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Everything posted by Diablo

  1. I'd get half a dozen songs that you like and are circuit staples - depending on the kind of stuff you want to play. As for band-mates well I wouldn't go hunting other people of your level, try to get into a group that are more experienced as they will pull you along really quickly. I've seen several "new" bands made up of beginners and they just get stuck in a rut not knowing how to progress, which songs to choose, or how to start/end/improv. You need half a dozen songs that you can play without any notes and with very few mistakes so at least if you audition you can bash through a 1/4 set to get a feel. Cheers, Rich
  2. I don't use facebook but I've sent him a PM via youtube, cheers for the vids and info!
  3. As the title says - It is Mrs Diablo's 21st (again...) and rather than some nasty 80's disco DJ I thought it better to sort out live music. It is in Staindrop Village Hall just West of Darlington. I am arranging for the band I play in to do a 1 hour warm-up, then I would like a "proper" band to follow with a two hour set with 20-30 min break. Genre is blues, RnB and rock. I can agree the setlist but fairly open. Must include Midnight Special and some CCR, must not include any Whitesnake! It will be attended by 50-60 people I expect and they will be there to dance/party and appreciate the craic. If you have any recommendations for bands let me know, any website or youtube links will help. PA will be there and there may the possibility of sharing a drum kit. Cheers, Rich
  4. I don't get it - once you get past a certain point in playback and speakers the room becomes the sound quality driver. You can spend £1m on gear and put it into a tinny small high ceiling box and it will sound terrible. Put same gear into a theatre, and even better again a theatre filled with people, and you will not recognise it I from the same gear. My bass setup sounds terrible in my rehearsal room, but in an open pub/hall with people in it sounds totally different to the point punters tell me it sounds great. Same gear - different room. Even people moving around in a room change the sound as does temp, air pressure etc. Remember it is just a bunch of waves in air at the end of it all. All I can say - If I spent £350k on a stereo it would need to be custom built into a Bentley.... Cheers, Rich
  5. It is Mrs Diablo's birthday in a couple of weeks and she has serious GAS for a National Style O. My problem is I can never bring myself to buy modern copies of old models, I'd rather save and buy the real deal. Now if you talk National, then it has to be a Style-O, and if a Style O, then it has to be a mid 30's surely? Brothers In Arms is the over-riding desire here and that is not going to go away. So, I don't know that much about 6 strings, and even less about Nationals. What do I need to look for, where to buy, anyone got one for sale etc? There is one at Notom that I cannot get out of my head. I was there a fortnight ago and really liked it, but the price is perhaps on the sharp end of sharp? http://notomguitars.com/collections/resonators/products/1934-national-style-o It is actually up for £500 less in the shop, but I've struggled to find a reference to prices for these. Fender Bass guitars are quite numerous to find, but it seems not mid 30's National Style O's! Any advice, info or looks for/avoids most welcome. Cheers, Rich
  6. We played a local village hall last night, was a bit surprised to find the local WI running the bar! Racketeering old girls! Was a bit worried when the couple of bands prior were doing either acoustic folk or (really good) RnB. We fired in at least twice the volume of anyone else prior, and gave them a right mix from Dr Feelgood to Judas Priest to the Foo's. Put it this way, there had been no dancing before we got going, and by the second set the organisers where clearing tables from the central area to make more room for dancing! The thing that really made it for me was when standing at the bar waiting for a pint the old lady (approx. 70 I reckon) collecting the glasses walked past whistling "Blitzkrieg Bop" to herself, which was the tune we finished up the first set with. I reckon she was re-living a mis-spent time in the 70's and having a thoroughly great time. I suppose that is why I play and want to get out there and do it live. Bring pleasure to the masses, and enjoy doing it. Great stuff. I'd video'ed most of the night will edit up a vid and post on youtube. Cheers, Rich
  7. Here is my feedback thread so please be nice!
  8. Mod approval sorted but I need to post up on the affiliates section. I cannot do much as I only have my phone due to travelling until Friday. As a luddite I don't know how to use the basschat mobile site to post links etc or to set up basschat discounts on my site. Will sort it over the weekend but in the meantime will do via pm. Cheers Rich
  9. I've got a CAR P, do it, with the white pick guard it will look very smart indeed!
  10. Diablo


    I went to see the commitments stage show a couple of nights ago. If you have seen the show, read the book or seen the film you will know the jazz quote. I say no more.
