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Everything posted by julesb

  1. Thanks for the replies everyone. I ordered another aluminum one before I saw the replies. The notification thing was off. Even with the new one it doesn't seem strong enough to give me a flat neck. It's playable but it just doesn't want to adjust that final bit and after having spent 108 Euros I'm a little bit anxious. It's great to know the steel one fits though and no doubt I'll be visiting the shop in the future... I never had this sort of shit with Yamaha ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again.
  2. That's great Andy. Thanks so much for your advice. Luckily I got the bass for a really good price so it hasn't ruined me (yet!) Cheers, Jules
  3. I bought a lovely 1994 5 string Warwick fortress. I set it up nicely and did one gig with it. I went to make another tweak and the truss rod broke. This has never happened to me in all my years of setting up my own basses. It's not a big deal as it's designed to be easily replaceable but I think the truss rod has already been replaced at least once as the one in there was installed upside down. So, my question is, is there an aftermarket alternative that is better quality than the Warwick item? It's the double action 635mm version. Thanks in advance.
  4. The documentary on Netflix is essential viewing.
  5. We are (Japanese) family. 1978 BB1000 1978 BB1200 Fretless 1985? (not sure) BB400s Fretless 1984 BB Vis. I also have a really nice 414 and a battered and abused 614... Some people have a crack habit. I have a bad BB habit... The first two are unbelievably great instruments. The 1000 has a replacement bridge as the original snapped in half! How? I have no idea. It came with that and the replacement gotoh which to be honest is a better bridge. I have the original black pickguard but I like the replacement. This bass has seen some action but it's just lovely. The 1200 is a lined fretless which I've only just acquired. I'm not sure if they did a factory lined fretless but the job that's been done is perfect and it wouldn't surprise me if that was a custom option. It's bee in a case for 30 years but will get an outing next week at a gig. The 400s is good but weighs as much as a horse. It could use a bridge pickup imo. The medium scale BBVis sounds tremendous and is mint condition with original hard case. I still find it a bit odd playing a medium scale after a 34". It does have a little bit of neck dive which I've never experienced with a BB.
  6. Hi all, I've just installed/replaced an undersaddle piezo in my previously butchered (๐Ÿ˜€not by me!) Godin A5 and although it works, the signal is overloading my recording interface even with the gain set to minimal. I've had to turn down the volume on the onboard pre to stop it distorting. I'm sure I've made a schoolboy error so can someone tell me what it may be? I have vague memories of some sort of resistor somewhere from the pre-amp to the battery but I can't remember as this project has been on the shelf for a while and I didn't take any pics beforehand (another schoolboy error) Many thanks, Jules
  7. ๐Ÿ‘There's not much quality footage of him it seems, so a treat for us all. I'm beyond jealous that you got to see the Before the Dawn shows!
  8. For all the Giblin (and Joan ) fans out there in in case you haven't seen it.
  9. For what its worth, my final attempt before taking it in was to replace the neutrik speakon connectors which I had my eye on from the beginning. Voila, the amp is back and sounding great.
  10. Ok fair enough. Looks like new amp time. This is the second issue I've had with Markbass so I'll try my luck elsewhere this time. Clearly people have great experiences with MB so I know they're not all bad. I'll take it in a some point to the local electronics guy and you never know... Cheers!
  11. Yeah, I'm actually in Germany but it's the same thing here. One service centre. Unless a board needs replacement it might be doable by a regular repair person. (he says hoping...)
  12. Hi everyone, Before I think about taking this to a repairer does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this sound? There's a pretty much constant woosh/hiss which you can't hear when playing but sometimes it makes the sound in the attached file which then goes away for a while and then starts again randomly. The leads are all good and I've checked for obvious cold solder points. The amp works perfectly apart from this but I fear it will break when I need it most. Interestingly it doesn't make this sound through the built in DI which is perfectly quiet. Any ideas appreciated. The amp is quite old now so it may be a case of it becoming a paperweight if it's expensive to fix. Thanks in advance. p.s. The fan never seems to come on. I replaced it and it's still the same but it doesn't seem to get hot. markbass noise.mp3
  13. I haven't but friends have and if it just for the purpose of getting a demo together...
  14. Welcome to Lewes! I'm just about to leave after many years but for high quality use Echo Zoo in Eastbourne. Or if you want cheap and cheerful Starfish in Lewes.
  15. That's (almost) better ๐Ÿ˜€
  16. These are soooo good. Why would any working musician buy a 70's Fender for three times the price (yes I've been there) when you can have this? Crazy times...
  17. Perfect transaction with Paul. Great communication and a top man. Hope you enjoy the bass as much as I have. Cheers!
  18. I think your're right that it would look better the other way round but you can take the lid off the MB for ventilation and it would indeed cover that hole so rather than risk it I stack it this way. The 4x8 is a great little cab but the revelation for me with this amp is adding the cab and running at 500 watts. It was always a good combo but now it just sounds brilliant. This could be the simple fact I'm just shifting more air but whatever the reason I love it. The problem for me is that I have a stiff load cover in my car and the MB will not fit under it so I have to travel with it on my back seat and it's why I'm thinking of selling it. I wouldn't hesitate to have the head and separate cabs...
  19. MB Cmd 210 paired with an Ashdown ABM mini 4ร—8. Not one for the visual purist but wow it sounds good. Adding a cab to the MB turns it into something else all together.
  20. Anybody changed the pickguard on their Ray 34? The pup rout is different from the standard SR. I have a black I want to change to tort with minimum expense.
  21. SOLVED! After taking it all apart what seems like a hundred times, the culprit was the connection between the battery poles and the contact strips in the battery holder. TFFT! Thanks again to all who got involved in trying to help. I know a lot more now then I did at the start of this. Cheers!
  22. Ok, just checked it with a multi meter and there is continuity between all points from the pre to the battery and the jack which has also confirmed that the wires are in the correct places. New battery installed. Zilch....
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