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Everything posted by Diablo

  1. Would you split? I already have an m500 and would be interested in the 8b to go with my rig. Cheers Rich
  2. A very nice looking result there! Well done.
  3. [quote]It stands to reason that if you quote a post that has been removed for having libellous content then your post will be pulled as well.[/quote] Ah, Kylie and Rose wine, I was getting carried away there.
  4. Was my post libellous? What bizarre moderating.
  5. If you can help me get this past the Mrs... Want... need.... must have....
  6. never stopped "The Who"...? Power is based on speaker ability to handle the power (amps x volts) coming in, but as has been said the cab also has an effect due to resonance etc. As with cars the best way to upgrade to more power is to sell your existing rig and buy a more powerful one! Cheers, Rich
  7. [quote]It hasn't turned me into Superman[/quote] well you've reached spiderman status so not too far to go! surely a hollow body is the way to go, I personally love the Coronado and Gretsch http://www.gretschguitars.com/products/index.php?partno=2411412805
  8. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1398184050' post='2431327'] I personally dont particularly like playing in bands with two guitars anyway but thats just my opinion [/quote] It does require each guitarist to give each other space and take their turn - having both competing at full whack just ends up with a wall of noise and not much else. I play in a band with 2 guitarists, and although I've had to upgrade amp and cabs to be heard, they do work with each other and take their turns at rhythm/lead and on different songs to mix it up. It also gives me 2 guitars to hide behind, it always feels a bit naked when we do a set with just one guitar if one of the guys is off on holiday. In that I mean mu mistakes are move obvious! Cheers, Rich
  9. If the band relationships are working then usually people play what they think works, each to their own speciality, and it just works without people telling others what they should and shouldn't play. I've never told anyone in the bands I've played in what to play, and neither has anyone told me, except when the rhythm guitarist is shouting across the stage "D...D...!!" when I've messed up and wandered off somewhere I shouldn't have! You know what bass works for a song and you should be in the band and respected for that. My thoughts anyway.
  10. check his feedback through - buyer beware!
  11. Yes that is Roger. A very accomplished band with some good songwriters behind them, if they keep at it I'm sure they will get a big break.
  12. Two items - 1. your website has been taken over by the pledge, so how can people find out about the band, members, back catalogue songs, contact info etc..? I'd suggest the pledge should be part of your site, but not take it over. I want to know more about you guys but can't. 2. Can you pledge without having to register on that site? I don't use facebook, and hate getting spammed to death so tend to avoid registering for generic sites? For instance what is wrong with a link on your own website with a paypal button to make the pledge? Cheers, Rich
  13. It seems to be when people decide to take thing far too personally, then go on the attack by flailing wildly in all direction with a blunt keyboard, all hell breaks loose. All this over an average song posted 6 months ago, it seems that Easter has brought out the angry in some people for no known reason. Maybe being locked at home with the family, or too much chocolate, has affected the brain in some negative way. Either way I couldn't give a sh*t. But I suppose it is politically incorrect to say that. Politics was never my thing.
  14. Have they changed drummers in the last year or so? I rememeber listening/watching some of their shred stuff a good while ago and thinking that the bass was very talented, but ultimately way over the top and unnecessary, and the drummer was crap. It seems the drummer has either changed or improved, and the rest is the same. Just because you CAN play every note on the fretboard at 250bpm does not mean you NEED to in every single song you play, original or not. I never did work out if the bassists was male, female or eunuch though.
  15. Compressed air may help, at 100psi it will shift any dust but not require a week to dry afterwards! Just don't use an airline with an inline oiler in or you will have machine tool oil spots on your nice clean bass body.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1398002200' post='2429392'] Inspired by the success of Obama, perhaps..? ("Yes, we can...") [/quote] More of a case of "no we shouldn't!!"
  17. I can imaging hoards of redneck banjo-ists clambering to own a Sunoco gee-tar to play on the porch at night. Wuite how anyone would need hundreds of thousands of dollars to set up such a company is beyond me, there is not exactly a high financial outlay to make one of those, let alone 20 show samples. I guess we put these in the "interesting but ultimately pointless" category.
  18. The "20% off all stock" signs went up in one of our local music shops last week. I go in there weekly as my son has his guitar lesson in the room above the shop. Most I've ever bought from the shop is a few picks. Grumpy unhelpful bloke coupled with very poor stock makes it difficult to do business with them. Problem is 3 doors up is JG Windows who's stock, attitude and pricing are excellent. They don't just have spotty student types working there for a few quid an hour, most of the staff are experienced musicians and one is a gigging bassist who is always super helpful. Shops blame online competition, but I don't see that really. It is how the customer perceives the service and how you stock and present goods the customer wants to buy. CHeers, RIch
  19. You could do a lot worse than give Andy Baxter a call http://www.andybaxterbass.com/ as he does not just sell bass guitars, his den in London is a studio and he works with a producer of all sorts or stuff. It has been said above - good mixing/producing may not be cheap, but you generally get what you pay for. Personally I'd give him a call and talk it through, nothing to lose. Cheers, Rich
  20. If you are soldering stuff then you can do a lot worse than blow your entire budget on a 24v Weller iron, they are so much better than any 240v budget type iron you can buy. I run mine off a 4amp variable DC power supply (not a proper Weller supply - they are quite expensive) and it just does the job much better than any other iron I own. Cheers, Rich
  21. Watching with interest! For lacquering over decals I always do the base, leave it for at least a week to cure/offgas, apply decals, then leave another week in a dry warm place before top coating. In the past I've had decal edges lift and wrinkle by getting too over eager so time is your friend. Cheers, Rich
  22. Scott's vid has many good points, but why the hell can't people like him take themselves to play and show an A/B/C type compare? With the different bass lines he in playing and tossing around at it makes tone comparisons rather difficult, as in the different styles and tones he talks about are as much about what he is playing rather than how he is playing it. All skilful playing, all rather unnecessary IMHO.
  23. what a shame you cut the demo just as the bass got going into a nice riff and it changed feel in the song. I would have liked to hear where it was going. Good video from stills though, some vids just cut from image to image twice a second and become nauseous, your had a nice mix but kept the feel. I know nothing other than being a punter who buys stuff I like - all I would say is bring a few different movements in the song(s) into the demo rather than just one section, it gives more feel of where the whole thing will go for the potential buyers. Cheers, Rich
  24. I don't have the heart to disagree with you there
  25. pics please, I love the look of these!
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