  11. After some searching and a lot of footwork on London over the last few days I landed at the door of a certain Mr Andy Baxter and was invited into his man-cave. I realised at that point it was inevitable we were going to end the evening with a Yorkshire Stand-off. After playing about with a few I got down to two that I liked, but one was fitted with rflatwounds. I'd never played flats as I only ever use rounds. Hated them. No probs said Andy, he brought in a new set of strings and proceeded to fit them there and then for me, set it up again and straight away it just felt right, and the condition was at the right end for its age, not worn out but just a little worn. So - the 68 or the 69, both sunburst, both in similar condition. It had to be the 68 but now the Yorkshire stand-off. Putting two Yorkshiremen in a room to do a deal is never going to be a quick and easy activity We came to a deal, Andy did some tweaks on the truss rod for me and job done. I know what I'm doing tomorrow - strings to play in and going to play it until my fingers hurt too much! First vintage guitar I've ever owned, so I thought I'd start off with what I hope will be a very nicely playing instrument. Only problem - visited Denmark St the day after and found an immaculate '34 National - can't play a 6 string, I'd hang it on the wall and look at it! Cheers, Rich
  12. It was "Niall Kelly Blues & Roots Band". They were tight, made the band I play in look very amateurish!
  13. I will try yo find out. The lead singer was early 30s player an acoustic short curly brown hair and had a northern Irish accent. Keys guy had an orange Roland organ and was just fantastic. Bassist was very talented black guy and played a black squire PJ. Sax looked like peter stringfellow. Lead guitar was tall and thin with beany and looked like drummer groom rhcp. Drums guy was tall and thin with scraggy hair and beard. I'll do a search and see. As for prices well 3 drinks each for me and Mrs was £23 But free to get in. Our only rnb club in darlington is £8 each just to get in and of no better quality than I saw last night. I didn't think it was too overpriced. Cheers Rich
  14. Don't know who the band were, a 6 piece (on that stage!) who were excellent, the place was packed and really jumping. A new place on my list of visits when in London. Just about to jump on the train back to Sanity now though, next stop Darlington. London is great, but 3 days is enough every few months for me! Commitments show was fantastic too. Cheers, Rich
  15. Pocket money spent and commitments tickets bought but that finishes at 10pm. Where would you recommend I visit after 10pm tonight for some live covers type rock or rhythm and blues tonight somewhere near charing cross Cheers Rich
  16. Double post
  17. HNGD to me...... pics when I get home tomorrow. Pocket money spent and big grin after visit to Mr Baxter. Cheers sell, Rich
  18. Pau - I used the rest of the black acrylic to make you some 10 x 35 rectangular. I only had enough material for four. How many do you want as you have first refusal! Barkin - 486 trade for some rests if you want? Still waiting for the okay from mods but all plastic are ready and alu will be complete over the weekend. Ty ad follows, when they are gone that is it. Dipped means with the thumb profile. Black dipped no chamfer - 6 Black dipped small chamfer - 18 Black dipped large chamfer - 2 Black straight - 4 Aluminium dipped - 20 Cheers, Rich
  19. I cannot attend the show, but I do not think that is right place to buy anything really. Too many people and too much noise. You have to seek to find. There has not been anything on the forum to float my boat in the last few months, but there are half a dozen on sale now in London that I am interested in. Appointments made, will report back later. As for price and value, well that is for the buyer to decide right? Cheers Rich
  20. I work in Northern Ireland sometimes - try spending an Ulster Bank £20 in England and see the responses people give. Myusualy line is "its fine, I gave the ink plenty of time to dry". As for the forged £50, well probably tape it to the back of an amp as a reminder for ever more, and never accept a £50 again. Split the rest between you. You'll never get rid of a fake £50 as most places won't even take them. Cheer, Rich
  21. [quote]But the Denmark Street shop is still there, it's changed owners but is otherwise much the same place as before. The owner (Ron) has been around for ever. Previously he was Brian's right-hand man at Wunjo's. [/quote] I see Wunjo are on Denmark St. Any idea of the name of the place that used to be Vintage & Rare? Cheers, Rich
  22. Cheers everyone, I'll resort to email as BT seems to have messed up the comms in London!
  23. [quote]No wish to de-rail your thread, Diablo, but you'll probably a find a better selection (and better prices) here on Basschat! [/quote] Very true, but in the absence of my deep knowledge on such things the ability to visit London, talk to people who know their onions, try several out and do it all on 2 days means I can make the most of a visit and hopefully come home with something. GAS and the sale of some stuff recently has taken over me....! Thanks for the shops above, looks like an afternoon on the phone and email and line up some visits. What I really want is an original 1974 J-bass, but there are none on the forum hence my shop search. Cheers, Rich
  24. Might be off to London for a couple of days later this week with the aim of coming back with a vintage Fender. I've got 3 shops on my list, are there any more worth a visit? I'm not interested in new stuff, only good quality vintage. Wunjo - seems to have some but limited selection Andy Baxter - Good stock but need appointment and not currently answering phone Bass Gallery - phone numbers are dead so don't know if they still exist Any more worth a visit? Cheers, Rich
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