy It Now' on Ebay... A possible project. I think my short term solution is take the combo too for a 300W 3x10 stack!
  12. putting feet on the cab is an interesting idea... will have a think around that I thought of putting it sideways, but I reckon that a cramped stage will prevent this Cheers
  13. I've a GB Shuttle 3.0-10 Combo (bought from this site), which is great. I've also the Shuttle 2-10 Extension Cab (also via BC), which I'll be gigging for the first time this weekend. Now, the combo balances nicely on top of the cab, but if I want to detach the head and use it just with the 2x10, because the carrying handle is on top of the speaker, the head won't lie flat. It's unlikely to slip or fall on its own, but doesn't look great and could easily be knocked. Other than putting the head on a nearby table or something, does anyone have any suggestions / tips? I had a look on the GB site but couldn't see any gadgets that may solve this. Cheers Len
  14. PM'd
  15. Resurrecting this old thread... I've a gig coming up where ideally I'd switch between passive jazz and active fretless, but I'll be using someone else's amp and don't know how easy it would be to switch channels / whether there's an active/passive switch or otherwise match the gain. Am I right that a boss LS-2 wouldn't be ideal, as the gain's will still be mis-matched? (A further related point is that my Demeter Compulator distorts a bit with the active bass - there's an adjustable gain pot, but does anyone have any experience of matching this for switching between active and passive basses?) Or should I a) get active pickups for the Jazz or; get passive pickups for the fretless? Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi etc etc
  16. [quote name='Shambo' post='974907' date='Oct 2 2010, 12:36 PM']I'm the owner of a Demeter Opto Compulator pedal which, when 9v battery powered, easily fulfils my simple compression needs. However, when I try to power it with an ac/dc adapter by the mains, it emits a clearly audiable whistle. I'll admit the adapter wasn't the most expensive in the shop, ('Lynx Multi Power Supply' from Dawsons), but I didn't want to spend a fortune to power just a compressor and a tuner. It powers my TC Polytune perfectly well on its own BTW. Have any other forummers experienced something similar before I throw money at getting the cherished pedal fixed, or should I just buy a pricier adapter? [/quote] Why not take it to a shop to try a pricier adaptor? If that works, great, if not then get it looked at. Not to ask a stupid question, but is the adaptor you're using actually compatible? (but I don't know how it could not be...) If it works fine with batteries, then I'm thinking it's more likely to be the adaptor than the pedal...
  17. Lenny B

    colda feedback

    Great to deal with, I'd happily sell him more stuff Top guy
  18. [quote name='nugget' post='963047' date='Sep 21 2010, 10:09 AM']PM'd re Q-tron I'll take it....[/quote] And replied to - SOLD pending the usual
  19. Ba-da-bump
  20. I WANT IT (TOO).... MUST RESIST (TOO)....
  21. That's Gary Rackham with the Oli Brown band - both great players
  22. Sunday morning bump Coffee?
  23. Lenny B


    Very sad to hear this news - he was a warm and humorous presence on the site. Sending love to his family and friends
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